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View Full Version : Anyone knows Pasta recipe?

14th August 2012, 06:20 PM
Hey friends. I want to make pasta but the problem is this i have no any recipe of pasta and don't know how to make it. kindly share some healthy recipes of pasta so that i can make pasta easily at home. Reply must.

14th August 2012, 06:33 PM
Would love to give you some recipe tips, but with the MOF being of Italian decent, I can;t
horse head in the bed and all that, all I can say is marry Italian just to get all secret recipes
well worth it

Petit caillou
14th August 2012, 06:38 PM
Hi mate,

maybe try this :

Petit caillou

15th August 2012, 12:45 AM
I cant cook for s**t, but ive made this with pasta, its easy and tasty as.......

Heat your pasta in boiling water as normal,

while its cooking , grab a seperate container, and throw in some diced bacon, onion, grated cheese, capsicum, garlic etc etc, or whatever you like really, for me its what i can find easy in the fridge, chop enough food stuffs, to make a decent mix to flavour how much pasta you wanna make.

Then add to your mix, crack 1 raw egg, and add about the same amount in normal milk, this should cover the chopped mix in the container, if not, add more milk and eggs (normally about 1 egg & milk per person), mix this all together.

When pasta is soft, drain water, pour egg/food mix into pasta, put back on low heat and stir/mix while cooking, (if it starts to go dry ,reduce heat and add milk, but keep stiring) once its all mixed up and everything is hot ,its ready to eat, serve with some grated cheese on top, bit of salt and pepper.........mmmmmmm ;)

15th August 2012, 06:00 AM
Hey friends. I want to make pasta but the problem is this i have no any recipe of pasta and don't know how to make it. kindly share some healthy recipes of pasta so that i can make pasta easily at home. Reply must.

Hi mate, when you get a chance can you drop past the introduction thread ( link is in my signature ) and post up some info about yourself and your rig



15th August 2012, 12:52 PM
hi tarous,

'trad' bolognese sauce.

start by cooking off some cut up onion - as thin as you can safely get it. its there to thicken the sauce and softens up
when starting to go brown, but not getting burnt and glazed, add some speck or bacon with plenty of fat on.

while that's cooking off on a slightly higher (but not spitting burning hot) heat, cut up a ceeral bowl full of carrots and celery mixed - the celery is impt for flavour believe it or not

add 500g or minced beef - any grade. turn up the heat and keep stirring it round until it starts browning. the bacon and onions won't burn if you keep moving the meat around.

when its cooked the meat but not browning it, add the celery and carrots. the moisture in these will stop anything burning.

add a quarter of a bottle of red wine. a heavy red like shiraz, or cab sav or a mix. not a pinot or lighter red - may as well add ribena.

let the wine reduce a bit - that is, keep the heat up and the liquid volume will reduce. might take 3-4 minutes.

add a good squirt of basil and garlic out of tubes is fine, then add two cans of either skinned or chopped tomatoes. i prefer the italian tomatoes, even from coles. the oz ones are more acidic. i take a minute to cut out the stem roots - for the one minute, it makes a big diff for fussy kids.

stir all that up, then add either vege or chicken stock (about two heaped teaspoons in a cup / coffee mug of water) - doesn't matter which. don't add more powder than that.

now leave the lid off on a low heat and let it simmer....for as long as you or whoever is cooking it can. the longer it simmers the better it will taste.

all that will happen now is the flavours will mix and h2o will evaporate. as you need to add more water or stock, or a weaker stock depending on your taste. i tend to really weak stock.

if you want to leave it for a few hours, put a lid on, and lower the heat as much as you can. i've done it in a camp oven and its didn't burn.

if you don't have time to cook it out, try mixing the tommies, garlic, basil, carrots and stock in the morning, cold. don't mix the wine in cold. it needs heat. put the celery and onions in together. don't mix the bacon and meat cold. the bacon needs time by itself on heat.

hope you enjoy.


15th August 2012, 10:50 PM
If your a bad cook or don't enjoy it, try some of the dolmio pasta sauce, all you need to do is cook the pasta and the rest is done for you, simply stir through and your there!

23rd November 2012, 03:46 PM
Hey friends. I want to make pasta but the problem is this i have no any recipe of pasta and don't know how to make it. kindly share some healthy recipes of pasta so that i can make pasta easily at home. Reply must.

Removed your signature mate unless you come back and tell us about your Patrol?

23rd November 2012, 05:19 PM
Tuna pasta is easy.... married to an Italian girl so pasta is one of our lazy meals....

