View Full Version : Bad news for Brisbane 4wders

7th August 2012, 10:04 PM
I have just come from my 4wd club meeting and we were told of three things that may be bad for those of us who enjoy fun and challenging 4wding. Rover park is now closed. never been but but was on my to do list, landcruiser park is up for sale (good/ bad who knows?) And apparently the glass house mountains are a no go zone until parks and wildlife decide what they are doing with the tracks. (according to the 4wd club association)

7th August 2012, 10:07 PM
Yeah it is a bummer rover has been shut for just over a month now. Cruiser park has been for sale for a long time probably longer than 2yrs. There is another post here about glasshouse as well with some info in there about it check that out as well. Glasshouse is my local spot so Im keeping my ears pricked about any info on it.

7th August 2012, 11:27 PM
LCMP adjoins Army land I believe.

Don't know how much money Defence has spare at the moment.

7th August 2012, 11:47 PM
yea ive been told theres some big plans for the glass house area in years to come though more towards the pine forest side/bruce highway but it will branch out into the powerlines area

Finly Owner
11th August 2012, 12:14 AM
I have just come from my 4wd club meeting and we were told of three things that may be bad for those of us who enjoy fun and challenging 4wding. Rover park is now closed. never been but but was on my to do list, landcruiser park is up for sale (good/ bad who knows?) And apparently the glass house mountains are a no go zone until parks and wildlife decide what they are doing with the tracks. (according to the 4wd club association)
Which club are you in?


11th August 2012, 09:23 AM
LCMP adjoins Army land I believe.

Don't know how much money Defence has spare at the moment.


Maybe we can convince Juliar to sell us some.


11th August 2012, 12:55 PM
ipswich 4wd club, alot of older people but a good bunch of guys and no yahoo's

12th August 2012, 08:06 PM
ipswich 4wd club, alot of older people but a good bunch of guys and no yahoo's

I might have to have a look into this club, Since I have now moved to Ipswich

12th August 2012, 08:06 PM
I might have to have a look into this club, Since I have now moved to Ipswich

Says NO YAHOOS mate hahahhahahahaha

12th August 2012, 08:25 PM
Says NO YAHOOS mate hahahhahahahaha

OH Dam it, I'm out.