View Full Version : The Carbon tax is about to hit HARD!!!

16th September 2012, 01:39 PM
Everything I am about to say is based on facts I know from my job. I don't expect everyone to take me seriously, being that I am still a teenager, but I think it is important to let people know just how bad things are going to get.

I am an apprentice Boiler tech. (Not a boilermaker) I know what you are thinking. what has a boiler got to do with anything. They are extinct. WRONG!!!

Boilers are a huge part of companies today. In fact, they are one of the most important things in many workplaces. They primarily run on L.P.G, Natural Gas, or Sump oil. Despite the enormous quantities of fuel used, they are still one of the most efficient ways to produce power to run a factory. Abattiors, Mills, Hospitals, Laundry's, Flower farms, Chicken farms and many other places have a boiler to produce steam for sterilization, to run machinery, for the hot water to clean, e.t.c.

As an example. A large Abattoir killing approximately 700 cattle a day nearly went under when their boiler was down for a week because they treated the water incorrectly. They could not run for an entire week. That is how important a boiler is.

Now. What does this have to do with the carbon tax?

Fuel prices have gone up substantially. This has not been passed on the the consumer yet. However it has been passed along to many companies. Last week. 3 of our customers went out of business, after receiving their Gas bill. These small companies, all with small boilers, could not afford approximately $10,000 a quarter extra to run their boiler. We expect quite a few more companies to follow.

A different abattoir to the one above now has to pay an extra $1 per head of cattle they kill. This equates to $1200 a day, just to kill them. Again, this is about to be passed on to the consumer. After you factor in extra for the transport (Yes it has gone up with the price of fuel) and other cost inflation (I won't go to much into this, it would take way to long), I have seen with my own eyes, data sheets predicting for meat to rise $3.10 a kilo in the next 3 months.

With all the extra costs, we now have companies screaming at us to save them fuel. At the present moment, the only thing we can do is convert boilers to sump oil. The emissions from sump oil are much greater than those from LPG. If anything, in a few years will will be pumping MORE Co2 than we already are. Any positive effect on carbon reduction has now become irrelevant, as the carbon is still going to be there.

Look at mining. They have stopped expanding, and even scrapped some of their projects. They are also the only thing currently keeping the Australian economy afloat. My boss has contacts in fairly high up positions in the mines. they have stopped expanding as the carbon tax has made it to expensive.

Sad but true prediction. Prices on everyday needs will soar overnight. As mining starts to slow, so will the economy. Australia WILL be screwed.


16th September 2012, 02:02 PM
Well thats brightened my day hahahahahahhaa

16th September 2012, 02:33 PM
We need a revolution!

........... On the move

16th September 2012, 02:41 PM
Well great to see the future is all ok , so I can fall off the perch in full confidence of the pollies.
Thankyou very much, I'll go have a beer or 3 now, will leave razor blades at super market,
along with Air supply tape.

VIVA la revolution !!!!!

Sir Roofy
16th September 2012, 02:55 PM
Well thats brightened my day hahahahahahhaa

x2 on that one but i think he,s not far of the mark here

16th September 2012, 02:59 PM
They'll get us one way or the other IMO
Are we better off as promised, think not

16th September 2012, 03:18 PM
I personally think the Carbon Tax as only paved the way for further introductions of new & exotic Tax's in the very near future.

If it looks like a rat, acts like a rat & smells like a rat, then its a bloody "RAT"

Sorry, a little wee bit off topic but still very close to the mark.

16th September 2012, 03:24 PM
Surely this can't be correct, I was told if I paid my carbon tax that the planet would be saved and every thing would be peachy.

16th September 2012, 03:31 PM
Aiming to be the highest taxed mob not in the world but entire universe!!!!!!!!!!

16th September 2012, 04:02 PM
Haha maybe this is the real apocalypse of 2012 that the mayans predicted, financial apocalypse

16th September 2012, 09:30 PM
Unfortunately it is the sad truth. Even some Hospitals are having trouble paying bills now. We are still doing work for them as a hospital without a boiler ain't gunna fly, but we need to survive aswell. I am talking private hospitals here. the ones where they charge you 1000s of dollars.

As I said before. Virtually overnight people are going to find that everything has suddenly gone up and unless something changes (Gillard for 1) in the very near future, we are going to find ourselves paying.

