View Full Version : Damn daylight savings.......again

DX grunt
5th October 2012, 09:44 AM
Well some parts of OZ go back to being 3hrs behind the rest of us, this weekend!

Enough said.

5th October 2012, 09:47 AM
Who cares, we get more daylight! Yahoo!!!

5th October 2012, 09:47 AM
Sorry Mate have to disagree LOL
Love Daylight Saving with Daylight extending to nearly 9pm by the longest day of Year.
Not for everyone but I love it

5th October 2012, 09:50 AM
It should be daylight savings all year.

5th October 2012, 10:02 AM
Yeah daylight savings were/are the best....pity i'm in Qld as these guys just wont go for it!!!! Just means more hours of daylight after work to go wheelin' from where i sit! #jealous much

5th October 2012, 10:06 AM
I love it at least you can do something after work, even leave to go camping, knowing enough light to set up
Kristoffa if it was daylight saving all the time what would it be called E.S.T or just normal
Big two thumbs up for me.

5th October 2012, 10:15 AM
Bring It On !!!!

I dislike winter, Summer play in the shed till 7.30ish, then light the BBQ for dinner... fantastic.
Winter cold and miserable hide inside lighting the fire at 4.00pm.... blow that.

Plus its light too early now, birds doing their wake up song at 5.15 thismorning LOL

5th October 2012, 01:38 PM
Whoot whoot...... bring it on......... more light for fishing, camping and 4bying....... doesn't get any better !!!!

5th October 2012, 01:43 PM
Did anyone see AB on the other thread, an extra hour of sun LMFAO. gunna be one sore boy.
Whats the cure oh yes now I remember "stay out of the sun". sheesh
now just need to tell the cows, chickens, fish list goes on

5th October 2012, 02:41 PM
Bring it ON I love daylight savings yee haw

Sent via my tapping thumbs

5th October 2012, 02:45 PM
Think you're outnumbered there Grunt!!

5th October 2012, 02:45 PM
You still two tapping on that top tapping unit??

5th October 2012, 02:47 PM
Wearin the ends of me thumbs out ;-)

Sent via my tapping thumbs

5th October 2012, 02:56 PM
ah well you will send pooter off for repairs, lucky here, my youngest can pull apart and put em back together, just got a knack about them
how they work, what goes where, all I got is shitty $500 laptop, does what I want.

5th October 2012, 03:41 PM
if you want more dayight move to alska or the land of the midnight sun, imho daylight saving is crap nuff said.

5th October 2012, 03:59 PM
Tough call...
Being woken at 5:30 with the sun belting through the curtains.
Sun coming up at a reasonable time, plus a couple of hours to do stuff after work.
I think I'll take option 2!

5th October 2012, 04:11 PM
Bring it on, can't wait.

Get a chance to actually do some things around the house after work and enjoy the weekends. Get a chance to head down the coast, swimming, diving, driving, living.....................


5th October 2012, 04:16 PM
Mate you forgot to add "drinking" there?

5th October 2012, 07:36 PM
Well some parts of OZ go back to being 3hrs behind the rest of us, this weekend!

Enough said.

That 3 hrs bhind is to give you guys a chance to catch up lol

6th October 2012, 07:05 AM
Try putting kids to bed and its still day light? You would think the world was going to end. For that I hate it. For me personally like most you other guys, have that extra day light tme to play, BRING it on

6th October 2012, 01:06 PM
I've lived in Hobart, Melbourne, Sydney Brisbane and Townsville and I have to say DLS is great ... down south! Not much fun in the evenings, mid summer in QLD tho.
Split time zones on the East Coast are crap for business.
I find it funny that Tasmania was able to convince Vic and NSW to extend DLSs ... a bit inconsiderate I reckon! ��

6th October 2012, 01:08 PM
Kristoffa probably has the right idea - move everyone's clocks forward and keep them there all year around. ;)

6th October 2012, 01:11 PM
Then it would be just normal time ...sheeeesh am I the only one getting this.

Here I sit alone in a world of weirdos lol Quote from somewhere

6th October 2012, 01:22 PM
True, but don't tell the Mexicans, they'll want an EXTRA hour!!

