View Full Version : New BBQ Plate Stand

2nd November 2010, 05:40 PM

decided to make some new legs for the BBQ plate - going camping this weekend and am sick of putting it on bricks - it's a perfect plate for steaks, bacon, eggs etc ... again, a fairly rough and ready job, but it will do the trick. Couple of lengths of flat steel, cut and welded (with some spacers and all sprayed with killrust) to encase the outside edge of the plate - nice and stable, and hopefully will serve me for another ten years ... still have the small gas burners also, but this is somewhat larger than a frypan (about 800mm long and 260mm wide) ... old school, but I love it ...


2nd November 2010, 08:30 PM
Thats one hell of a BBQ plate you got there...................nicely done mate I hope it works well for ya.

2nd November 2010, 08:49 PM
You could have just done this mate:

Or really go overboard:

Great job mate, well done:cool::cool:

2nd November 2010, 09:11 PM
Love the trolley!!! That's a classic!!! LMFAO

Finly Owner
2nd November 2010, 10:04 PM
Man I made a mint out of that trailer BBQ design.

In my dreams.

2nd November 2010, 11:15 PM
That's some serious thick steel Bigrig.....love it!!!

3rd November 2010, 12:37 AM
I don't do things by halves mate ... it's 8mm flat steel, and should stand the test of time no doubt ... as said, a bit old school, but I love an open fire to cook over - is that just me??

3rd November 2010, 12:46 AM
My mate down the road pulled out the local Fish n Chip shops grill a few years back which was a monster 10mm steel plate around 2440 x 1220.

he just left it at the back of his house for years and years.

Only last month I saw him and asked what he's doing with the plate, etc....You wouldn't believe it....He threw it out at hard rubbish time...lol

I actually fell to the ground and said you are kidding me mate!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That was a one in a life time grill.

10-20 year old plate with thousands of fish and meat cook ups....History and and flavours....lol

3rd November 2010, 01:01 AM
that's a shame - I'm actually amazed you can type whilst still holding onto him and slapping him profusely!!!!! LOL

A huge plate no doubt, but cut it down and make a few for your mates ... no, no ... don't let me interrupt ... get back to slapping him!!!!

3rd November 2010, 10:49 AM
that's a shame - I'm actually amazed you can type whilst still holding onto him and slapping him profusely!!!!! LOL

A huge plate no doubt, but cut it down and make a few for your mates ... no, no ... don't let me interrupt ... get back to slapping him!!!!

LOLOLOLOL..............Slapping him???????.................If it was me he would have been at gun point........hahahahahah

3rd November 2010, 05:07 PM
nice, it's meant to sit over a fire right?
wouldn't you have it closer to the ground so you wouldn't require such a huge fire?
either way pretty sweet.
think I'll make one up as well
i was just going to use bricks though because I'm lazy =p

3rd November 2010, 06:06 PM
Yep - over a fire, and the bigger the better!!! LOL

No, seriously mate, the legs are hammered into the ground so the plate sits about 350-380mm off the ground when in place ...

Thanks for the feedback, good luck with it and make sure you throw up some happy snaps.