View Full Version : Glow plugs

31st August 2012, 06:56 PM

I have been having trouble getting my car started over the winter. Today, it wouldn't start and I had the NRMA chap come out. He owns an older model Patrol. He says the problem is that my glow plug light on the dash is going out way too quickly, about 2 seconds, indicating that the fuel isn't getting warm enough to start the engine.

I have already tried glowing several times before starting the engine, but this doesn't always work.

The mechanic says that his Patrol has an adjustable dial inside the cab that lengthens/shortens glow time. Do I have one hiding somewhere?

He also said that he went to an auto elec who put a button in his cab that allows him to hold it down for 10 seconds or so. This is what I will have to do if there isn't another solution.

We have had mornings in the minus degrees and my can is not parked under cover.

Please don't ask me anything technical, as I don't have mechanical knowledge of diesel engines.

All advice welcomed.


31st August 2012, 07:03 PM
It sounds like it could be timer related. I would take it to a good auto sparky it should take him no time at all to tell you where the issue lies.

31st August 2012, 07:15 PM
Thank you for your reply. Do I not have an adjustable timer? Tried the auto elec option and he's away for two weeks.

31st August 2012, 08:01 PM
test your plugs to make sure they work a couple of plugs out will make it hard to start.
and avoid a button overide cause holding it in to long will burn them out in a flash
some timers can tell if plugs are gone so they will only allow enough power to heat up the active ones so as not to burn them out making the dash light turn off quicker.
plugs dont usually just stop working either they normally start taking longer and longer to heat up the die.

31st August 2012, 08:53 PM
test your plugs to make sure they work a couple of plugs out will make it hard to start.
and avoid a button overide cause holding it in to long will burn them out in a flash
some timers can tell if plugs are gone so they will only allow enough power to heat up the active ones so as not to burn them out making the dash light turn off quicker.
plugs dont usually just stop working either they normally start taking longer and longer to heat up the die.

Thank you, Nozzle. Will the auto elec check the plugs, or does a mechanic do it? I think the ones it it now are under 2 years old. How long should they last and what do they cost - asking that so I don't get ripped off.

31st August 2012, 09:33 PM
Jamjar, glow plugs should last more than two years, having said that though if they are continually glowed up they will burn out quicker, cost should be about $20 per plug for a TD42. I am not aware of an adjustable in cab timer, it is normally all done in the glow control unit(green box - inside drivers side kick panel) but there are threads here about installing a manual push button to control the glow plugs.

Hope this is of help


the ferret
31st August 2012, 09:39 PM
First off mate... check that the glo plugs are working, if they are working, then it's a timer issue.
Cheers, the ferret.

31st August 2012, 09:50 PM
there usually quite exy $80-$200 a set brand dependant usually last about 70-90 000 Ks normally only come with a 1 year warranty but depends on where driving short trips lots of starts going to wear out quicker than long drive on the weekedn they dont last as long as they did in the older cars though cause of new laws.
you should be able to get either 1 to check them probably better off with an auto sparky though.
pretty easy to check them your self just need a spanner or socket to pull em out a piece of wire a car battery a couple drops of diesel and a pair of pliers pretty crude way but extremly effective .

1st September 2012, 03:08 PM
Jamjar, glow plugs should last more than two years, having said that though if they are continually glowed up they will burn out quicker, cost should be about $20 per plug for a TD42. I am not aware of an adjustable in cab timer, it is normally all done in the glow control unit(green box - inside drivers side kick panel) but there are threads here about installing a manual push button to control the glow plugs.

Hope this is of help


Thank you kindly, Mark

1st September 2012, 03:09 PM
First off mate... check that the glo plugs are working, if they are working, then it's a timer issue.
Cheers, the ferret.

Thanks, Ferret, will do.

1st September 2012, 03:15 PM
there usually quite exy $80-$200 a set brand dependant usually last about 70-90 000 Ks normally only come with a 1 year warranty but depends on where driving short trips lots of starts going to wear out quicker than long drive on the weekedn they dont last as long as they did in the older cars though cause of new laws.
you should be able to get either 1 to check them probably better off with an auto sparky though.
pretty easy to check them your self just need a spanner or socket to pull em out a piece of wire a car battery a couple drops of diesel and a pair of pliers pretty crude way but extremly effective .

Thank you, Nozzle. It's all long drives out here with the nearest town being 42km away. I'll get the auto mechanic to check it out, when he gets back. The only thing I can reach under the hood are the things at the front. Can't even reach the dip stick. Also, I have a set rule about never touching anything electrical, even in the home. It's a job for the experts.