View Full Version : tunit chip settings

17th September 2012, 10:42 PM
hi guys i have a gu3 3l td and have installed a tunit chip i bought off a forum . it has definatly improved the performance but i was wondering what the chip should be set at. it is currently set at number 4 . the bloke i bought the chip from had it set at four but he had it in a gu 2 with no mods. I have done egr block mod dawes valve . is this the right setting on the chip for my car. cheers

26th September 2012, 12:19 PM
Stokezi, I just had a Tunit Chip fitted on my GU111 yesterday. the installer suggested #5 is standarded for the GU ZD30 engine, but at the same time he said you can go up a little to 6 or7 if towing or out on some steep rough tracks or down a little 3 or 4 for general day to day use, to improve fuel economy.
Its up to yoursellf,

Hope that was some help for you

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18th October 2012, 11:15 PM
I dont have a chip in my truck yet, but have seen them installed in others. From what has been explained to me by a friend who sells them #5 is pretty std with maybe a small tweak. If you have guages installed and are confident, play around and try all the settings. Any good reseller should also be able to re-tune the chip on a laptop with advice from the supplier (who im assuming would have tested the chip on the motor and should know its limits) and completly change the settings. My freind has done this on his cruiser and his factoy #9 setting is about his new #3setting, so it now has enogh power keep up with me.....lol