View Full Version : Decisions, Decisions (portable fridge)

21st August 2012, 07:31 PM
G'day Guys
i've been trying to find the right portable fridge for my patrol and have narrowed it down to 2. The Primus Duo 55ltr and the ARB 60ltr. I'm having a little trouble finding reviews on the ARB 60ltr and was wondering if anyone had or used 1 or knew someone with 1? if anyone feels that another brand is worthwhile please feel free to give me your opinion. After all opinions r like behinds.:thumbup:


21st August 2012, 07:39 PM
I have a Waeco and my mate has an engel both are great fridges and we've never had any problem. Well I have had one problem, it ran out of JD cans.

21st August 2012, 07:55 PM
I`ve got an 80lt Waeco and love it. Maybe a bit big but great for long trips. Plenty of beer

DX grunt
21st August 2012, 07:55 PM
I’m very happy with my 95lt Evakool Fridge/Freezer. They do come in different sizes.

I'm pretty sure the Evakool company has factory seconds, too.

Two baskets this size. That’s a 20lt water container sitting in one of the baskets





Here’s website links…..

This is where I got mine from - http://www.australiandirect.com.au/shop/portable-fridges/10?gclid=CIaM3NSy-LECFRBTpgodtyEAuA


Hope this helps.

Take care out there.


21st August 2012, 08:01 PM
60lt Engel will pull 6 amps plus an hour, Big fridge to keep full of cans to stop them knocking around,and running efficiently
Waeco have fridges with dairy and veg sections,
Whats your main use.
I have Baileys icebox for cans [96 plus ice] and use 40lt engel for food only

DX grunt
21st August 2012, 08:14 PM
I was gunna hire my 'fridge space' out at Loveday, but unfortunately I didn't make it. lol

Forgot to mention as well as being a fridge/freezer, it can also be all fridge, or all freezer.

The idea is to cool it down/freeze using 240v several days before and change to 12v just before you're about to take off.

21st August 2012, 08:21 PM
EVACOOL brought out Baileys years ago, one of the better insulated fridges going around.
If you are cashed up get a National Luna
Brought my 85lt baileys icebox in '94 for $395 best icebox ever, out does anything anyone brings to camp
I let it sit in the sun its fantastic, never have to buy ice over three day weekend,better with block ice, real world testing
and hate techni ice, doesn't work
Out in the desert at least you'll have water

Kevs GU
21st August 2012, 08:35 PM
Got the 60L Waeco best thing ive bought for the family camp trips works great.

21st August 2012, 08:51 PM
Your not going to get a straight out answer unfortunately as we are all proud of our fridges...lol

Like Kev, I have the 60 litre Waeco too and cannot fault for size and storage.

Just make sure it has a good compressor like the danfoss compressor for the Waeco's or the Engel's have the Sawafuji motor thing I think.

21st August 2012, 08:54 PM
Ironman fridges also have Danfoss compressors with a 5 yr warranty. A mate has one and he loves it, but he can't keep care of it too well as it seems to cool my beers more than it does his!

21st August 2012, 08:58 PM
Mate, i can vouch for ARB fridges. I have a 47L fridge which we have had for 2 years, never missed a beat and when full, runs at .6amps/hour which is S>F>A Well built, great features and great factory back up

21st August 2012, 11:12 PM
I have a 60 litre & 35 litre ARB. To date I haven't used them 'in the field', but I do like their features. In particular the lid design allows for better use of space above the fridge than many, the 240v auto switch over is handy, Danfoss BD35 compressor is a good one & common to many fridge freezers, digital readout allows setting of desired temp, & drain plug allows washing out without removing from the slide (I have both on ARB slides). They also have a good solid feel to them. Paid $3k for both fridges, 2 x slides, 2 x canvas covers & 2 x quick release tie down kits.

Cuppa. ♨

21st August 2012, 11:24 PM
I have got a 40l engel and it is good. I like that it has rounded edges so it doesn't catch or tear all the stuff that ends up getting shoved in at the last minute when packing. I went the 40l because it doesn't take as much space and I can carry it easy by myself as we tend to take it out of the car when we are camping. Just something to think about with the bigger ones.

21st August 2012, 11:32 PM
Sorry mate - 50 and a 60 litre Waeco's sitting at my joint ... and to date, they've served the purpose beautifully ...

