View Full Version : small roof console

4th September 2012, 02:29 PM
OK guys i want to try a little project.
in my 08 patrol i have a small roof console that has a pop down sun-glass holder and i was thinking that would be a great place to mount a remote head uhf radio in.
the idea i had was to mount it on the little door so it stays open half way.

ok so the question i want to put in is -
is it a good idea to put the main part of the uhf in the roof ( behind the lining )
and where can i get a second console so i can modify that with out destroying the original?
i tried Perth 4x4 centre and they replied with quote "they don't have a roof console"!! funny i must be imagining mine then.
so any ideas??
and if any one is going past a wreckers, could you please have a look for me, and get me a price
its very hard for me as i live in a remote place ( Newman ) and the flight own to Perth for one just wouldn't be worth it.
thank you

4th September 2012, 02:58 PM
making a lot of work for yourself, I have icom 440n with the main body under the dash ,leaving only the mike to clip to centre dash.

4th September 2012, 10:07 PM
ive done simular in a way but the whole unit is up in the sunglass holder and the mic is on an extention that runs down to the dash, i didnt want to have the mic wire flopping around my head and i usualy just lay it on my lap when offroad and useing it alot.
but its a good use of a pointless feature of the patrol ive not seen a pair of glasses that would fit it yet (maybe some sort of small reading glasses but im not blind).
there is a fair bit of room in the lining you would be surprised.

5th September 2012, 02:59 AM
yeah mega, that's the sort of thing i was thinking, but i wanted to make a nice molded surround for the unit, as for the mic lead, i will be using a key chain keeper, they are a retractable key chain and just hook it up to something ( mirror )
as for a lot of work,, it is, but that's why i like modding things, i had a roof console in my navara but i hit my head on it a few times so i don't want to go down that path again.beside that the Nissan one just looks nice as is. just a pitty that the sun-glass holder is crap.

this is a link on ebay for the key chain idea...


10th October 2012, 09:32 PM
Malgreen, A long time ago but anyway...
what about removing the sunglass thingy and making a mould / template that can fit back up in the hole and secure to existing holes within the console?
That way you can store the flip down bit somewhere in the back of the shed and cut and play with the template / mould?