View Full Version : To a Forum Mate - We're 100% Behind You!!

27th September 2012, 09:05 AM
Just because I know he'll see this thread, and just because I think it warrants mentioning.

There is a member on here who many know personally, who is having a rough trot at the moment with their health (very serious). A nicer, more genuine person would be hard to find, and they have constantly kept in touch with me to advise of whether they could attend the national meet or not. Up until about a week ago, they decided to battle the odds and lock it in, but unfortunately, the ongoing need for treatment means that they won't in fact be able to make it (as of this morning).

The effort this individual puts in on here and at other meet ups to date (simply to attend is a challenge), is nothing short of inspirational, and whilst many of us have more posts per say, not many contribute more in actual information, support, guidance and encouragement to undertake those odd jobs that we all inevitably put off and/or don't know how to do.

I'm not mentioning who they are, as that is I believe how they would want it, and request others who know them not to mention any names (alias or otherwise), but I simply wanted to make sure that this particular person, when they read this thread, knows that there is hundreds of 'mates' on here who are 100% behind you, offer their well wishes of support, and are there for you should you need anything at all.

I know many of you are scratching your heads, saying "what is Biggus on about", but I assure you, you all know this person fairly well (about 20+ of us know them extremely well in person) and your comments of support and encouragement might just be a nice way of letting them know that there are people out there beyond an Internet site who have genuine concern for the well being of those we actually call our 'mates' on here, rather than just calling them 'forum members'.

I will be sure to raise a toast to you at the forum meet up, offer every best wish, prayer and hope I have to see you fighting fit again, and thank you for your contribution to the site, it's members, and me personally. I look forward to many, many more years of the same to come.

27th September 2012, 09:16 AM
Good luck mate chin up all best thoughts and wishes with you from here

27th September 2012, 09:19 AM
Well said Biggus and all the best to whoever this is and best wishes from all of us!!!!

Sir Roofy
27th September 2012, 09:21 AM
well said biggus and all the best to whoever this is and best wishes from all of us!!!!

x2 on that mate

27th September 2012, 09:27 AM
Very nicely written Scotty. To whoever it might be... We are behind you mate, so all the best and hope for a speedy recovery

........... On the move

The BigFella
27th September 2012, 09:29 AM
and this is the very reason the atmosphere in here is like it is!
You can call it fooling around, you can call it blokes slapping each other on the back!
I'll sum it up in one word,,,,,,compassion.
Now you dont often get to see or feel compassion these days, but it's alive and well in here and I love it!
Compassion for mates a lot of us dont even know and probably will never get to know.
Through this forum we are brought together from all corners of the globe, from all walks of life!

Best wishes old mate and may you sit in the drivers seat for many more years to come!

27th September 2012, 09:32 AM
Well said mate and if it's who I think. It is you need anything at all lets us know you'll have many a person here willing to help

27th September 2012, 09:41 AM
As above if there is anyway that you can think we can help we are here willing to offer. All the best to whoever it may be our thoughts are with you.

27th September 2012, 09:50 AM
Let all our thoughts,Prayers or whatever be with them in this difficult time and wish a speedy recovery

27th September 2012, 09:53 AM
Kind words spoken from the heart from good friends, like others I do not know who you are but wish to add my support to you and yours.

I hope you can face this new obstacle in your lfe and stare it down.

All our best thoughts.....

27th September 2012, 10:27 AM
Best wishes to whoever it may be. The compassion here makes you proud to be part of the forum.

27th September 2012, 10:31 AM
One big free hug to who ever it is, as Newby says anyway,anyhow we can help, only a PM away.
may the future hold nothing but happiness for you

27th September 2012, 12:56 PM
Do not know who it is but wishing you all the best mate.

27th September 2012, 02:30 PM
Ditto to all the above - got no idea but that doesn't matter, still would like to wish you all the best and IF there is anything within my scope to help please let me know xXx

27th September 2012, 06:23 PM
I may not know who you are but chin up mate we are all friends here and willing to help out if needed!

27th September 2012, 06:35 PM
I can't even take a guess at who Scotty is referring to ( well I could but would probably be wrong ) but I'm sure I have chatted with you on numerous occasions.

I hope you get over you health issues quickly and make a full recovery.

I wont't be at the meet up 2 raise a toast for you, so I will start now :trink13::trink13::trink13::trink13::trink13::trin k13::trink13::trink13:

27th September 2012, 06:37 PM
Sorry to hear you are not travelling too well at the moment mate.

My best thoughts and wishes are with you.

