View Full Version : What a freaking year i have had so far!

3rd October 2012, 09:30 PM
My wife and I have been married for 20 years, in that period I have never been admitted to hospital or suffered from any serious injury. Over the last 20 years, I have worked in the security industry as a weapons and defensive tactics instructor, and night club security manager. I have had more farken fights than most people have had hot dinners.

However, over the last 11 months the following has occurred to me;

October 2011 Firstly, due to sudden excruciating pain that occurred in the arse! (a large pimple i thought that could be cured by panadol and a few beers!!!!!!) I was suddenly rushed to the Coffs Harbour hospital suffering from a perianal abscess with a temp of 40 degrees. (So much for the pimple idea!)

November 2011, this then led me to be hospitalized for 4 months due to the dreaded (what i called the Gaddafi abscess) attacking my pelvic floor muscle resulting in a perianal fistula (What a shit-full experience that was)

December 2011, After fighting for my life due to a bowl obstruction, I was then flown by the royal flying doctors (great folks these people) from Baringa private hospital in Coffs to Greenslopes hospital in Brisbane. I was then diagnosed with the dreaded Crohns disease (what a pisser i said and by the way what the fark is Crohns disease i said!)

January 2012, I was further advised that I have to have Remicade infusions every eight weeks for the rest of my life (thank your mother for the rabbits I said!)

February 2012, I then tore the ligament in my left wrist whilst installing the suspension kit to the Patrol, it took eight weeks to recover (fark me swinging I said )

March 2012, the specialist advises me that due to the many abscesses in my bowel that I should consider having my whole bowel removed. (“Like farkkkk I said”)

April 2012, I then tore a muscle in my right shoulder whilst working on my camper trailer; this took four weeks to recover. (holy sho-molly, What am i doing wrong i said)

June 2012, wife tells me that we are expecting child number three (farkkkkkk meeeeee I said very calmly)

July 2012, I went out to the local watering hole with a few mates to celebrate/ (commiserate) the stunning/ (shocking) news that a 51 year old love-beast can still throw a leg! This turned into a disaster. After 3 hours of drinking the wife came to pick me up, I fell into the car. Got home and then fell out of the car. smashing my face on the drive-way!

I went to bed, got out of bed after 2 minutes due to the bed started to spin, staggered into our en-suite and spent the next two hours driving the porcelain bus (the toilet bowl.) I still cannot remember what happened next only to say I woke up throwing up all over the Para-medic. (I still cannot remember the wife hitting me with frying pan!!!!!!!)

Apparently, the wife alleges, that she heard one almighty crash, when she entered the bathroom she found me unconscious on the floor covered in blood surrounded by broken glass everywhere. As a nurse she could not stop the bleeding so she called the ambulance.

All I remember is that one sore and sorry love beast being taken to hospital whilst throwing up in a bucket. 12 hours and 18 stitches later, I was finally discharged and sent home.

September 2012, the sleep specialist informs me that now have been diagnosed with sleep apnea ( i am thinking to myself there goes the money for the turbo upgrade and 3 inch exhaust!)

I still cannot remember breaking any mirrors over the last 12 months. When it comes to luck, (i feel like a one legged man in an arse kicking competition!)

PS, is there any member on this great forum that sells lucky charms? I need one please ASAP!



3rd October 2012, 09:34 PM
Might have had a bit of a bad run mate but at least you're still laughing, hilarious stuff reading that! Here's to hoping the next 12 months go a little smoother for you hahahaa

DX grunt
3rd October 2012, 09:40 PM
I'm speechless!!!

I was only telling somebody recently that I haven't ever had any broken bones. I've had one tooth extracted, and no major operations, but as a kid got severely burnt with hot water.

The only advice I can give is to believe that all is fixed!!!

Congrats on becoming a dad, too. I had a 5 year break between #2 and #3. It was like starting all over again. I wised up and stopped after the 4th boy!!!

Having said that, we graduated from a sedan to a 8 seater Tarago.

Take care out there and I'll be praying for your good health.


3rd October 2012, 09:40 PM
so what are you saying, you're having a bad trot,,,,,,,, get in line lol

3rd October 2012, 09:42 PM
Might have had a bit of a bad run mate but at least you're still laughing, hilarious stuff reading that! Here's to hoping the next 12 months go a little smoother for you hahahaa

G'day Kristoffa,

They cannot stop us from laughing mate! ( i fareaken hope not!)