A revolution sounds like a fantastic idea at the moment!


16th September 2012, 10:34 PM
And I had such a great day out with the kids outside in carbon fuelled sunshine........... What a fantastic way to generate revenue

Tap till ya can tap no more.....

17th September 2012, 07:55 AM
Humans are great at adapting. But we are lazy..... we use the easiest, cheapest method to do something until it runs out then we move to the next thing. We were evolving Thousands of years before we figured out we can burn feul, we will be evolving thousands of years after we finish burning it all. Have a bit of perspective. Oneday we will be forced to find other energy sources anyway.
Bring on the future, SOLAR SOLAR SOLAR

17th September 2012, 08:16 AM
With the way WA bills are going, I have 8 panels on the roof, use less power now than what I was before and my bill increased by 30% WTF????

17th September 2012, 08:22 AM
Surely this can't be correct, I was told if I paid my carbon tax that the planet would be saved and every thing would be peachy.

Haha ... and you just follow the yellow brick road to the wizards lair and click your heels three times and everything will be back to normal ...

17th September 2012, 08:23 AM
Power bill last quarter $700. Power bill just received $1300. Just sayin'.

17th September 2012, 08:25 AM
Governments seem to think that the only way to fix a Problem is to place a Tax on it.
They then create another Department within the Public Service together with the appropriate number of Fat Cats to run it.
Wait until the Carbon Trading Scheme starts .

17th September 2012, 11:26 AM
So are you guys saying we WILL be worse off with the carbon tax that would not exist under any government that the PM leads ? Nooooooo!!! It can't be !!!

Lucky they've kept the solar rebates/incentives to help save the environment.... oh wait.

How can one soar like an eagle when they're surrounded by turkeys ?

17th September 2012, 01:34 PM
It was given to the public as a carbon/environmental tax to please the green fanatics, in reality it was a resources tax, to make it cost more to run conventional power and in turn give an incentive to move away from coal and towards nuclear and renewables.

Under that reality, it will possibly be successful, but on a scale of environment, no, it will make little difference, what doesn't get used here, a way will be found to ship it to china or the like where conventional fuel will be burned with little pollution controls.

The cost to individual businesses, etc...that's not Labor's department. They got voted in for environment policies.

17th September 2012, 03:15 PM
Haha ... and you just follow the yellow brick road to the wizards lair and click your heels three times and everything will be back to normal ...

Now that's just silly, everyone knows where the wicked witch lives :D

17th September 2012, 03:17 PM
I wonder how many solar panels it would take to heat the boilers in the OP.

I suppose we shouldn't complain too much, they might try and shove nuclear down our throats.

17th September 2012, 04:07 PM
I wonder how many solar panels it would take to heat the boilers in the OP.

I suppose we shouldn't complain too much, they might try and shove nuclear down our throats.

Believe it or not but 5kms square will run Australia on peak time. It's the logistics of storage for night that's the killer.

Tap, crackle, pop

Sir Roofy
17th September 2012, 04:45 PM
Believe it or not but 5kms square will run Australia on peak time. It's the logistics of storage for night that's the killer.

Tap, crackle, pop

5kms of batterysfor each panel

17th September 2012, 05:24 PM
Bring on the future, SOLAR SOLAR SOLAR

No future in solar. To expensive 2 buy for a half decent set up and you get little back if you manage to put back into the grid more than you use. Back to the drawing board Lucas!

17th September 2012, 05:28 PM
It's becoming more viable as the technology advances. Same as LED lighting.

17th September 2012, 07:06 PM
No future in solar. To expensive 2 buy for a half decent set up and you get little back if you manage to put back into the grid more than you use. Back to the drawing board Lucas!

Go back 200 years and try to explain to someone the whole fossil fuel based system. From mining it, to refining it, to transporting all over the world to exactly how we derive energy from it. They would think you're crazy!!
Go back 50 years and tell someone that you can carry a solar panel around on your car and power all your devices and they would think you were dreaming.
Us humans are a clever bunch. Solar is the way for the near future (next 50 years)
and one day nuclear fussion will power everything.

