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View Full Version : Need some help with Nissan and Cross sharing parts.

31st October 2010, 09:46 AM
G'day all

I'm trying to find what else Nissan shared from their product range, some of the thing's i know already

H233 diff in the Pathfinder\Hardbody
RB30 Gearbox is also the 2.8, and in the 300zx.

That's just some off the top of my head, but what i'm mainly interested in, is the GU auto from the 4.8, was that ever put in anything else?

Or even the standard Transfer that's in the GQ\U patrols.

Or any thing other that might inerest me and the others

The main reason i'm chasing this info is, i want the strongest parts i can find, and the US seems to be where they are, i just need to know what 4WDs i need to look for:049:


31st October 2010, 11:40 AM
I can't help you off the top of my head, but have you checked to see what drive line components are used in the Nissan Titan and Armada (US models)? I know both of them have used the VK56 engine. It could be worth a look.


31st October 2010, 12:26 PM
:cheers:Thank's Tony, that's what i was looking for.