If there is anything I can do please let me know.

27th September 2012, 06:55 PM
We all know what it's like to be sick but when illness hits you straight in the face, you just don't know what to do.
At that time you really need to look upon others for strength and assistance.
May the Gods of Patrology look upon you to heal those who need healing.

Sent from the secret chambers of our secret society, on a secret iPhone, with a secret pin code and eye retina scanning from a secret peep hole, just don't tell anyone OK, cos it's secret........

27th September 2012, 07:16 PM
Just because I know he'll see this thread, and just because I think it warrants mentioning.

There is a member on here who many know personally, who is having a rough trot at the moment with their health (very serious). A nicer, more genuine person would be hard to find, and they have constantly kept in touch with me to advise of whether they could attend the national meet or not. Up until about a week ago, they decided to battle the odds and lock it in, but unfortunately, the ongoing need for treatment means that they won't in fact be able to make it (as of this morning).

The effort this individual puts in on here and at other meet ups to date (simply to attend is a challenge), is nothing short of inspirational, and whilst many of us have more posts per say, not many contribute more in actual information, support, guidance and encouragement to undertake those odd jobs that we all inevitably put off and/or don't know how to do.

I'm not mentioning who they are, as that is I believe how they would want it, and request others who know them not to mention any names (alias or otherwise), but I simply wanted to make sure that this particular person, when they read this thread, knows that there is hundreds of 'mates' on here who are 100% behind you, offer their well wishes of support, and are there for you should you need anything at all.

I know many of you are scratching your heads, saying "what is Biggus on about", but I assure you, you all know this person fairly well (about 20+ of us know them extremely well in person) and your comments of support and encouragement might just be a nice way of letting them know that there are people out there beyond an Internet site who have genuine concern for the well being of those we actually call our 'mates' on here, rather than just calling them 'forum members'.

I will be sure to raise a toast to you at the forum meet up, offer every best wish, prayer and hope I have to see you fighting fit again, and thank you for your contribution to the site, it's members, and me personally. I look forward to many, many more years of the same to come.

Well written
It still astounds me in this day and age that theres people although not 100 % will try and put others before themselves, its a definate tradition ala old skool that somehow got lost in recent times
We all sometime in life face issues we dont like, but how we battle them and handle them makes us the people we are
So to whomever you are,dont ever bottle it up,speak to someone an ear to listen, a shoulder to lean on is sometimes all you require to look a battle from a different approach

Chin up , everyday you wake top side of the grass is a positive

DX grunt
27th September 2012, 07:17 PM
Like I say......

Take care out there.

All the best, to whoever you are.


27th September 2012, 07:34 PM
What a champ you are Scotty, always there for anyone. Heart of GOLD mate, :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown: You where there when i needed some help in a far away state and i know of numerous occasions where you put yourself out there to help others. Top bloke and im glad to be associated with this forum to know people like you. Well done

As for old mate who's not travelling to well, Stay strong fella and remember you have a great and very large extended family out here only willing to do what ever is needed to help out. Best wishes buddy, thoughts are with you. Stay strong and dont hesitate to contact me or anyone else for that matter, even if only for a chat, ( for anything.)

Stay safe, Get well soon, Cheers Pete

27th September 2012, 07:44 PM
I know it's all been said before and anything I could add would seem as an also ran.

So to whoever it is all I can send is my best wishes to you and your family and I hope it all comes together for you OK.



the ferret
27th September 2012, 08:11 PM
All the best from the ferret mate, I sure hope it all turns out for the better, stay safe and hang in there Pal.
Cheers, Rod.

27th September 2012, 09:23 PM
Same as written above mate,hope,thoughts and prayers are with you whoever you may be.
Rasing my glass for you now mate,all the best and be strong.

27th September 2012, 09:30 PM
to whom we are speaking about we all wish a speedy recovery and our best wishes are with you and your family

27th September 2012, 09:40 PM
All the best. Might catch ya at the next get together

27th September 2012, 09:49 PM
Whoever you are, wherever you are, what ever you need, just ask mate:) We are all behind you. All the best buddy

27th September 2012, 09:58 PM
Sorry to hear that the person in question is not coming.

Hope to hell it all comes good mate, your a hell of a man. (You know who you are)

27th September 2012, 10:20 PM
Ditto to all that has been said, which makes this hard to write as I don't know who you are but you are obviously well regarded in the Patrol fraternity and hope the big fella upstairs is listening to all our thoughts and prayers, you are not alone on this one mate.

