View Full Version : Times are changing and not for the good either

14th September 2012, 11:38 AM
It had to happen, this will spread like a disease.


Not a happy camper

14th September 2012, 11:43 AM
Its always the minority that screw it up for the rest of us......

14th September 2012, 11:55 AM
X 2 with above, some stuff it up completely for others, just throwing cans out the window driving along etc.
just look at all the dunny paper every where , education didn't help so they stopped it. Rubbish everywhere up the Cape as well.
We even get it along the murray, but suspect its locals looking at whats left behind.
Before long they will close the Simmo ,trust me on that one. Whats next????????
Nothng better than sitting around a fire, but surely a few nights of 12v lighting wouldn't kill anyone.

14th September 2012, 12:01 PM
Hmmm............. I can understand the need to protect the fragile environment for everyone to enjoy & im 100% behind that concept but, this is a very clear cut case of a few bad apples spoiling the barrel for all & all I can see here is these new regulations punishing the responsibly behaved.

Its a shame it wasn't policed properly in the first place.... It may have even prevented the need to introduce these new regulations at all....

Come on Parks, I know & fully except that its the general populations that need to lift they're game, but why not meet us half way & lift yours as well???... Instead of punishing everyone, get out there & nab the ones who deserve it.... If this forums anything to go by you'll probably find a bunch of us standing right beside you because we love our environment want to protect it for generations to enjoy just as much as you do....

What a bloody shame for all concerned.

14th September 2012, 12:10 PM
a lot of areas are heading this way. there is a regional shire here in WA (massive shire) that bans fires all year round

14th September 2012, 12:12 PM
We did a trip a few years back and a mate had his uncle with him that was keeping to his own camp, the 3rd night we were able to have a fire and he joined us imediately.
They are a fantastic gathering and social part of camping, aside from cooking and warmth.
Same trip we were in the Simpson and we heard a truck coming with a bloke and his son doing a solo crossing, called them on the UHF to invite them to spend the night at our camp.
They were a bit reluctant untill we said look to the north for our fire!! Had a great night with them.
Again the same thing happened at Cape Peron in WA, met a lovely British couple in a Camel Trophy Land Rover, we still keep in touch just because of a camp fire.
There are many stories like that to be told BUT we do have to be responsible in the use of a fire or what is happening in the Simpson will be the rule on every track.

14th September 2012, 12:31 PM
...all I can see here is these new regulations punishing the responsibly behaved.

Its a shame it wasn't policed properly in the first place.... It may have even prevented the need to introduce these new regulations at all...

and i think you have hit the nail on the head there patch. the NPWS assume that everyone is responsibly behaved. this just isnt the case for those few people who i would like to refer to with stronger language but this is a family friendly forum =D and they ruin it for the majority of well behaved responsible people

there is nothing more that annoys me when people leave rubbish behind, i live in deniliquin , there are plenty of spots along the edward river and the wakool that would be totally beautiful spots if it werent for the damn litter that is left behind! some spots even have rubbish bins and there is still rubbish on the ground!

i totally agree with ban if it stops somthing as fragile as a tree growing in the simmo(which i can imagine there would be many of) being ripped out of the ground for someones overnight stay. im happy to do what needs to be done to keep australia beautiful!!!

14th September 2012, 02:19 PM
Trouble is they want this to happen, its their way to justify closing anything down, just wait It'll happen and it wont be because we leave campsites cleaner than
when we arrived, or engaging 4WD to go easy and not chop up tracks,'
They will only report and so should we , they clown activities of a few.
Thats the reality of it, down here we are a tad luckier to be able to travel places like the high country and not go to 4x4 parks
Don't let the greenies have their way they'll close the lot,

14th September 2012, 02:50 PM
Read a book recently, camping on the Canning Stock Route some brain dead F-wit used well timber for fire wood.

Go all the way out there to experience a historic part of our droving past then plainly and selfishly destroy it.

I hate beraucracy and holding licences for what ever they can think of, but it will come to a point that if you are not formally trained in out back travel you wont be able to travel the great outdoors.

We have all seen how people leave rubbish lying about after they leave a camp, it will be mandatory to carry a canvas rubbish bag next!

Toilet paper is another, in a mag I got recently most was on tracks, the author summised it was the ladies hiding behind cars and "patting dry".
From what I've been reading it's more and more people doing their business without sufficiently burrying the waste or burning the paper.

