View Full Version : Carn threedogs!!

the ferret
1st October 2012, 05:56 PM
Come on mate, happy hat back on, you haven't posted for hours, back into it mate.:049::bowdown:
Cheers, Rod.

1st October 2012, 06:00 PM
X2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

1st October 2012, 06:10 PM
Agreed, come on bud some of the members are missing ya already!

1st October 2012, 06:22 PM
Where'd he go!!??

Double Tap

1st October 2012, 06:24 PM
Have a look at his fishing trip thread, he said his goodbyes there. Hope he comes back.

1st October 2012, 06:35 PM
All been sorted, hopefully. couldn't let some idiot tell lies, especially about a mate, when the other person had no way of replying.
Thats it finished, forgotten, never forgiven, but lets move on, eh

the ferret
1st October 2012, 06:36 PM
Nah, he'll be back, just tying up some loose ends.
I know these things lol.
cheers, the ferret.

EDIT... I was talking about Threedogs, but he beat me to it.
Carry on oh wonderous one lol.and may your dog never bite you and your chickens never go off the lay.

1st October 2012, 06:39 PM
See! anyone that takes a leak in his own fridge can take the odd broadside!

the ferret
1st October 2012, 06:44 PM
Good bit of editing too I must say Mudrunner.
Cheers, the ferret.

1st October 2012, 06:45 PM
Thats not my fridge, its an old pic from Mums LOL

the ferret
1st October 2012, 06:47 PM
And to think your Mum used ta cut My lunch!!!
Cheers, the ferret.

1st October 2012, 06:55 PM
So does this mean your back?

1st October 2012, 06:56 PM
Kick him Out for Noise i reckon!!

1st October 2012, 07:08 PM
Hey 3dogs, hope ya stick around mate. On one condition: ENOUGH OF THE TROOPY POOPY!!! hahahahaha just kidding mate. Good to have you around mate and i wish you all the best with your health. We're a good bunch here, let us help you rally and return to form:)

1st October 2012, 07:18 PM
Alls good Taslucas, just watching a mates back, Like everyone here
now and then you come across an idiot, but you'll always get that on the big jobs. lol

1st October 2012, 07:19 PM
And he's back, in all his glory!

1st October 2012, 07:20 PM
Holy poop 3dogs I thought you'd gone stray and run away.

Sounds like you got it all sorted, so back to more cackles than my chooks after a laying session!!!

Keep em coming mate, 3dogs thats 1 more than 2...... what are you saying mate?

Seriously all the best with that other stuff you have to deal with.

1st October 2012, 07:25 PM
Ha ha my parents had a hotel and the old man threw a bloke out for pissing in the wardrobe in his room, not quite mums fridge tho ;).

1st October 2012, 07:26 PM
All good.. sometimes it is easy to get things a bit bent on the www and I understand threedogs concerns and agree with him but in future mate you stay the course and let them just f%$k off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wee tippy donk fart burp......

1st October 2012, 07:28 PM
well said, Blooyaussie

1st October 2012, 07:34 PM
Welcome back mate....

so did you actually leave????? *L*

1st October 2012, 07:36 PM
Not really didn't even make 24hrs , 15 mins of fame syndrome, Like I said alls good Happy Hat back on

1st October 2012, 07:39 PM
Look at this the forum has gone to the Dogs!! Three of them! We are all talking about 3 Boody Dogs!

This is a Nissan forum People not the bloody RSCPA!

See what happens when AB goes camping! I wonder if he has any dogs there


1st October 2012, 07:40 PM
They got a goat there hahahahaha

Double Tap

1st October 2012, 07:40 PM
When the admins are away, the mice will play!

1st October 2012, 07:42 PM
When the admins are away, the mice will play!

Not all the Admins are away mate........lol

1st October 2012, 07:55 PM
When the admins are away, the mice will play!

when mice place, they get there heads cut off in the mice / rat trap!

This mod is not far away, even though I didn't make the meetup , I have taken the week off work 2 keep an eye on you guys *L*

1st October 2012, 07:58 PM

1st October 2012, 07:59 PM
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrowler hahahhahahahaha

Double Tap

1st October 2012, 08:02 PM
Not all the Admins are away mate........lol
Well all the ones that count are!!!!!! he he he.... dont hurt me.

1st October 2012, 08:02 PM
ooohh im a Lucas , im so tuff!!!


1st October 2012, 08:08 PM
^^^^^ that right mate hahahahha

Double Tap

1st October 2012, 08:16 PM

1st October 2012, 08:17 PM
im going to screen shot everything from now on hahahahaha

1st October 2012, 08:34 PM
Well all the ones that count are!!!!!! he he he.... dont hurt me.

You just made my "members to watch" list......hahahahahahahahahahahah

1st October 2012, 08:36 PM
ooohh im a Lucas , im so tuff!!!


Toddie... you can ban this one if you like............hahahahahahahahahah

1st October 2012, 08:39 PM
ooohh im a Lucas , im so tuff!!!


Toddie... you can ban this one if you like............hahahahahahahahahah

Ya should have seen the disgraceful stuff i had written before growlers fixed up!

1st October 2012, 08:42 PM
im going to screen shot everything from now on hahahahaha

Thought you'd like that hahahhahahaha...............I did ;-)

Double Tap

1st October 2012, 08:47 PM
Toddie... you can ban this one if you like............hahahahahahahahahah

sorry mate, have spent countless hrs trying to work out why he kept getting kicked of the forum and finally sorted it out, can't ban him now!