3rd October 2012, 09:43 PM
Jeeeeeezz whaddaya say to that
I got some Buddhist good luck tattoos on me chest in July and touch wood they're working so far.......scored a new job anyway ;-)

Double Tap

DX grunt
3rd October 2012, 09:46 PM
Love beast.......I love it!!!! hahahahahahahaha

3rd October 2012, 09:53 PM
I'm speechless!!!

I was only telling somebody recently that I haven't ever had any broken bones. I've had one tooth extracted, and no major operations, but as a kid got severely burnt with hot water.

The only advice I can give is to believe that all is fixed!!!

Congrats on becoming a dad, too. I had a 5 year break between #2 and #3. It was like starting all over again. I wised up and stopped after the 4th boy!!!

Having said that, we graduated from a sedan to a 8 seater Tarago.

Take care out there and I'll be praying for your good health.


G'day Rossco,

Thanks mate for your kind words of wisdom! we already have two darling daughter aged 10 & 12.

Holy-sh1t batman!, i have just realized, Freakkkkkkkk-meeeeeeee!!!!!!!, i cannot retire until i am freaking 75!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



3rd October 2012, 09:58 PM
Growler let me get this right ,you touch what for good luck??
Re read it you touch wood, really I just dont get it with you, brotha from anotha motha

DX grunt
3rd October 2012, 09:59 PM
G'day Rossco,

i cannot retire until i am freaking 75!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Me neither. I'll pick you up when I'm doing my nomad lap (on my goffa) of the island. lol

3rd October 2012, 10:03 PM
Loved it. Feeling for ya mate.. For me it goes in circles.. Had a bad run around 12-15yrs old, had all cartilage removed from left knee, braces, every nerve ending sliced from my teeth after they had re-set from braces, that involved 100 odd needles (I felt the knife to..).
Fell out of a tree to..
20-21yrs old, dislocated my right knee ( is now f&%ked to), which in turn stuffed my back up.
Now, 4 months into a new job. 2 months in got an interview for my dream job, but declined due to being 6 weeks from having a new born and the wife not up for a 450k move.. 2 weeks ago the company work for went under...

So hopefully I'm in for some good..

Sent from a device which doesn't always agree with my thumbs...

3rd October 2012, 10:04 PM
Growler let me get this right ,you touch what for good luck??
Re read it you touch wood, really I just dont get it with you, brotha from anotha motha

Whatever it takes my man, whatever it takes
You just wish your wood could touch ya chest hahahahahahaha

Double Tap

DX grunt
3rd October 2012, 10:21 PM
So hopefully I'm in for some good.

All the best to you and your missus. I'd just like to encourage both of you to hang in there in your time of need.

There is always good waiting for everybody, no matter what the situation or circumstances.

Take care out there.


the ferret
3rd October 2012, 10:25 PM
Send us ya name, Bank A/c number, date of birth and phone number and I'll make the rest of ya year lol
Not av'n a good run are ya sport.
Cheers, the ferret.

4th October 2012, 12:29 AM
Gee wiz sounds like shite, hope things get better for you and the cheese and kisses.

4th October 2012, 01:01 AM
I got a splinter once:harhar:

4th October 2012, 01:02 AM
sounds like you had a major service you should be right for the next 10,000k touch wood ,famous last words .at least it cant realy get much worse?

4th October 2012, 02:53 PM
My apologies if i offended anybody with the original wording in this thread, i noticed several edits had been performed last night by the forum admin. It was not my intentions to offend anyone only to share a funny set of circumstances that has occurred to me in my life.

Once again my sincere apologies if i offended anyone with my colorful diction!

PS, I definitely will not start a RLI joke thread due to my colorful humor!



4th October 2012, 03:14 PM
You can PM all funny jokes ;-) I like funny
No worries above mate we need to be cautious as we are rated as a family friendly forum and google may not think such phrases are family friendly. Also we do have ladies that frequent the forum. Cheers

Sent from my tapping thumbs

4th October 2012, 05:31 PM
Two taps it reaches the chin, but it was and I quote " a funny set of circumstances"
Far out hate to see it when the rrrrs falls out of you world.

5th October 2012, 03:11 PM
Two taps it reaches the chin, but it was and I quote " a funny set of circumstances"
Far out hate to see it when the rrrrs falls out of you world.

Good onya threedogs!