We have to change our attitude

14th September 2012, 02:53 PM
I hate beraucracy and holding licences for what ever they can think of, but it will come to a point that if you are not formally trained in out back travel you wont be able to travel the great outdoors.

and the day that happens is the day im sad to call myself australian!

14th September 2012, 03:11 PM
Hmmm............. I can understand the need to protect the fragile environment for everyone to enjoy & im 100% behind that concept but, this is a very clear cut case of a few bad apples spoiling the barrel for all & all I can see here is these new regulations punishing the responsibly behaved.

Its a shame it wasn't policed properly in the first place.... It may have even prevented the need to introduce these new regulations at all....

Come on Parks, I know & fully except that its the general populations that need to lift they're game, but why not meet us half way & lift yours as well???... Instead of punishing everyone, get out there & nab the ones who deserve it.... If this forums anything to go by you'll probably find a bunch of us standing right beside you because we love our environment want to protect it for generations to enjoy just as much as you do....

What a bloody shame for all concerned.

Couldn't have said it better ...

Nuff said.

14th September 2012, 03:12 PM
and the day that happens is the day im sad to call myself australian!

To bloody right mate

The BigFella
14th September 2012, 05:30 PM
the reality is those minority groups that think it's their right to "enjoy the outdoors" in what ever way they deem fit have and will always wreck it for the majority!
if "we" standby and let this happen we have no-one to blame but ourselves.
we need to lobby the Parks and make them understand we shouldnt be tarnished with the same brush.

What about setting up official training modules where after passing one of these official training modules can one be granted entry to these parks?
After passing these training modules the holder would be granted permission to not only use the designated camp ground they would also be allowed to use/set a camp fire?
This would also include camping in designated areas set out by National Parks?
You could take this as far and wide as you wanted,,,,,,

Training could be undertaken by 4x4 associations such as ours.

Food for thought,,,,,,,,,

14th September 2012, 07:04 PM
Macca on that point you made about some idiots on the CSR, my best mate is a Canning of the same fame. I'm sure when I go there for a beer tomorrow and tell him he won't be very happy at all. This is our FREAKING history and clowns go around pinching Plaques [Len Beadall] and burning timber from the people who made it possible to enjoy this great land. what ever happened to "take nothing but photos and leave only footprints". This really ticks me off where do my grandchildren go if they close the outback because of a few Morons.
If you see anything write down their number plate, time of event and report the PR%$#Ks

14th September 2012, 08:00 PM
This type of thing really saddens me. I think everyone here is a worker, tax payer etc. We have certain rights. Some people out there should not be allowed to breath our oxygen. What happened to good old common sense. Threedogs, couldn`t agree with you more.

14th September 2012, 08:09 PM
And thats exactely what it is, common sense, gee just have a bit of respect for our history and enviroment, its everyones

14th September 2012, 08:13 PM
Does not suprise me in the least, mmm now least see who we can blame for this....... people not taking there rubbish out...people cutting down tree's....bla bla bla bla, spouse it wouldn't have anything to do with the governing bodies wanting to close these places down because it costs them money. Yes they will blame anyone and everyone, but have a think about it guys and girls............ its only an excuse for them 2 do it, they are going to do it anyway regardless. Sad but very true

From the link "I gather that this is a result of so many visitors ripping down trees" I assume they are talking about people cutting fire wood, and if the tree is dead cut it down and use it for firewood who cares its dead.

What is wrong with cutting down a dead tree anyway????

I could go on about this all night long, but its time to drink a beer and chill out :):):)

14th September 2012, 08:37 PM
But NissanGQ4.2,

I really don't think that most of the rangers and guys that work out in the Parks want to close things down....they are out there because they love being out there, and they want others to enjoy it too. But think of it from their angle....would you want to deal with the crap that some of our kind dish out.

It isn't just the dead trees that people chop down. Some people will chop down anything in sight, just cause it is convenient and right there at camp.

We will go for a long walk or drive, to bring back wood to camp, just so we aren't taking all the stuff in plain sight, but we also get to camp early so that we have time to prepare all we need for the stay.

