View Full Version : Simpson Desert

14th August 2012, 07:39 PM
Hello everyone,

I am going with my friends to "SIMO" second and third week in September this year, It will be only me with my GQ and my friend with his Vitara.
Just trying to get as many advices as possible about the weather this time of year, is there gonna be people driving around and any general questions that may help us.

Thanks a lot


14th August 2012, 07:55 PM
Great time to travel, it'll be bloody freezing overnight, its Simmo season so should find plenty of other travellers out there.
Diesel or Petrol???

14th August 2012, 09:35 PM
Hey Dan head over to the intro section mate and post up an introduction. We prefer to see folks say g'day before waking for advise. ;)