17th September 2012, 07:10 PM
What is fussion? Heard of fusion and fission but that's a new one to me hahahahahahahaha

Tip tap tippity tip tappity tap tap ding dong tipsy topsy wopsy mopsy tippy tap tap tipitty wee

17th September 2012, 07:12 PM
Solar is the way for the near future (next 50 years)

It very well has the potential 2 be the future but guess what, once everyone converts over 2 solar the governments 2 be will find a sun tax or some other tax that will make it just as expensive.

Governments don't care if we save money and try and do the right thing, its all about making money for them, has nothing to do with saving money for us or saving the future.

17th September 2012, 07:41 PM
It very well has the potential 2 be the future but guess what, once everyone converts over 2 solar the governments 2 be will find a sun tax or some other tax that will make it just as expensive.

Governments don't care if we save money and try and do the right thing, its all about making money for them, has nothing to do with saving money for us or saving the future.

Not talking about saving money, not talking about saving the future, just replying to you saying that solar is a no go and that i should go back to the drawing board:)

We shouldnt complain too much about governments and bills though everyone, we live in THE BEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD!! Think of all the awesom-ness we can do everyday. Our 4wds, whether they be built for touring or hardcore crawling, are a testament to how much we all love this country...... damn i wish i could power my trol with a solar panel though!

17th September 2012, 07:43 PM
Would be a little cheaper than the fuel we're using!

17th September 2012, 07:48 PM
Not talking about saving money, not talking about saving the future, just replying to you saying that solar is a no go and that i should go back to the drawing board:)

We shouldnt complain too much about governments and bills though everyone, we live in THE BEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD!! Think of all the awesom-ness we can do everyday. Our 4wds, whether they be built for touring or hardcore crawling, are a testament to how much we all love this country...... damn i wish i could power my trol with a solar panel though!

Well if we aren't saving money or saving the future what would be the point of going solar???

And there will be no point owning a 4wd if the goverments and anti 4wd lobbies get there way and close everything down. I wouldn't say Its the best country in the world in some respects but it could also be a lot worse than what it currently is.

17th September 2012, 07:52 PM
Fossil fuels are gonna run out, the sun won't. And if it does we are gonna have bigger problems than where to get our power.

17th September 2012, 08:03 PM
Fossil fuels are gonna run out, the sun won't. And if it does we are gonna have bigger problems than where to get our power.

Yes, but from what I understand its not the best on overcast days and its illegal to charge battery's so you can be self sufficient. Also don't forget even if you could be self sufficient on solar, you will still have to pay an electricity service fee for the luxury of power poles running past your place even if you don't use the service.

17th September 2012, 08:08 PM
OMG Todd, turn that frown up-side-down!!!

Sir Roofy
17th September 2012, 08:17 PM
Yes, but from what I understand its not the best on overcast days and its illegal to charge battery's so you can be self sufficient. Also don't forget even if you could be self sufficient on solar, you will still have to pay an electricity service fee for the luxury of power poles running past your place even if you don't use the service.

very true mate i dont use the town water but get charged for the connection to property
and sewerage just to flush the pipe and i put the tanks in to save lol

17th September 2012, 08:25 PM
Solar may be a part of the future, I'm not ruling it out completely, but the gain to expense ratio isn't the best.

Now at work we are experimenting with a newly developed fuel that is completely renewable and eco friendly. That is as much as I can reveal, but when we go public I will let you know.


17th September 2012, 08:34 PM
Solar may be a part of the future, I'm not ruling it out completely, but the gain to expense ratio isn't the best.

Now at work we are experimenting with a newly developed fuel that is completely renewable and eco friendly. That is as much as I can reveal, but when we go public I will let you know.


...........that is the carbon tax at work..............

17th September 2012, 08:40 PM
OMG Todd, turn that frown up-side-down!!!

Sorry mate, but if the government can charge you for something they will and if they can't they will come up with some bogus tax scheme just so they can

very true mate i dont use the town water but get charged for the connection to property
and sewerage just to flush the pipe and i put the tanks in to save lol

Never understood how they can get away with charging you a service fee for power and water even if you aren't connected to it.....................just one big scam

17th September 2012, 09:05 PM
...........that is the carbon tax at work..............

This project was started well before the carbon tax was even thought of!

17th September 2012, 09:08 PM
I know a bloke who lives on a river. He has solar, wind turbine and a water wheel. Completely self sufficient 24/7 bloody expensive setup though.

