View Full Version : The ferret is still here!!

the ferret
11th August 2012, 09:20 PM
Hi Guys and of course our lady members.
The ferret has been tied up pretty well lately what with the passing of my father inlaw and a few other issues, old Norm was the top Massey Ferguson mechanic on the planet, bar none, he taught me so much about engines.
On another scope, I have been researching my family tree, Wow, convicts and all, hence my lack of input to the mighty nissan patrol forum, but all is not lost, I log in every day and check on what's new.
So I haven't given the forum the "bums rush" so to speak.
Ya, know, there is so much info about your ancestors at the click of a button, I joined ancestry.com for two months and have built a tree back to the 1700s, amazing, they do most of the work for you.
I found out I may inherit a castle in Scotland, seems I have Mcleod blood, now that would call for a decent Pi ssup eh,
Are there any "Reads" or "Dobbins" out there as members?, I would be very interested.
Tomorrow will be back to normal, making tyre deflators and other stuff for the discerning 4byer.
Cheers, the ferret.

11th August 2012, 09:27 PM
Who is the ferret??????

Sorry 2 hear about the passing of you father inlaw :(

Good 2 have u back :)

Edit: P:S: what did i win, this is a comp isn't it ????????????

11th August 2012, 09:27 PM
Does Ancestry.com give you commission on sales !!!!!!
He he....

11th August 2012, 09:32 PM
Sorry to hear about your father in-law Rod, my condolences to you and your better half mate.

Congratulations on having a convict background, that explains a lot....hahahahahaha
Does the castle come with somewhere to go for a play with our Patrols, count me in if it does mate.
I can just see it now....Lord Ferret of the Deflater..lol

the ferret
11th August 2012, 09:36 PM
Who is the ferret??????

Sorry 2 hear about the passing of you father inlaw :(

Good 2 have u back :)

Edit: P:S: what did i win, this is a comp wasn't it ????????????
LOL!!! No comps, till someone says " gee, thanks Rod for for the Bizzo, I'll make sure so and so coughs up And I appreciate my freeby""
Cheers, the ferret.

the ferret
11th August 2012, 09:38 PM
Does Ancestry.com give you commission on sales !!!!!!
He he....
I wish, mate, I wish!!

the ferret
11th August 2012, 09:41 PM
Sorry to hear about your father in-law Rod, my condolences to you and your better half mate.

Congratulations on having a convict background, that explains a lot....hahahahahaha
Does the castle come with somewhere to go for a play with our Patrols, count me in if it does mate.
I can just see it now....Lord Ferret of the Deflater..lol

Thanks Doggy, Appreciate that mate, but I think it would be toooooo boggy for a Patrol, might have ta hire lundroover!!!
Cheers, the ferret.

Edit, And that'll be "SIR FERRET OF THE MANOR CASTLE WITH MUD" if you don't mind.

11th August 2012, 09:41 PM
LOL!!! No comps, till someone says " gee, thanks Rod for for the Bizzo, I'll make sure so and so coughs up And I appreciate my freeby""
Cheers, the ferret.

Thanks Rod for the Bizzo........... tell me who it was and I'll make sure they cough the money up that is owing 2 you.............I would appreciate a freeby............

So Have I won now??? *LMAO*

Did you really miss this place??? *L*

the ferret
11th August 2012, 10:00 PM
Thanks Rod for the Bizzo........... tell me who it was and I'll make sure they cough the money up that is owing 2 you.............I would appreciate a freeby............

So Have I won now??? *LMAO*

Did you really miss this place??? *L*

Gotta hand it to ya Toddy, yer a stickler mate, yeah I have missed the forum, I found out soooo much stuff on ancestry, my ancestors are buried in the old East perth cemetary, now I have pics of old grave stones, along with history and photos of people with beards lol

Cheers, the ferret.

11th August 2012, 10:32 PM
Yeh my pop and old man are right into that Ancestry stuff, I might get into it when I'm old and grey *LMAO*

the ferret
11th August 2012, 11:04 PM
Yeh my pop and old man are right into that Ancestry stuff, I might get into it when I'm old and grey *LMAO*

Trust me Toddy, take a notebook and pencil and sit with ya pop and get him to tell you everything he knows about the olds mate'
He is living memory, one day you will wish you had asked, but it will be too late, ask him now, write it down, save it because one day you will want to know, trust me on that one mate.
Cheers, the ferret.

11th August 2012, 11:05 PM
How much do ya have to fork out for that???

I think I looked into it years ago before they really started advertising it so much and it cost heaps??

the ferret
11th August 2012, 11:21 PM
How much do ya have to fork out for that???

I think I looked into it years ago before they really started advertising it so much and it cost heaps??

I'm a real mean pri ck when it comes down to these types of sites, but, I spat the dummy and joined as I wanted to know and go back 300 years.
What I found was that once you start, they bring up hints and you can check them out, there are also possibly other people searching the same family, you get to look at that and can even email them.
It is truly amazing and well worth the money, about $25 a month but you can cancel anytime.
You can see the original birth or death or marriage certificate 300 years ago, print it or what ever.
What have you got to lose, $25?
We even have a shield, lol Mc Leod Clan. Ha ha, cop that!!!
Cheers, the ferret.

DX grunt
12th August 2012, 02:58 AM
Take your time, Rod. We'll still be here when you get back.

At least you have THE truck to do laps around the moat. haha

Take care out there.


12th August 2012, 07:21 AM
Just like an instant win scratchy

Came here first thing this morning all exciting thinking I will win something only to be disappointed.............................

I'm going back to bed

the ferret
12th August 2012, 10:03 AM
Ha ha, sucks a bit eh Todd??
Cheers, the ferret.

12th August 2012, 10:40 AM
Sorry to hear of the loss mate, it often sparks interest into geneology.

Congrats on the history search, 1700 is a fair effort!!

I spent a year tracing family history. Online, family papers, old letter etc. Can trace my lines back to 1276. With almost all of the sons and daughters of each marriage and even some remarriages. It was a project of mine when I was between jobs a number of years ago. With some hand written letters and post cards from the mid 1800's it really gives the search some meaning and depth.

Keep searching, find the next missing link, good luck!!

Tap,tap,tapping in your head

12th August 2012, 11:05 AM
Just what we need, a rich bloody convict that lets your tyres down,

Good to see ya back mate and sorry to hear about your loss, thoughts are with you and the miss's Rod, As always the good ones go first,
at least you have some top memories and can carry his knowledge on to help out others,

Condolences to the family, never a nice thing to go through.

Stay safe mate, Cheers Pete

Yappa Tappa Doo

the ferret
12th August 2012, 11:09 AM
Just what we need, a rich bloody convict that lets your tyres down,

Stay safe mate, Cheers Pete

Yappa Tappa Doo

Ha ha, dunno about the "rich" bit, the rest is ok tho!!
cheers, the ferret.