6th October 2012, 01:43 PM
True, but don't tell the Mexicans, they'll want an EXTRA hour!!

What's wrong with having a25 hour day. LOL

Sent from the secret chambers of our secret society, on a secret iPhone, with a secret pin code and eye retina scanning from a secret peep hole, just don't tell anyone OK, cos it's secret........

6th October 2012, 01:47 PM
Then it would be just normal time ...sheeeesh am I the only one getting this.

Here I sit alone in a world of weirdos lol Quote from somewhere

Then what would we have to get exicted about in October and depressed about in March?????

I get it threedogs :)

6th October 2012, 02:10 PM
I am Mexican and proud of it, the home of the mighty VB. That is
available AUST wide, can you say that about your favourite state drop.
Here endeth the lesson lol

6th October 2012, 02:30 PM
if you want more dayight move to alska or the land of the midnight sun, imho daylight saving is crap nuff said.

In winter its dark here at 5:30pm.......... Im not asking for the midnight sun, just want to get home without having to put the head lights on!!

6th October 2012, 03:47 PM
I'm with you Ross, we get enough sunshine over here all year round.............but it does give the sheep states time to catch up mate.

6th October 2012, 04:00 PM
Daylight way too early in QLD plus sometime black as at 4.30 whats that ?
then over west will it ever go dark, easy lets all move to Darwin?

the ferret
6th October 2012, 04:09 PM
All you Eastern Staters will be laughing on the other side of your faces if you have solar power, it's gunna fry all your inverters and/or ya batteries due to sun overload..
Ya garden hoses will end up so brittle you will need a new one every couple of weeks, not to mention the curtains all fading and tyres perishing.'
Cheers, the ferret.

6th October 2012, 04:37 PM
hahaha yeah but in tassie "daylight" doesnt mean "sun" lmoa

6th October 2012, 05:58 PM
I'll be sitting on a drill rig at daylight savings change over time. Which means I can finish an hour early. Sweet, bring it on!

the ferret
6th October 2012, 06:02 PM
I'll be sitting on a drill rig at daylight savings change over time. Which means I can finish an hour early. Sweet, bring it on!

Yeah, but that means you will have to be there 3 hours before the tide, lol
Cheers, the ferret.
PS, hope ya get snagged !!!

6th October 2012, 06:45 PM
Would love to have daylight saving but there's too many old folk like grunter and Stropp who go to bed at 7pm and get up at 4am to make sure the cows are laying and the chickens are milking and the paint isn't cracking.......... Hahahaha

Never had a problem getting kids to bed or sleep..... That's what blackout curtains or blinds are for lmao

Don't stroke it, TAP it!!!!.....

6th October 2012, 06:49 PM
Another down side i just realised is that the bathurst coverage starts at 4:00 am in WA tomorrow

6th October 2012, 06:58 PM
Would love to have daylight saving but there's too many old folk like grunter and Stropp who go to bed at 7pm and get up at 4am to make sure the cows are laying and the chickens are milking and the paint isn't cracking.......... Hahahaha

Never had a problem getting kids to bed or sleep..... That's what blackout curtains or blinds are for lmao

Don't stroke it, TAP it!!!!.....

I'll give you old folk, I stay up late and head for bed at 1915 thank you :>)

6th October 2012, 07:25 PM
7:15, you must get Stroppy in the mornings.

Sent from the secret chambers of our secret society, on a secret iPhone, with a secret pin code and eye retina scanning from a secret peep hole, just don't tell anyone OK, cos it's secret........

6th October 2012, 07:58 PM
And now you know the secret to my nickname lol

6th October 2012, 08:35 PM
Yep definitely grumpy old man syndrome!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahahahaha

6th October 2012, 08:40 PM
7:15, you must get Stroppy in the mornings.

Sent from the secret chambers of our secret society, on a secret iPhone, with a secret pin code and eye retina scanning from a secret peep hole, just don't tell anyone OK, cos it's secret........

I quite often go to bed around 7:15 am too..........