27th September 2012, 10:41 PM
I know who you are & my thoughts & payers are with you & your family old mate.... Bigus will vouch for me when I say if there is ever anything I can do then just consider taken care of...

Best Regards
Paul & Sam

28th September 2012, 12:09 AM
Mate you have got a good bunch of bloke looking out for you. sort out your health and stick around here. We will help you where ever we can. I assume you live in QLD so i think the best thing to do now is relocate to Victoria where all the best blokes live and you can sit around in the Patrology Church at AB's place and recuperate!! ;)

Hope you find health and happiness bloke. Reach out to anyone here anytime.

Cheers MR

28th September 2012, 03:26 PM
Donno who you are mate, but my best wishes are with you and if I can do anything for you.. I am just a shout away.

One for all, all for ONE.

19th October 2012, 10:28 AM

Howdy everyone, just a quick update on the situation. Most people are aware of who the member is now through word of mouth and genuine concern for his well being (asking in PM's etc). Rick (Silver) is going through an exceptionally tough time of it, as is his family, and post speaking with his wife to ensure it was ok to do so, I thought it would be best if I posted something up here to allow people to offer comment etc, reminders of many of the great conversations had with Rick on the forum, trips that he's been on, and generally messages of support and understanding that Fran could read to him in hospital. I know many of you haven't met him personally, however, take it from myself (speaking on behalf on those who have met him), that he is genuinely wonderful individual who has assisted many (at cost of his own time and investment) and provided many an entertaining and informative post that has been the backbone of a huge amount of threads on the forum. There wouldn't be many on here who haven't read his posts, and to say he always provided an articulate and, in many cases, thought provoking response that changed views without any level of ego or malice, is an understatement. That is simply the measure of the man - always there to offer input and assistance, without looking for any personal gain other than satisfaction at knowing he's helped another in need.

Rick was diagnosed with bowel cancer in November 2010 and since then has developed further tumours in his liver which were extensive and made any type of resection impossible. Chemotherapy has stopped as of a few months ago as it was found to not be working. Rick was originally admitted to the Palliative Care Unit of Prince Charles Hospital with the view that he would be assessed and allowed to return home for a length of time. This is now not an option with those tumours now affecting other areas.

Fran would like it known that the hospital staff have been nothing short of sensational, and that Rick is receiving the best care possible, in the right place to receive the treatment/care he needs right now.

Fran and Eliza (Rick's wife and Daughter) are facing an exceptionally difficult time, and like myself, I'm sure all our thoughts and prayers are with them.

To Rick

You're a bloody legend mate (and you only have a third of the posts I do?? What's the story there??!!! lol). To say I am gracious and proud to have met someone like you (who can put me back in my box at times ... I respect that!! lol), is putting it far too lightly.

Life is short, no matter how long we get to live it. It is the contents in our lives that decide its value, regardless of duration. You have made my life more 'valuable' by being a part of it, and always know that you have yet another mate to depend on solely because of the impact you have made on me in such a short period of time.

Not sure if Fran has informed you yet, but you probably shouldn't have asked for me to work on Silver/Slug. It's looking awesome with the new 6 inch lift and 37 inch mud tyres, but having some trouble with the super charged V12 engine install ... but I'll get it right I promise!!! That's what you wanted right?? lol

All my very best to you mate.

To Fran and Eliza

Please know our thoughts, prayers and offer of support is with you always. We are but a phone call away, and although I know you have friends and family beside you through this time, I trust some comfort is given knowing you have an 'extended' family who are there for you should you require it.

God's Blessing to you all.

Scott, Sandra, Liam, Ivana, Keeley and Nathan.

19th October 2012, 10:39 AM
That's a terrible thing to hear. Haven't met him but like you said seems like a top bloke. My step-dad discovered he had prostate cancer early this year. We were very lucky in that he found it early, so it was easily manageable and after one operation it is completely gone. Now that was a huge scare for us, cannot even imagine what you and you're family are going through.
My utmost thoughts with him and his family, wish you all the best in the years to come.

19th October 2012, 10:43 AM
To Rick Fran & Eliza

Bigrig has said it all and you all have my best wishes

19th October 2012, 11:14 AM
Beautifully said as always Scotty.

Rick, it was a pleasure to finally meet you on the QLD meet up and by the looks of the support and network you banana benders have up there made me jealous!!!

Your in good hands up there mate with a lot of people that care for you and your family and as I said to you in person....Knock this ship on the head mate!!!

