View Full Version : Nice score at Supercheap

29th September 2012, 06:26 PM
So I do a lot of contract work for the Supercheap group, i.e Supercheap Auto, Ray's Outdoors, Goldcross and BCF. Anyhow, last Tuesday I was at a SC store and noticed they were asking customers if they wanted to sign up for the club card. In the five stores I was at not one customer I saw said yes. The deal is, you pay $5 for the membership, they instantly give you instore credit of $10, plus if you buy something and it goes on sale after you paid for it within two weeks of your purchase date, SC will credit you the difference.
So I though what the heck, I'll sign up, and I bought straight away a tree trunk protector for $40. The next day I get a flyer in the mail from SC and the Tree trunk protector I bought went on special for $25! Sweet! I just got a $15 in store credit on top of my $10 credit already. So I had more stores to visit on Thursday I a decided to buy their Bridle Strap they had which is currently on special for $27'ish. So I paid them another $2 and got my Bridle strap.

Happy as a pig in shite! Got the TT protector on special, $25, and the Bridle Strap for $7 all up including sign up fee.

Just thought to share this for anyone who cares....

29th September 2012, 06:40 PM
Sometimes you win like that... nice one!!!!

I have a trade card and get a ok discount from them plus get along with the staff at my local so they always look after me.

29th September 2012, 07:13 PM
Yeah thinking of applying for a trade card. I pass the credentials for one I reckon as I was in spare parts for 18 years and actually have an apprenticeship certificate for it.