3rd December 2012, 08:44 PM
Easy one for the culinary challenged

Tablespoon butter
Teaspoon crushed garlic
Sml diced onion
Diced bacon 150gm
Cup diced mushies

Sautee butter garlic for 2min
Add onion bacon & mushies cook until onion is clear
Turn heat down & add cream & warm only

Serve with pasta of your choice with RAMANO grated cheese & cracked pepper

It goes great with Bear Cove Radler !


DX grunt
3rd December 2012, 09:07 PM
Can't be a quick pasta using a jar of 'Chicken Tonight'. lolol

3rd December 2012, 10:59 PM
Lazy one for the camp. Jar or as many as you need of 5 Brothers Pasta sauce (prefer garlic, tomato and basil). Capsicums, mushrooms, garlic, chilli, red wine and red onion. Slice onion, caps, mushies, chilli and crush garlic. Fry 'em up in pan, cook pasta and then stir the pasta sauce through your fried goods. Drain pasta - pour sauce in pasta and mix. Serve and add Parmesan/Romano grated over top with basil leaves (optional if long camp).

Eat and drink.

Can replace chilli with Tabasco for convenience and also jar garlic.


14th June 2013, 06:04 PM
This is a hungarian recipe I learned from a sicilian and I have yet to have a friend not love it. It is also really easy. Sorry for the quantity of ingredients but you can google it.
1 bell pepper cut into 1/2 " pieces
1 white onion chopped
1 garlic clove minced
1 large or small can of tomato soup
1.5 lbs of ground meat.
1/4 cup of sugar
pinch of salt
2-4 tablespoons of worchestershire sauce to taste.
Cook the garlic,onion,and pepper until soft in a little olive oil, add the meat and cook until done, throw in the soup, sugar,and shire and simmer for 10 mins. Its easy and always a hit. E

14th June 2013, 06:05 PM
oh yeah and on the side cook to cups of macoroni until al dente and throw in the mix for the simmering.

14th June 2013, 06:06 PM
dangit. Two cups

10th December 2013, 09:39 PM
hi tarous,

'trad' bolognese sauce.

start by cooking off some cut up onion - as thin as you can safely get it. its there to thicken the sauce and softens up
when starting to go brown, but not getting burnt and glazed, add some speck or bacon with plenty of fat on.

while that's cooking off on a slightly higher (but not spitting burning hot) heat, cut up a ceeral bowl full of carrots and celery mixed - the celery is impt for flavour believe it or not

add 500g or minced beef - any grade. turn up the heat and keep stirring it round until it starts browning. the bacon and onions won't burn if you keep moving the meat around.

when its cooked the meat but not browning it, add the celery and carrots. the moisture in these will stop anything burning.

add a quarter of a bottle of red wine. a heavy red like shiraz, or cab sav or a mix. not a pinot or lighter red - may as well add ribena.

let the wine reduce a bit - that is, keep the heat up and the liquid volume will reduce. might take 3-4 minutes.

add a good squirt of basil and garlic out of tubes is fine, then add two cans of either skinned or chopped tomatoes. i prefer the italian tomatoes, even from coles. the oz ones are more acidic. i take a minute to cut out the stem roots - for the one minute, it makes a big diff for fussy kids.

stir all that up, then add either vege or chicken stock (about two heaped teaspoons in a cup / coffee mug of water) - doesn't matter which. don't add more powder than that.

now leave the lid off on a low heat and let it simmer....for as long as you or whoever is cooking it can. the longer it simmers the better it will taste.

all that will happen now is the flavours will mix and h2o will evaporate. as you need to add more water or stock, or a weaker stock depending on your taste. i tend to really weak stock.

if you want to leave it for a few hours, put a lid on, and lower the heat as much as you can. i've done it in a camp oven and its didn't burn.

if you don't have time to cook it out, try mixing the tommies, garlic, basil, carrots and stock in the morning, cold. don't mix the wine in cold. it needs heat. put the celery and onions in together. don't mix the bacon and meat cold. the bacon needs time by itself on heat.

hope you enjoy.


I don't know how to make pasta.
I know to make many other dishes such as chicken fried rice, vegetables fried rice, chicken curry, fish fry, and pizza etc. but I never try pasta.
I hope now I can make pasta by following your this recipe. Thanks for sharing this recipe.

adamprowse personal trainer (http://www.pinterest.com/adambootcamp/)

10th December 2013, 09:53 PM
Australian made and owned , and keep me employed :)