Rick kindly gave me a great book on all things camping, solar usage and calculations, campers and all things we love. Ive referred back to it a million times for references on things and It's the bible for camping or preparing. I want this book to be used by all of our members here and just pass it on to the next person once you have finished with it.

I can't remember who wanted it when I mentioned it at the meet up but if you see this then PM me so I can give it to you and lets keep it going round the network!!!

19th October 2012, 11:32 AM
To Rick Fran & Eliza

Bigrig has said it all and you all have my best wishes

Just as Bob said, the Macca Family

Pauls not well, Johns back at the surgeons.

Thinking only good toughts for all of you.

19th October 2012, 12:40 PM
Silver, Fran and Eliza, my thoughts and best wishes to you all.

Sent via my tapping thumbs

19th October 2012, 01:03 PM
Just don't know what to say, really don't. When you do get down here in Vic You'll be pleased to know they've
put the alcohol content back up to 4.9 again. I'll be cracking one for you tonight

19th October 2012, 01:26 PM
Bigrig, big man, big heart !!!

To Rick, Fran and Eliza

Our thoughts are with you all at this sad time.
Keep fighting the good fight Rick. I know Paul (patch697) counts you as a great mate even though he hasn't met you, which tells me that you are one special person. Having read some of your posts, I believe the forum is a better place having you as a member.

Remember that you are a loved and highly respected member of this huge forum family. I'm glad the lads got the chance to visit you. I'm sure it meant the world to all involved and we wish we could have been a part of that.

Keep smiling and fly with wings of gold

Paul and Sami xxx

19th October 2012, 02:11 PM
Bigrig, your a champ mate.

Although I do not know Rick or his family, I certainly know first hand what they are going through, and for this I add my family's thoughts and prayers to Rick, Fran and Eliza. I hope our thoughts to you give you some measure of comfort during these difficult times.


Rob, Narelle, Katelyn and Daniel.

19th October 2012, 04:18 PM
To Rick, Fran and Eliza,

I'm another member who has never personally met you but feel I know you through the forum.
Our thoughts are with you all at this difficult time.


19th October 2012, 07:27 PM
To Rick Fran and Eliza
Will keep you all in my prayers and on Sunday will offer up the whole day.

You are a top bloke and we had many good chats on the forum, so keep your chin up and I wish you a very speedy recovery.

19th October 2012, 10:02 PM
To Rick and family,
Have chatted on the forum with ya mate, but have not had the honour of meeting you personally,
I really dont know what to say, that has hit me for a sixer.
Even though i dont know you personally Rick, Fran and Eliza, i can certainly understand what you are going through,
and in this difficult time my thoughts and best wishes are definately with you all,
Like Scotty said Fran, the forum is like an exteneded family to most of us and it really hits home when something like this confronts us.
Stay strong and know we are here to support you all in your fight.

Best wishes B & Pete

19th October 2012, 10:32 PM
All the best to Rick and the family. Sometimes the tough roads don't get easier, just a constant battle but chin up stare it right in the face and say I will not give in.
Lots of love to you all. God bless.

Yeeleh, my car won't start. Woop woop woop woop.
Bro, My car won't start.

19th October 2012, 10:49 PM
Dam, I just read this thread and it's struck a cord, i personally lost a family member to cancer, we are grateful it was quick after it was diagnosed terminal.
Never good to hear, mine and my family's prayers and well wishes go out to you guys.
No mater were your loved ones are, remember they never leave your heart or soul.
It sounds like the world is loosing another great soul. Again best wishes to you guys.

Kallen Westbrook
Owner of
Westy's Accessories (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?15134-Westy-s-Accessories.-A-small-back-yard-builder.)

19th October 2012, 11:11 PM
Rick, Fran and Eliza my thoughts go out to you all during this tough time. Although I've not met Rick and only chatted on here on here, he's always been very helpful, honest and a true gent and I have nothing but total respect for him.

All the best

Don't stroke it, TAP it!!!!.....

19th October 2012, 11:31 PM
Rick, if you get to read through this (i hope you do), you should know you have touched many people in many ways, most of us would have never met a more genuine gentleman as yourself.

Im not sure if you will remember, but the night at Camp Lake Fire 2011, about 2am, we both found ourselves sitting on a rock looking up, under the stars, everyone else was asleep.

I can still remember the conversation , i often reminisce of that night, and id hoped one day to repeat the short but fun times we had, to be honest i was naively counting on a lot more time, i can't help feel somewhat robbed, knowing the opportunity for many more 4x4 trips together in reality, may now not come to fruition as id hoped, please try to never give up hope my friend, and know i will always think of you when ever i look toward the heavans......