21st August 2012, 11:40 PM
EVACOOL brought out Baileys years ago, one of the better insulated fridges going around.
If you are cashed up get a National Luna
Brought my 85lt baileys icebox in '94 for $395 best icebox ever, out does anything anyone brings to camp
I let it sit in the sun its fantastic, never have to buy ice over three day weekend,better with block ice, real world testing
and hate techni ice, doesn't work
Out in the desert at least you'll have water

Your right about the techni ice, sh1t box, glad I didn't pay for it, helped a mate out and he got me it.

21st August 2012, 11:44 PM
I have the AutoFridge, and although it is absolutely fantastic, I can't recommend it because they are too damn expensive. Best fridge on the market for extreme hot weather, but you could buy three or four of the more budget conscious fridges on the market for the same money. Three members of my family own them, and they all cop a beating with no failures, and in fact haven't met too many people that have had them fail. Quality Danfoss compressors and fittings.

Mine is nearly 20 Years old, been all over the place - never missed a beat, and currently in full time duty on 240 Volt Power at a friend's house where they have just moved in. I did look at replacing it for a newer model recently, but for me, I didn't like the fact that on the new model, the lid has changed to a side opening lid.

You can't go wrong with any of the better well known brands of fridges, as they have all been on the market for a long time, and mostly ironed out the bugs and problems. There were a few issues with the lids on the early Waeco's but I'm sure they have been solved.

Take a look at the Bushman, Engel, Waeco, ARB, Autofridge, Evercool, and find the one that has the best features for you.

I personally would stay away from the 3 way 12V - 240V - Gas fridges, because they don't work when they are on an incline, but I guess you normally aren't camping or stopping on an incline for long, and most people camp on the flat.For you, you may do lots of base camping where you take the fridge out of the car and then the 3 way becomes ideal.


21st August 2012, 11:59 PM
hey mate i have an 80lt Waeco and a 45lt Engel. I bought the Engel as the 80lt waeco is just stupid big! I bought it first and thought "Is big is good" but damn its just way way too big to be honest and takes up half the available space int eh back of either the GQ or the GU. My dad bought one too and i encouraged him not to but he did not listen and has regretted the purchase for the same reason.

I got the 45lt Engel for Christmas (Bonus) and am happy with it. I must say i borrowed a 45lt ARB off the Dung Beetle for a couple of day trips and it is a bloody Great fridge! Disappointed that i got the Engel over the ARB to be honest but beggars cant be choosers! LOL

I visited the ARB factory in Kilsyth last year and spoke to the design department about the Fridge and was really impressed with the features, they have listened to the market and made the changes to suit us, the users, needs and requests.

1. The Lid come off without fuss for easy full access and no need to have to tilt over the hinge if the roof is too close ;)

2. The controls are at the FRONT when the fridge is in the car....Der! (The Engel is at the back)

3. The Digital Temp screen is also at the front and easy to see and read from the back or even through the rear glass door of the car ;) (try reading the Engel while it is in the car with the travel bag in place!!!!)


ARB wins my comparo.

22nd August 2012, 08:02 AM
Thanks guys, my decision just got harder! lol. I was suprised by how many people had Waeco frigs. I have heard and read alot on them with bad results. In saying that I guess it's like everything " have a bad 1, everyone hears about it! Have a good 1, keep it to your self! I haven't seen too many people mention the Primus, so I'm guessing no-one has 1 or new to the market. I thought the primus was a good idea with the 2 lids ( 1/ 24ltr freezer 1/ 31ltr frig ) With 2 kids they r constantly in and out of the esky so thought i could keep my beer cold in the big side and the misus and kids drinks and food in the smaller side. Think I may have opened a can of worms too!

22nd August 2012, 08:18 AM
Mate, I don't think you could go with any of the top brands. They're all very good so it will come to personal preference.

Have you looked at the trailblazer ones? Bit pricey tho.

I have had a weaco and a engle and have been happy with both. No problems. Have been using my weaco as a freezer for about 6 weeks so far and all good. -10 constantly

..........on the move

22nd August 2012, 11:57 AM
Ran my engel for probably 10 yrs straight give or take a month, was always plugged in.
Now its in the GU never missed a beat

22nd August 2012, 12:32 PM
to throw a spanner in, I have a trailblazer fridge made in qld, great thing and its over 25yrs old and still going strong, the only downside is the size as it has 3 inch insulation. They are only sold through the manufacturer.