Tip tap tippity tip tappity tap tap ding dong tipsy topsy wopsy mopsy tippy tap tap tipitty wee

17th September 2012, 09:44 PM
I know a bloke who lives on a river. He has solar, wind turbine and a water wheel. Completely self sufficient 24/7 bloody expensive setup though.

All good if you have the money and live in a remote area, there is even Off grid and remote power system rebates from the government if your 1 kilometre from the nearest main-grid line or less than 1 kilometre where written evidence from the local network service provider states the total cost of connecting the systems to the main-grid is more than $30,000.

17th September 2012, 10:23 PM
I reckon someone would be on a winner if they're we're able to harness the energy from all the b!!!sh*t we all blabber on about on here!!!!! Bwahahahahaha

Tap till ya can tap no more.....

17th September 2012, 10:34 PM
I reckon someone would be on a winner if they're we're able to harness the energy from all the b!!!sh*t we all blabber on about on here!!!!! Bwahahahahaha

hahahaha enough b!!!sh*t in your 12,631 posts alone 2 power the world *LMAO*

17th September 2012, 10:40 PM
hahahaha enough b!!!sh*t in your 12,631 posts alone 2 power the world *LMAO*

As long as it will be put to good use I will keep on adding to it lmao

Tap till ya can tap no more.....

17th September 2012, 10:46 PM
As long as it will be put to good use I will keep on adding to it lmao

Tap till ya can tap no more.....

With my blessing too....... S'all good old mate & don't mind that bloody Toddie either, he's got plain mean since he became a Mod..........hahahahahahahahahahahaha

17th September 2012, 10:57 PM
With my blessing too....... S'all good old mate & don't mind that bloody Toddie either, he's got plain mean since he became a Mod..........hahahahahahahahahahahaha

I just put it down to reaching male menopause early lol

Tap till ya can tap no more.....

17th September 2012, 11:04 PM
I just put it down to reaching male menopause early lol

I actually think it has 2 with me drinking beers, I was a much nicer person when I drank bourbons :):):)

17th September 2012, 11:04 PM
I just put it down to reaching male menopause early lol

Tap till ya can tap no more.....

See... your so much smarter then me.... I just figured he's better half restricted he's Bourbon money....by sh1t loads............ LMFAO

17th September 2012, 11:08 PM
I just put it down to reaching male menopause early lol

Tap till ya can tap no more.....

I actually think it has 2 with me drinking beers, I was a much nicer person when I drank bourbons :):):)

See... your so much smarter then me.... I just figured he's better half restricted he's Bourbon money....by sh1t loads............ LMFAO

YES..........Clunkus me old mate, I think I'll take that last post back after all.............hahahahahahahahah

17th September 2012, 11:17 PM
YES..........Clunkus me old mate, I think I'll take that last post back after all.............hahahahahahahahah

See that's what happens when I have a sensible answer........ It's always wrong!!!!!!! Lmfao

Tap till ya can tap no more.....

18th September 2012, 07:43 AM
This project was started well before the carbon tax was even thought of!

yes, your right same as with EVERY alternative energy idea. They havent been thought up in the last year, they are simply becoming a lot more viable because the carbon tax makes the cost of these new energy sources a little closer in comparison to traditional fossil fuels.

18th September 2012, 07:47 AM
No truer word spoken clunky.

We already have a nuclear power source in this country. It's called the sun. But this generation's challenge is to devise a technology to harness it efficiently. Not done yet but we're on the way.

And leave me out of government bashing please. Conspiracy rants have been going on since federation.

Damn garment!! Dey took our jarbs!! (For the South Park fans).

Thats exactly right. People too easily turn it into an "us and them" situation when talking about the government.

18th September 2012, 06:16 PM
With my blessing too....... S'all good old mate & don't mind that bloody Toddie either, he's got plain mean since he became a Mod..........hahahahahahahahahahahaha

I was mean before I became a Mod, nothing has changed *L*

So you 2 finished picking on me yet *L*

18th September 2012, 07:26 PM
This government is in real strife. They came into power with nearly 30b in the bank and blow the lot and some. There is only 35% of the au population that earns an income, including self funded retirees. Coal fired generators are still the cleanest and most efficient form of fuel, thats why they are used. Solar is unreliable and nuclear while efficient, what do you do with the waist. Plus everyone is scared of a catastrofy. This goverment needs revenue desperately and carbon tax is only an excuse.