21st October 2012, 08:49 AM
To a man one can only aspire to be like, articulated educated gentle kind, does not boast a pleasure to have known you and call you a mate

21st October 2012, 09:04 AM

It is with the sincerest regret to inform you all that Rick (Silver) passed away early this morning. Fran was by his side and Rick went peacefully.


I know you'll be watching down from above guiding us to do things the right way rather than our half baked approach at times!

You'll be sorely missed mate!

Our sincerest condolences to you and the family Fran. He was a wonderful man, and will not be forgotten as a valued friend and mentor to many of us here.

21st October 2012, 09:07 AM
Rest in peace Rick

21st October 2012, 09:12 AM
Truely sorry to hear this news, from my family please pass on our condolences at this time.
when someone passes it looks like this eg 1944 - 2012, what most people miss is that dash in between.
RIP Rick

21st October 2012, 09:12 AM
RIP Rick.
It was a pleasure to have met you mate.

Condolences to the family!

21st October 2012, 09:15 AM
Rest in Peace Rick
Condolences to you Fran and the Family

21st October 2012, 09:29 AM
My condolences to Fran and family.
May you rest in peace Rick.

Don't stroke it, TAP it!!!!.....

21st October 2012, 09:31 AM
R.I.P Rick. Really wish I had a chance to meet you.

My sincerest condolences to Fran and family. Our thoughts are all with you.

21st October 2012, 09:32 AM
Sad news. RIP Rick.

21st October 2012, 09:33 AM
Our condolences go out to Fran, Eliza and family. Rick was one hell of a man and great mate to all. He will be truly missed by us all.

Dave (Dhuck), Bec and Caiden

21st October 2012, 09:33 AM
Our sincere condolences to Fran and family. Rest in peace Rick.
From Mick and Natalie.

Publicly speaking to a private audience.

21st October 2012, 09:38 AM
R.I.P Rick, you will be missed.

Sincere condolences to the family.

21st October 2012, 09:50 AM
Rest in Peace Rick

Our condolences to you Fran and Eliza

Paul and Sami xxx

21st October 2012, 09:55 AM
R.I.P Rick.
Our deepest condolences to the family.

Kallen Westbrook
Owner of
Westy's Accessories (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?15134-Westy-s-Accessories.-A-small-back-yard-builder.)

21st October 2012, 11:58 AM
RIP Rick. It was a pleasure meeting you, a true gentleman. Condolences to Fran ane Eliza from all the Peacock family.

the ferret
21st October 2012, 01:32 PM
Rest in peace Rick, so sad to see you go mate.
I'm gunna miss your posts.

21st October 2012, 01:39 PM
It's your time to Rest in Peace Rick ... Our heartfelt condolences to Fran, Eliza and Family :(

Sharen, Brad & Kids

Sent from Sharen's iPhone using Tapatalk ....

21st October 2012, 02:03 PM
RIP Rick
You will be missed here but Heaven had gained another angel.

My deepest condolences to Fran and Eliza


Tappa Tappa yappa yappa

21st October 2012, 04:25 PM
Very intelligent man as many of you would know after meeting him. To be so open and kind to members at meet ups and still battle this thing head on is a true credit to him and his courage should and I am sure does make his family very very proud. As Scott mentioned on the first post, Rick was a factual member and if there was anything that needed research whether is was legal or not he was always happy to lend an opinion. I am sure though with Big Rigs hand we will see Fran and Eliza out and about on many more meet ups to come.

21st October 2012, 06:38 PM
RIP Rick you are one of the oh so rare true gentlemen of this time. I'm glad to have met you and have enjoyed reading your very informative and thought provoking literature. You are a top bloke and will be sorely missed mate. My thoughts and condolences go out to the family be proud he was certainly the one in a million.

21st October 2012, 06:46 PM
It sadens me to say fairwell to a top bloke.
May you now be at peace Rick, you will be truely missed.

Regretfully, my sincerest condolences To Fran and family, and Ricks close friends,
My thoughts are with you all. Stay strong and be there for one another.

Scotty as you were obviously the closest member to Rick and his Family,
I know how draining a fight like this can be both mentally and physically as well as financially,
Would i be out of line suggesting we take a up collection on behalf of NISSANPATROL.com to help Fran and Eliza out through this stressful time.
Just a thought as i know first hand how draining it can be.

B & Pete

22nd October 2012, 09:13 PM
Our sincrests condolences to Fran , Eliza and all Rick`s family and friends.
R.I.P Rick
D & J Pearce