View Full Version : National Forum escapees head to the 'burbs and show what this place is about

5th October 2012, 12:13 PM
G'day all.

Words are really not enough for me to say what I feel about this, so I've left it a bit understated. Well, a lot understated.

A few days ago Bigrig wrote about a bloke battling serious health issues, etc. It seems there are a few of us on here. I wish us all well.

Some of the people at the forum took the time to drop by our place - it was a real pleasure to see them, to tell the truth, it was a bit overwhelming. I wouldn't have missed it for quids, and am still smiling!!!!

Here's a photo.

I'm so pleased to be part of this place - thanks again!!!! Take a bow, all.


Edit from Toddie: Thanks Benny for the names

from left (blue jacket) ben-e-boy. muddonk. AB. bigrig. nisshead. macca86. nickpeacock. dhuck. roofy

5th October 2012, 12:26 PM
Yeah.... It was a setup mate with Bigus & Mrs Silver being the main instigators behind it all....

You gotta love that brilliant wife of yours old mate & of cause we all love Bigus the big lug.

I take my hat off to all who attended as you are simply the best kind of human beings.

Rick, I pray you pull through as I know your giving it your very best & if there is ever anything I can do to make thing easier on you just say the word & it will be done.

Our very best wishes
Paul & Sam

5th October 2012, 12:39 PM
Well Silver, now we know who was the bloke not doing so well.
Mate I like others will do what I can, use this to contact us all I guess or the big fella.
Great bunch of blokes on your front lawn there and even thought I could not be there my sentiments would be the same as theirs.
Real good to hear they bought out a lasting smile.
Keep looking up, stick it in low and plant it.
All the best mate.

5th October 2012, 12:46 PM
Hope you didn't have to feed them, a couple look like they've been in a good padock for a while The rest
look like they were born in a pie shop, but I digress..
thats what this forum is about I suppose support to fellow members, no matter what that is.
Only good can come of this, well done to all concerned and those left here to carry the whip,
our thoughts are with you as well I'm sure of that, PAY IT FORWARD.
Take it there was no dress rule either. lol

5th October 2012, 01:15 PM
One can only influence dress codes so far while sitting there in one's second best boxer underduds :-)

Sorry for my ignorance threedogs, but what does Pay It Forward mean?

Thanks all for your kind thoughts and support, they mean a lot to me, and to my family.


5th October 2012, 01:24 PM
If you do good it will be returned sort of like Karma, Its a movie if you'd like to watch it.
Haley joel Osment , Helen Hunt and Kevin Spacey. Few smokers too,
can't preach as only given up now for 3rd month, big call for me 50 a day
can't really remember not smoking, but thats another topic. hire the movie
bit of a tear jerker,I liked it But I also thought "attack of the killer tomatoes " was a hit.
Just goes to show you how wrong you can be somtimes, I like my musicals But alas no more

5th October 2012, 01:30 PM
Keep on smiling Rick, laughter makes the world a better place.

I'm not a praying kinda guy but I will have a beer or 2 for you if that helps.

Looking forward 2 seeing you on next years forum meetup where ever that may be

Wishing you and the family all the best

Toddie, Erin and the 2 feral children

5th October 2012, 01:34 PM
Sorry for my ignorance threedogs, but what does Pay It Forward mean?

If someone does something good for you, then paying it forward means you then go do something for someone else. That someone else then does something for the next person and so on and so on :)

5th October 2012, 03:46 PM
sorry to hear you are crook Silver, never met but I wish you all the best with your health mate. cheers Stropp

5th October 2012, 03:53 PM
Hey Rick, It was a pleasure to come out to see ya mate. Maybe not in best of circumstances but it was a pleasure all the same.
I don't think our attire or looks would have changed any thing at all. It was purely a great moment for all of us.I bet.

Chin up buddy and as said before, anything you need and I mean anything just yell out mate.

ps.I love my pies and beer so if you don't like the way I look then you can pi55 off! :)

........... On the move

5th October 2012, 05:04 PM
All the best to you Silver mate hope we an catch up at next years meet.

Kris I didn't recognize you in that photo. Your extended holiday has seen you blossom hahahahhanahahahaha
Meat pies n sausage rolls woo hoo

Sent via my tapping thumbs

5th October 2012, 05:07 PM
Kris I didn't recognize you in that photo. Your extended holiday has seen you blossom hahahahhanahahahaha
Meat pies n sausage rolls woo hoo

Sent via my tapping thumbs

hahaha, yeah 3 months indulging has taken its toll.. Lol
Back to work mid month so should get back to my normal fat self..hahaha

........... On the move

5th October 2012, 08:29 PM
I just want to say on behalf of all of us who attended that we wish you a speedy recovery and we cant wait until you are on your feet and out on the tracks with us

good luck mate.


while I am here ill put names to faces for the rest of you. from left (blue jacket)
ben-e-boy. muddonk. AB. bigrig. nisshead. macca86. nickpeacock. dhuck. roofy

5th October 2012, 08:34 PM
while I am here ill put names to faces for the rest of you. from left (blue jacket)
ben-e-boy. muddonk. AB. bigrig. nisshead. macca86. nickpeacock. dhuck. roofy

Thanks Benny, it's nice to be able to put names to faces. Much appreciated :)

6th October 2012, 07:42 PM
thanks all for your kind thoughts, and for the visit!!!!

6th October 2012, 07:45 PM
Didn't get to meet you but some how feel I have already, thoughts are with you and will catch up real soon I would Imagine.
Keep the shiney side up eh

8th October 2012, 07:58 PM
All the best to you silver,hope everything works out mate.You have evryones support.
As for the dress code Threedogs, Spot the victorian LOL