6th October 2012, 08:42 PM
Yup nothing wrong with that

Tip tap tippity tip tappity tap tap ding dong tipsy topsy wopsy mopsy tippy tap tap tipitty wee

7th October 2012, 06:01 AM
Did witness daylight savings occur. Was awesome, like time travel man

Tip tap tippity tip tappity tap tap ding dong tipsy topsy wopsy mopsy tippy tap tap tipitty wee

DX grunt
7th October 2012, 08:09 AM
If you want more sunshine, turn the light on! How hard is that? lol

7th October 2012, 08:47 AM
Well now I don't have to, are you jealous???

7th October 2012, 08:57 AM
If you want more sunshine, turn the light on! How hard is that? lol

Yeah right! Have you heard of a little something called CARBON TAX!!!!! HahahahahahHa

Sent via my tapping thumbs

7th October 2012, 05:31 PM
Good luck getting up tomorrow morning for all those affected by AEDST.

4:55 wake is 3:55 wake up, das is shizen

Sent from the secret chambers of our secret society, on a secret iPhone, with a secret pin code and eye retina scanning from a secret peep hole, just don't tell anyone OK, cos it's secret........

7th October 2012, 06:03 PM
Yep, especially sucks if you didn't go to bed last night too. Worth it though!

16th October 2012, 06:55 PM
Its past 7.00pm, Ive fitted a fridge travel base in the pod for Dads Engel fridge to use as a feezer, had a beer, strengthened the floor for the extra fridge, sprayed for the black ants on the move in the back yard, cleaned the pond filter - crystal clear water to see the Goldies, had a beer, got the trailer on the work van and stocked ready for the morning, had a beer, put Patrol away as its been out side while a bit of work has been happening, had a look at the forum and done a post, put the chooks away and walked in to a lovely meal being cook by my lovely wife. Did I tell you I really enjoy daylight saving!!!

3rd October 2014, 09:17 PM
It's on us again...................
This w/end..

3rd October 2014, 10:13 PM
It's on us again...................
This w/end..


3rd October 2014, 10:14 PM

Jealous, much ?

3rd October 2014, 10:23 PM
It's on us again...................
This w/end..

Bring it on... Lol

3rd October 2014, 11:40 PM
You lucky lucky buggers

4th October 2014, 12:17 AM
Its past 7.00pm, Ive fitted a fridge travel base in the pod for Dads Engel fridge to use as a feezer, had a beer, strengthened the floor for the extra fridge, sprayed for the black ants on the move in the back yard, cleaned the pond filter - crystal clear water to see the Goldies, had a beer, got the trailer on the work van and stocked ready for the morning, had a beer, put Patrol away as its been out side while a bit of work has been happening, had a look at the forum and done a post, put the chooks away and walked in to a lovely meal being cook by my lovely wife. Did I tell you I really enjoy daylight saving!!!

took long enough didn't ya,should have all that done easy without needing an extra hour

4th October 2014, 01:21 AM
I love daylight savings, would hate to live in a state that doesn't have it.

DX grunt
4th October 2014, 04:29 AM
I'm glad my curtains won't be fading this year. lol.

And for all you West Aussies.......suck it up!!! The majority of people spoke in the referendum.

No daylight savings, no daylight savings, no daylight savings! Yeah baby!!!!!

4th October 2014, 10:05 AM
I'm glad my curtains won't be fading this year. lol.

And for all you West Aussies.......suck it up!!! The majority of people spoke in the referendum.

No daylight savings, no daylight savings, no daylight savings! Yeah baby!!!!!

Totally agree DX,but I do remember thr premier saying he knew what the people wanted that's why we tried it for 3 yrs...My kids use to have to sit on a school bus for over an hour in the hottest part of the day...it got to the point when Ebb was only in grade 1 or 2 she hated it that much she didn't hop on the bus and told the teachers we where picking her up.....after a phone call to ask where we were....and a chat with her.....we realised how much she hated it..

4th October 2014, 10:26 AM
It's ridiculous living in a country where some states have it and other dont............. all states should either have it or none at all.

and to those West Aussies that said no....... YOUR ARGUMENTS AGAINST IT ARE INVALID

4th October 2014, 10:35 AM
It's on us again...................
This w/end..

Woo HOO!!!!