I could go on and on about the rubbish left behind in "fireplaces". Last Christmas we were at one of the most beautiful spots in the high country, and the fireplace was full of broken chairs, cans, bottles, general rubbish, as well a front number plate. Bring it in people...take it out.... If I could have seen them, I would have run over them myself, to save the human race the trouble...

I don't understand how we have got to the stage where we think everything is someone else's problem.....why leave rubbish in the middle of nowhere just like that.

Now I was in the wrong too, because I didn't follow this up. I could have taken the plate to the police with photographic evidence, but in reality what are they going to do. Probably not much

It is up to us to educate our own lot, and set the example for others to follow.


14th September 2012, 08:55 PM
But NissanGQ4.2,

I really don't think that most of the rangers and guys that work out in the Parks want to close things down....they are out there because they love being out there, and they want others to enjoy it too. But think of it from their angle....would you want to deal with the crap that some of our kind dish out.

I didn't mention anything about rangers and the guys that work in the parks, I was talking about the the governing bodies that want to close it all down.

I could go on and on about the rubbish left behind in "fireplaces". Last Christmas we were at one of the most beautiful spots in the high country, and the fireplace was full of broken chairs, cans, bottles, general rubbish, as well a front number plate. Bring it in people...take it out.... If I could have seen them, I would have run over them myself, to save the human race the trouble...

Yep happens everywhere just not the bush, so lets close the city's down because some people are filthy animals that have now respect for there surroundings.

I agree its not right and I don't know how anyone could do it.

At the end of the day its still only an excuse by the government to close these places down, and even if people done the right thing, they will still get closed down, government would just need 2 find another excuse

14th September 2012, 09:10 PM
Sorry NissanGQ4.2,

Forgot you live in NSW - where they have closed everything down. We are still fairly lucky down here, but given too many excuses, it will happen here too.

The likelyhood is remote, beacause I'm sure that it is the local rif-raf leaving rubbish around, but what would really annoy me even more, if it was NSW campers that left all the rubbish...as they should even know better with now nowhere to go camping and wheeling.....

It is a bit harder to close stuff down in the city, as then you would have 5 million people marching in the street......Close down a little bit of bush, maybe only 10,000.....the government can deal with that a lot easier.

Obviously, some people have little respect for anyone else these days.....if they did, then they wouldn't leave their stuff behind .

15th September 2012, 09:07 AM
This type of thing really saddens me. I think everyone here is a worker, tax payer etc. We have certain rights. Some people out there should not be allowed to breath our oxygen. What happened to good old common sense. Threedogs, couldn`t agree with you more.

Hey Steve,

Don't get me wrong, but I have an issue when people say they have rights. I disagree, we have privileges. The people who do these stupid senseless acts will say they have the right to do that, They pay their taxes so someone else(who's paid to do it) can clean up their mess.

We are so lucky in this country that we can go to these places, it is a privilege. But time and time again we keep seeing a moron minority stuffing it up for the rest of us. I hate to say this but maybe we need permits and permission to enter these areas of national significance so that those who do the wrong thing can be monitored and punished. I know that opinion will probably get some blood boiling, as I too am sick of the nanny state because of the minority of morons out there.

But what is the alternative, Close these places altogether to try and keep the idiots out or put some regulations on so that it deters the idiots, so as to preserve it for all.

You will never change human nature, drive to your local fast food outlet and look at their carparks full of garbage bins, and full of litter from lazy people who cant be bothered getting out of their car and walking 20 feet to a bin.

Just some thoughts


Sir Roofy
15th September 2012, 10:30 AM
We now have a fire levy flood levy next it will be a rubbish levy
and user pay will be next for the roads tracks and parks

governing partys dont want people in the bush they want to lock it up poison every thing
and get rid of every thing thats been introduced over the last 250 years
like deer ,rabbits,hares ,foxs ,trout,blackberrys,the list goes on
and if the greens had there way you would,nt have any power stations ,just windmills everywhere
most people remember mad max,the movie well if the morons dont lift there game it just could end up that way

18th September 2012, 08:20 PM
Mark, I think we are all in agreement here. Yes I do think we have rights. Yes I pay a ship load of tax. Yes I do believe in "common sense". I also agree in permits for historical areas. I do believe in punishment for idiots. If we pay a permit for areas it could help keep them open for all to use. If you take it in, take it out. SIMPLE. have a nice day,