View Full Version : Self Serve Check-outs

20th September 2012, 09:01 AM
We were having this discussion here at work and we all agreed they are a bad thing.
What is your stance on them?

I've used them once and they scared me. They've got them at half the supermarkets around here, apparently Bunnings and Masters are bringing them out too. IMO they are doing kids out of a job, they don't need to pay a computer wages, then if I'm doing the job of the checkout chick, why aren't I getting a discount? The only person they save is the company and I understand they need to make money, but I'm pretty sure they were doing just fine with how it was before.

20th September 2012, 09:04 AM
Hate them, ok just at supermarket, but not the hardware shops

20th September 2012, 09:07 AM
Also very easy to nick stuff, or put things through at a cheaper price. See it done all the time.

20th September 2012, 09:08 AM
they are no good, they take the opportunity from some 15/16 year old for the chance to get their first job. besides i like dealing with a person not a machine. my job is to work with computers so im not a technophobe but what these terminals stand for is de-personalisation at the max. im not so sure in the city but in my small country town everyone kinda knows everyone and its nice to say hi to familiar faces when you go to the shops.

20th September 2012, 09:09 AM
I use them when the lines are long at the checkouts and I have only a few items.
Can take them or leave them

Sir Roofy
20th September 2012, 10:19 AM
I dont like them for the reason that there doing the kids
and working mums out of a job
i know we have to move forward but its just pure greed
from the big companys, there for they should pay higher
taxes for the privalage of adding to unemployment lines

20th September 2012, 10:39 AM
I agree with all the above....

1. Doing kids out of work
2. Easy to run everything through as "brown onions"
3. Really painful when you see "muppets" running a whole trolley load through them, taking 45minutes when I just want to get home to the family with milk, bread and eggs.....And every self-serve counter has a trolley load.....ARRRRRR! (TURNING GREEN) *HULK SMASH*!!!

20th September 2012, 10:43 AM
2. Easy to run everything through as "brown onions"

too funny im in a work conf today and i nearly burst out laughing =)

20th September 2012, 10:54 AM
Also very easy to nick stuff, or put things through at a cheaper price. See it done all the time.

There's you discount Chris:-)

Tap, crackle, pop

20th September 2012, 11:34 AM
Another way to take young jobs away and I never use them. In fact our community in the town don't use them so now there is only 1 or two checkout chicks and they are insanely busy so hopefully management put back on more staff.

20th September 2012, 01:13 PM
They are awesome. Nothing worse than standing behind a massive line up just to buy three things! They're not in my local supermarket. You guys are totally right about the jobs though and i will use a person when one is available but how many times is there a massive line up just because they only have 4 out of the ten or so checkouts open??

20th September 2012, 02:08 PM
But that's part of the marketing strategy, they install 6 20k machines, and put 3 employees which cost 35k per year. After a year and a half they have saved money. They are terrible, I can't stand them, I refuse to use them


20th September 2012, 03:58 PM
I'm talking about the places that don't have them.... It is,was, and always will be the same in banks and supermarkets. Having an employee on every register costs more than making you wait in line. They know you have to buy stuff so they know you'll wait in line.

Tap, crackle, pop

20th September 2012, 04:02 PM
The only time I've ever seen every register open somewhere was on Christmas Eve.

20th September 2012, 04:13 PM
Hmmmm........ Not my cup of tea.......

Im not much for cuing at checkouts but I'd rather that then they're new alternatives.

20th September 2012, 04:55 PM
The only time I've ever seen every register open somewhere was on Christmas Eve.

And you end up waiting as long anyway lol

As for local support, don't get me wrong, I usually shop at the small supermarket and always buy local.

Tap, crackle, pop

20th September 2012, 06:04 PM
I like the perve so won't use the machines;-) Did I tap that out loud ooops

Double Tap

20th September 2012, 06:07 PM
Lmao, best answer yet!

Tip tap tippity tip tappity tap tap ding dong tipsy topsy wopsy mopsy tippy tap tap tipitty wee

20th September 2012, 06:36 PM
Hey fellas i work at a cash in transit company that services them. There a pain lol. But its not like there i one off investment they still have to pay us to replenish them etc. But yeah there doing kids out of jobs .

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20th September 2012, 10:21 PM
I like the perve so won't use the machines;-) Did I tap that out loud ooops

Double Tap

hahahahaha another TMI moment...

21st September 2012, 04:15 PM
I like the perve so won't use the machines;-) Did I tap that out loud ooops

Double Tap

Deviate, Pervert, Low life, Hang on that's me I just described LMFO

21st September 2012, 06:13 PM
I hate them! however as a tradie that has to go to bunnings alot I think they would probably be more intelligent and helpfull than some of the clowns that work in there!