View Full Version : Club info??? please help

19th August 2012, 10:23 PM
Hey guys,
I'm thinking of creating an offroad club in the southern highlands.
I just want to get together with people with similar intrests "getting out" and having a good time
What im wondering is where do i start?
Who do i talk to?
Any information would be handy

the evil twin
19th August 2012, 11:25 PM
Hi mate,

OK could be a real long story but I'll try and keep it as short as I can... I have a fair bit of knowledge on this 'un

1. You will be mad if you have a Club (as opposed to a few mates) that isn't an incorporated body. Doesn't cost much just a few hoops to jump thru with the gov't man. Took us only 6 weeks and that was over Xmas last time I did it.
2. Once you are an "Inc" you can get insured and the Club members and committee dudes are protected.
3. You should also very strongly consider becoming affiliated with your state 4WD Council but that's not a biggee (just really easy for insurance etc etc) again usually a simple process.
4. The easiest place to find members is on Forums and/or a notice at the local 4X places. Arrange a very informal "meeting of interested people" at a local venue and see who turns up.
5. If you get enough interest at the informal meet (say a dozen or more) then allocate a steering group of say 4 or 5 to arrange the admin, choose the name etc, set up the Inc body, organise the first meeting etc.

There is a catch 22... to be Incorporated you have to already have a Club BUT if you have a Club and aren't Incorporated then the people in the Club are legally responsible so that is why you set up with just a few initially (the 4 or 5), they incorporate and from that point "the Club" is a legal entity , then you open the Club for Joe Public to join and if something goes pear shaped it is only teh Club assets at risk not peoples homes and livelyhood.

There are a few differences from state to state but that is the most common arrangement

20th August 2012, 07:02 PM
Just a quick question as well how do you become an "incorporated body"?
Forgive me
I'm not to clued up with this stuff

the evil twin
20th August 2012, 09:32 PM
Just a quick question as well how do you become an "incorporated body"?
Forgive me
I'm not to clued up with this stuff

It's very easy for a "not for profit" organisation which is what you will be. Incorporating means that the Club is a legal entity so it can have bank accounts, insurance, meeting places etc etc.

You don't have to do it but if you are unincorporated then individuals have to sign for anything to do with the Club and are liable.

Almost all States will have a tick and flick sheet and a model constitution where all you do is fill in the blanks.

Public Liability is no longer compulsory by law BUT you will find that, say, the local RSL if you want to meet there will tell you to pee off with out it.

I am assuming NSW so here is a link to a fact sheet... I'll leave the rest of the reading to you... http://www.ourcommunity.com.au/management/view_help_sheet.do?articleid=17

Happy to help if you have any other Q's tho