View Full Version : ACMA - Do not call register

DX grunt
21st August 2012, 09:20 AM
To assist you in reducing the amount of telemarketing phone calls, you can register with the Australian Govt website.


Hope this helps. Any chance of making this a sticky, as it affects many of us?

Take care out there.


21st August 2012, 09:24 AM
We registered with this at work but still get countless calls. We let them all know that we are on the register and they crap their pants!

21st August 2012, 09:24 AM
I am on that Register and whilst it has meant a lot less calls I still get the occasional one.
When you mention you are on the Register and want their details to report them they soon hang up.

21st August 2012, 09:32 AM
X2 with Kristoffa, registered but still get calls all the time, not as many though

21st August 2012, 09:53 AM
Recently told a caller the phone was on the register, she said with her American / Asian accent it was a business phone so could not be registered.

I told her the registration was accepted by the DNCR and told her to F-Off, I know its wrong to swear and at a lady. BUT I felt better.....

23rd August 2012, 09:40 PM
cheers for the reminder Rossco, i've just re-upped (with mobile numbers too)

23rd August 2012, 09:44 PM
I re-registered with this yesterday, and have received 2 spam text messages about a Lotto win on our mobiles, and two calls from "Microsoft"on our unregistered landline.
I am thinking "Do Not Call Register is Hacked"
Not happy....probably better to just stay the hell off All databases, Government run, or not.

23rd August 2012, 09:53 PM
Don't forget, just because you register itcan take uo to 3 monthsbefore the registration goes through, so you will still get the nuisance calls coming through........ we registered about 6 months ago and it too ok a couple of months before the calls stopped, we get absolutely no spam calls now, not even the computer spammers from india lol....... be patient, it does work

23rd August 2012, 09:58 PM
Don't forget, just because you register itcan take uo to 3 monthsbefore the registration goes through, so you will still get the nuisance calls coming through........ we registered about 6 months ago and it too ok a couple of months before the calls stopped, we get absolutely no spam calls now, not even the computer spammers from india lol....... be patient, it does work

hold on...

is that an actual, useful, on topic comment from the clunkster?

quoted for posterity...


23rd August 2012, 10:05 PM
hold on...

is that an actual, useful, on topic comment from the clunkster?

quoted for posterity...

Haven't you got some bar work to go and fix and rego plate to replace?

DX grunt
23rd August 2012, 10:08 PM
Note to self: Add Clunk to my 'Do not call' register. LOLOLOL

Sorry, I'm still on a high with the espresso. lol

23rd August 2012, 10:11 PM
Haven't you got some bar work to go and fix and rego plate to replace?

the rego plate's still attached to my forum profile, what more do i need?

23rd August 2012, 10:18 PM
Sorry can't answer that due to me turning a new leaf and am no longer going to hijack Rossco's thread....... Well not this thread anyway :D:D:D:cool:

the ferret
23rd August 2012, 10:26 PM
I just tellem "your call is in a Queue, would you like to hold?"

Or when they ask for the owner of the company.. "Oh that would be Mr Bench, I'll get him for you, please wait a moment"... then just put the phone on the bench and come back a bit later Gooooorn!!

OOh yes, and where are you calling from??.... "Melbourne sir"... what street in Melbourne and do you have a Melbourne in India??? Goooorn.

Or even... Can I have your home number and ring you back tonight??? " Sorry Sir, I do not take calls at home" ................WELL NOR DO I!

Cheers, the ferret.

23rd August 2012, 11:08 PM
Recently told a caller the phone was on the register, she said with her American / Asian accent it was a business phone so could not be registered.

yea thats what i was told also. i just hang up on them

24th August 2012, 01:03 AM
I am registered at work and still get calls, they say can I speak to the business owner and I just say you wish and hang up or I give them to my secretary and she says he is on the phone hang on and just stick them on hold listening to my recorded advertising!