DX grunt
4th October 2014, 11:08 AM
It's ridiculous living in a country where some states have it and other dont............. all states should either have it or none at all.

and to those West Aussies that said no....... YOUR ARGUMENTS AGAINST IT ARE INVALID

Why does Australia have 3 time zones (4 if you include EDST) - why doesn't Australia have just the one?

C'mon Clunkie, answer that!! lol

4th October 2014, 11:11 AM
Totally agree DX,but I do remember thr premier saying he knew what the people wanted that's why we tried it for 3 yrs...My kids use to have to sit on a school bus for over an hour in the hottest part of the day...it got to the point when Ebb was only in grade 1 or 2 she hated it that much she didn't hop on the bus and told the teachers we where picking her up.....after a phone call to ask where we were....and a chat with her.....we realised how much she hated it..

Surely the problem there is not the time that the kids are on the bus, but that the school bus does not have air conditioning!!??

4th October 2014, 11:12 AM
It's ridiculous living in a country where some states have it and other dont............. all states should either have it or none at all.

and to those West Aussies that said no....... YOUR ARGUMENTS AGAINST IT ARE INVALID

yeah clunk they should all come into our time slot..Most of our trading is done with Asian countries and there on the same time frame as us...
Zso would that mean that eastern staters wouldn't go to work till about 10 in the morning and knock off at about 7 at night...

4th October 2014, 11:17 AM
Wooot woooot daylight savings!!! Atleast now when i knock off its still daylight!!

4th October 2014, 02:55 PM
Wooot woooot daylight savings!!! Atleast now when i knock off its still daylight!!

I'm with you George, bring it on.

Up at dark, home on dusk...gets depressing mate!

4th October 2014, 04:35 PM
Why does Australia have 3 time zones (4 if you include EDST) - why doesn't Australia have just the one?

C'mon Clunkie, answer that!! lol


Look up Greenwich mean time. It's the distance travelled that creates time zones

DX grunt
4th October 2014, 04:39 PM

Look up Greenwich mean time. It's the distance travelled that creates time zones

I know. I'm just trying to ark Clunkie, up. lol

4th October 2014, 05:31 PM
I know. I'm just trying to ark Clunkie, up. lol

Worked well too hey Grunter hahahahaha

12th October 2014, 12:12 AM
Draw that line south of Rockhampton. They can stay on kilo time and SE Qld can go to Lima time.

12th October 2014, 08:26 AM
We should have it all year round

12th October 2014, 08:28 AM
We should have it all year round

That would damage the curtains...... :)

my third 256
12th October 2014, 08:52 AM
i make more money from the solar i like it

12th October 2014, 02:11 PM
Sorry guys but i'm not a big fan of it as i work enough hours now with out some clown wanting to push concrete around for an extra hour of an evening 12 hour days are enough.:mad:Bang Head

13th October 2014, 10:25 AM
Sorry guys but i'm not a big fan of it as i work enough hours now with out some clown wanting to push concrete around for an extra hour of an evening 12 hour days are enough.:mad:Bang Head

That's not fair to the rest of us unemployed, sitting around drinking beer. I like to visit the tattoo shop during daylight hours and play the pokies later in the evening. My couch in the front yard where I sit drinking gets a little more fade but it's worth it. The car bodies in the front yard also retain more heat and keep the surrounding area warmer at night. You blokes with jobs should stop complaining, it's your taxes supporting the brains trust like us coming up with the good ideas lol.

13th October 2014, 11:16 AM
i make more money from the solar i like it


Don't tell me there's an extra hour of sunlight!

13th October 2014, 04:50 PM

Don't tell me there's an extra hour of sunlight!

Ha ha pretty sure he was joking

13th October 2014, 09:18 PM
Ha ha pretty sure he was joking

God I hope so lol, but unfortunately you can't tell when it comes comes to daylight savings lol

16th October 2014, 05:11 AM
More milk from cows and more eggs from chooks.......

16th October 2014, 12:04 PM
More milk from cows and more eggs from chooks.......

And when you cook the eggs more come out sunny side up

16th October 2014, 12:06 PM
And when you cook the eggs more come out sunny side up

You dont have to cook the Eggs for so long as they have had an extra Hour of Sunshine LOL