On the other hand

Well all the ones that count are!!!!!! he he he.... dont hurt me.

now that sounds like an instant banning *LMAO*

1st October 2012, 08:50 PM
i cant believe threedogs thought about leaving. With such great discussion as this going on!

the ferret
1st October 2012, 09:10 PM
I've just ordered more popcorn lol
Cheers, the ferret.

1st October 2012, 09:12 PM
I've just ordered more popcorn lol
Cheers, the ferret.

Congrats Rod on the 2000+ post, keep em coming mate.............

What was this thread about again?????????.............................

1st October 2012, 09:13 PM
Popcorn I reckon ;-)

Double Tap

the ferret
1st October 2012, 09:19 PM
Popcorn I reckon ;-)

Double Tap

cheers, the ferret

1st October 2012, 09:23 PM
Nah Ferrets 2000 posts, well done Looking forward to more from you.

1st October 2012, 10:53 PM
Welcome back buddy.

Sent from the secret chambers of our secret society, on a secret iPhone, with a secret pin code and eye retina scanning from a secret peep hole, just don't tell anyone OK, cos it's secret........

2nd October 2012, 07:43 AM

I don't know spend a day off the forum it all goes to hell, 3dogs is gone then he's back.

What's going on here. Nice to see you back 3dogs, we lost another entertaining forum member recently, I would have hated to see us lose another.

Good to see that happy hat is back on mate, get the nail gun out and make sure it stays there.

You would have been missed here,

Also where is this popcorn everyone keeps talking about.


2nd October 2012, 07:46 AM
Got me beat, Happy hat is here to stay, sheeesh only stopped posting for less than 24 hrs.
But alls good now, another phone call to make at 8 to get CLOSURE

2nd October 2012, 08:47 AM
we lost another entertaining forum member recently, I would have hated to see us lose another.

It was a shame Mark that we lost a member recently that had posted some very good info 2 the forum, Unfortunately sometimes members try to test the mods out, in his case he was given plenty of warnings but still wanted to carry on like a child over something so small. Even after his ban was lifted and a thread asking him 2 come back, he chose to carry on by deleting his Photobucket account so the forum would loose the pictures that went with his posts. He has been on since he left us but hasn't contributed anything else and chose 2 ignore the thread asking him 2 join back in.

Sometimes people are going to clash with each other and some members may think there post shouldn't of been edited, I personally don't take to editing post lightly ( and I'm sure its the same with Admin and the other mods ) but if I believe it be offensive to others or may be seen as offensive by others it will be edited.

We are all adults here and should talk about the cause of the problem at hand and seeing if it can be resolved rather than just having a tantrum and leaving the forum.

And threedogs I'm not having a shot at you in the above comment and am glad you have your happy hat back on :)

2nd October 2012, 09:08 AM
I recently posted something on this Forum which I thought was funny but some members were offended by it and I deleted the Post.
We are all a quite diverse group of People and there are always going to be different points of View and thankfully most members realize this.
Glad to see Threedogs back and wearing his happy Jacket. Wish him all the best with his Op.

2nd October 2012, 09:10 AM
And threedogs I'm not having a shot at you in the above comment and am glad you have your happy hat back on :)
He's not happy he is just on some powerful meds and gives that illusion !!!!!!

2nd October 2012, 09:27 AM
I recently posted something on this Forum which I thought was funny but some members were offended by it and I deleted the Post.
We are all a quite diverse group of People and there are always going to be different points of View and thankfully most members realize this.
Glad to see Threedogs back and wearing his happy Jacket. Wish him all the best with his Op.

And removing that post was a good call on your part Bob :)

Yes you found it funny, some others may of found it funny but it did also offend some as well so you kindly removed it with no fuss and us mods never had to intervene, which personally gave me more time to enjoy the forum and hijack everyone else's post *LMAO*

2nd October 2012, 09:28 AM
It was a shame Mark that we lost a member recently that had posted some very good info 2 the forum, Unfortunately sometimes members try to test the mods out, in his case he was given plenty of warnings but still wanted to carry on like a child over something so small. Even after his ban was lifted and a thread asking him 2 come back, he chose to carry on by deleting his Photobucket account so the forum would loose the pictures that went with his posts. He has been on since he left us but hasn't contributed anything else and chose 2 ignore the thread asking him 2 join back in.

Sometimes people are going to clash with each other and some members may think there post shouldn't of been edited, I personally don't take to editing post lightly ( and I'm sure its the same with Admin and the other mods ) but if I believe it be offensive to others or may be seen as offensive by others it will be edited.

We are all adults here and should talk about the cause of the problem at hand and seeing if it can be resolved rather than just having a tantrum and leaving the forum.

And threedogs I'm not having a shot at you in the above comment and am glad you have your happy hat back on :)

Mate I didn't realise the full story with that former member, so please don't think I was having a shot at the Admin crew here. I just think it's unfortunate when we lose productive members as I believe that is what makes this such a great forum and such a knowledge base to tap into.

Oh and 3dogs good luck with the op mate I hope it all goes really well for you.


2nd October 2012, 10:10 AM
Think this thread needs to be deleted, I didn't drop a tantram, but stayed away as I knew I would write something offensive.
Then again so know, some dont lets move on eh. wasted to much time over this as it is,

2nd October 2012, 10:12 AM
As requested Three Dogs thread locked

Double Tap