View Full Version : Solitude of the Bush

29th August 2012, 01:10 PM
When I go Camping in the High Country I just love sitting around the Campfire having a yarn , a few stubbies and enjoying the Peace & Quiet of the Bush.

It appears that some Campers cannot stand to be without loud Music blasting away until the early hours of the Morning. It seems to me to defeat the Purpose of Camping
Am I alone with my views and just a Grumpy Old Man ??

29th August 2012, 01:20 PM
I live in the solitude of the bush so I don't need to escape to it. Sometimes I feel like listening to music, whether camping or not. But I would be annoyed if I went way out somewhere for some peace and quiet and there were people cranking tunes nearby, but, they have as much right to be there as anyone. Way too spoiled here though, I have NEVER camped near anyone that wasn't part of the trip.... Too few people and plenty of open area for camping, driving, fishing here:-)

Just let their tent down when they go to sleep Bob;-)

Tap, crackle, pop

29th August 2012, 01:31 PM
No mate your not...... I have the boom box from hell loaded into the Mav & when we're out in the bush it never see's the light of day cos we're out there to enjoy the peace & quiet & enjoy the sounds & smells of the bush & nothing else.

Each to their own I say but if a boom box is rocking away at a camp site in the middle of the bush It'll have me looking for a new one.

29th August 2012, 01:32 PM
I prefer the quiet as well except for the noise of happy kids and travelling companions, nothing wrong with a little mOOsic but it doesn't need to be nightclub levels, I am deaf enough from nightclubs from when I was a doorman, don't need it out camping as well

29th August 2012, 01:35 PM
I prefer the quiet as well except for the noise of happy kids and travelling companions, nothing wrong with a little mOOsic but it doesn't need to be nightclub levels, I am deaf enough from nightclubs from when I was a doorman, don't need it out camping as well

We're on the same page brother........ I loved the job & sometimes still miss it but have to say over all im glad those days are behind me.....lol

29th August 2012, 03:37 PM
Yeah with everyone else, usb very low , back ground music if that, Campfires are like ocean waves
You can sit and watch one for hours with no words spoken, I love that.
Only sound is the PHIIISSSSH of a can opening. No glass allowed at our camps

29th August 2012, 04:29 PM
I'm with you Bob. Birds, wind, fire the bush ambiance is all I need to be happy....well stubby in hand of course!!!

If there is background tune going I don't mind but it needs to be background level only.

I wish I could post a recording of the birds I recorded at lawn hill gorge. Who needs concerts when nature provides them for free!

..........on the move

29th August 2012, 04:52 PM
Agree with everyone.

Last trip we had our neighbouring campsite (100m away) cranking out ACDC & The Angels till late at night. Wouldn't have been so bad if it was background but I have no idea how they would even manage to have a conversation the music was that loud.

Needless to say we packed up & made for a more remote camp the next morning.

29th August 2012, 05:14 PM
Grumpy old man...lol

Yep x 20 on the above.

Last Easter trip the people who were at our spot the previous night were apparently 18 year old kids cranking the music all night, fighting, etc.

Next day we turned up to the spot and the other people mentioned the hell they went through. The ranger turned up and they gave him their number plates, etc.

I started to unpack and found the entire area in the sand banks of the river were full of glass....I cut my foot a hundred times and the ranger and a few of us spent hours picking out the glass.

Glass on the beach ships me to tears!!!!

Peace and quiet for me but don't mind some quiet music too.

29th August 2012, 05:15 PM
im there for the peace and quiet, but having two young boys its never that quiet! we generally leave the music in the car, and bring the radio out for a footy game or something in the background.

Petit caillou
29th August 2012, 05:23 PM
Hey mate,

Many campers make noise because they fear the night, lol

Petit caillou.

29th August 2012, 05:33 PM
We're with you Bob ... reality is, people are comforted by noise rather than put off by it. They are so desensitised to the clanging of plates getting washed next door, kids screaming in the street, traffic noise etc, that when it's not there, they (in my opinion) make up ghost stories for "what just moved in the bush over there?? Eeeeekkk". lmao

The quieter and darker the better and that goes right down to our 5 year old - he complains if we leave the curtains open at night since we moved to our property as the light in the entertainment area shines through his window - he wants it pitch black in his room and sleeps like a baby as a result. Love it!!

Same goes for noises in the bush out the back - if they hear a roo jumping or a possum screeching in the trees, they ask "what was that". When I tell them it was a bunyip, they look at me like I'm a moron and proceed to tell me what it was ... (then why ask you little b@sta) ... but I digress. lol

I'm all for a bit of background music and as always, good laughs and banter, but a rock concert, a rave (doof doof rubbish), screaming and carrying on?? Not for me ...

29th August 2012, 06:44 PM
It is good to know that I am not the only Grumpy Old Man on the Forum LMAO

29th August 2012, 06:50 PM
Nah Bob, you're nit the only one, nothing like having a bit of peace and quiet....... Although a bit of music turned down low , like a bit of Pink Floyd, wouldn't go amiss

29th August 2012, 06:55 PM
With you threedogs, just the sounds of the fire & cans being opened along with the sound of nature.

29th August 2012, 07:01 PM
I live in the solitude of the bush so I don't need to escape to it. Sometimes I feel like listening to music, whether camping or not. But I would be annoyed if I went way out somewhere for some peace and quiet and there were people cranking tunes nearby, but, they have as much right to be there as anyone. Way too spoiled here though, I have NEVER camped near anyone that wasn't part of the trip.... Too few people and plenty of open area for camping, driving, fishing here:-)

Everything in this post also applies to me.

29th August 2012, 08:16 PM
Luv the bush, pure and simple.

the ferret
29th August 2012, 09:07 PM
Back in my old shoeroot'n days, there was nothing better than the peace and quiet of the bush.
Few stubbies and some quiet old time music, heaps of yarns.
Ohhhhh.... them was the days lol.
Cheers, the ferret

29th August 2012, 09:22 PM
Nup yer a grumpy old b*stard hahahahhahahahahahahhahhahaha. Jokes, the only noise ya need is two blokes crying coz the chilli they ate was to hot hahahahahaha

30th August 2012, 12:08 AM
Im on the younger side of this onle being 24. But I also enjoy the quiter escape with just the light from the campfire. I know we have been camping at times and have played music and probably at a louder level but we are the only ones there. Whenever there is someone that is atleast visible we may have some back ground music but thats about all theres seems to be a fair few other younger people that get the majority of us branded as loud and disrespectful. I know my girlfiend and I will always do a walk around in the morning and pick up and excess rubbish whether its ours or not. A lot of people are quick to jump on the band wagon when it comes to closing spots and when they start charging camping fees etc but this is a product of people not respecting the freedom they had at these spots.

I agree with the people needing noise I have lived on property most of my life and the noises in the bush were just that we were generally out there trying to find more firewood with nothing more than the light from a phone. It would certainly freak a few of my mates out who spent their whole life in suburbia.

We are extremely lucky to have some of the greatest spots on the planet to camp and visit. And I hope I will get to see them and enjoy them as you guys have stated in years to come.


30th August 2012, 12:27 AM
Yep i too hate the loud music specially if its rubbish! and it makes me wonder why some ppl don’t just stay home when they take TV’s full size fridges and generators..Etc its crazy.
oh also when your camping and no ones in sight then someone decides to set up right next to you ... wtf that really annoys me

30th August 2012, 01:23 AM
Call me a Grumpy Old Man if you like but I agree with you Bob, peace and quiet mate...........love it, sounds like most of us feel the same.
There is nothing better than sitting by a campfire with a few mates having a bit of a yarn and enjoying a cold brew.

30th August 2012, 09:12 AM
We are extremely lucky to have some of the greatest spots on the planet to camp and visit. And I hope I will get to see them and enjoy them as you guys have stated in years to come.


And I hope you do too

Sir Roofy
30th August 2012, 10:32 AM
It is good to know that I am not the only Grumpy Old Man on the Forum LMAO

your not on your own Bob i hate the doof doof stuff in the bush like you said sitting
around the campfire and chatting is what we yern for

1st September 2012, 11:25 AM
Wrote this back in 03', must have been going through mid life crisis or something.


Just staring at the campfire, I've often wondered why?
Whats happened over the years,
as this river flows slowly by.

This truly is the meaning of life, as God has testified.
For without this mighty river, all things would surely die.

Like the mighty river Redgums, and the flood plains further down.
There's life along this river, and its easy to be found.

There are fish Rex taught us how to catch,
where Roo's come down to drink,
but when its gone, it'll be too late for the Bureaucrats to think

They buggered up the Snowy and the Coopers next to go,
but when all the historys' gone, we'll have nothing left to show.

So enjoy this mighty river, whilst you have the chance,
go sit down by your campfire and watch the river dance. IMO

The BigFella
1st September 2012, 04:46 PM
about the only time we have music is when one of the crew gets out their guitar for a sing a long.
Other then that its only Macca on Sunday morning at a respectable level I might add.
There is just something special about sitting beside a camp fire looking at the stars and not thinking of too much in particular, just chillin.

mind you, many a World problem has been solved after a session of Melbourne Bitter beside that same camp fire,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,