View Full Version : To set a trap for low life scum....

7th August 2012, 09:39 AM
I am getting so tired of people coming onto my property at night and taking what is not theres.

Last night it was jerry cans with fuel off my gardening trailer and yes I know sometimes I lock them and sometimes not.

The other week I forgot to lock the door of my GQ I bought just for parts and a few days later noticed the door wide open.

These are just the recent things, on and off it has been going on for years and I want to set a trap...

Maybe a battery hooked up to give a decent zap, eerr I dont know.

I have my hunting trail camera but it would be set off by anyone passing in the street.

It is more the thought that someone is outside my bedroom in the night taking from me and I dont just mean property but my basic right to feel safe in my home.

Sorry for rant I am just pissed right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!

7th August 2012, 09:53 AM
$&#*@ something similar to an electric fence setup ay

Tap, Tap.......Who's there?

7th August 2012, 09:54 AM
Set up a bright light on your bedside table that points at your head whilst your asleep and wire it up to motion detectors .
That way you can be woken without them knowing and sneak up on them take a bright torch and something not commonly used as a weapon like a timber saw or similar sneak up on them shine the bright blinding torch in their eyes and go to town on them like a psychopathic lunatic.

7th August 2012, 09:58 AM
Set up a bright light on your bedside table that points at your head whilst your asleep and wire it up to motion detectors .
That way you can be woken without them knowing and sneak up on them take a bright torch and something not commonly used as a weapon like a timber saw or similar sneak up on them shine the bright blinding torch in their eyes and go to town on them like a psychopathic lunatic.

GOLD hahahahahA

Tap, Tap.......Who's there?

Sir Roofy
7th August 2012, 10:04 AM
Sencor lights mate not illeagle bright as day or get your self a dog
or even an electronic one and move it about each nite

7th August 2012, 10:06 AM
rant as much as you want on this subject
im an electrician by trade an im away 6 months of the year. when it comes to my house if you want to enter without permission your experience will be how you say shocking hahaha

7th August 2012, 10:11 AM
another thing you can do is get the old shot gun out and fill the round full of rock salt
i have a mate who was a bad boy in his day he tried to rip off someones crop and they unloaded 3 rounds into his back.it didnt hurt him until the adrenelin wore off and his back was shredded. he has been a law abiding citizen ever since

7th August 2012, 10:11 AM
Not saying that wouldn't be deserving but what if the kids next door kick the ball over the fence and decide to retrieve it.
Could put you in some serious trouble.
Coming home to clean up fried thief after 6 months would have to have a bit of a stench to it lol you might want to invest in some pigs so you don't have to clean up the mess.

7th August 2012, 10:14 AM
Not saying that wouldn't be deserving but what if the kids next door kick the ball over the fence and decide to retrieve it.
Could put you in some serious trouble.
Coming home to clean up fried thief after 6 months would have to have a bit of a stench to it lol you might want to invest in some pigs so you don't have to clean up the mess.
dont worry im onto that you have to be going into the house or be within a few feet of the ute you cannot get done by accident

7th August 2012, 10:16 AM
Just be careful about what you do as under our Laws you are responsible for any damage or injury caused by your Actions even if they are on your property uninvited

A Motion sensing Camera would probably be your best bet.

Hope they are caught

7th August 2012, 10:17 AM
A dog is the absolute best thing. Even our Jack Russell is a good guard dog. She doesn't attack people but she sure lets us know if somebody is there.
Bigger dogs are better, a rotty or something will deter potential thieves for sure, another thing is to get a little $5 sign that says you have CCTV. A lot of the time thieves will see that sign and steer clear, too much of a risk for them!

the ferret
7th August 2012, 10:21 AM
Half a gerry can full of petrol, add a handful of aluminium powder and 2 kilos of sugar.
Stir well, add can to trailer in obvious position and retire for the night.

Motion sensor to switch on battery charger, battery charger hooked up to a Dick smith buzzer by ya bed, also by the bed, 1m of 3/4 water pipe, one capsicon spray and a very bright torch.
Shine torch in their eyes, belt over head with pipe, Then tie them to a tree for a week, squirt daily with spray until well done.
Cheers, the ferret.

Edit" if you have the room, get a couple of geese, the ultimate warning system.

7th August 2012, 11:18 AM
Half a gerry can full of petrol, and 2 kilos of sugar.
add can to trailer in obvious position and retire for the night.

Edited it a bit, but no one get hurts in this one & What ever they put the petrol in, wont be working any more, and will reduce the need to steal petrol again

7th August 2012, 11:19 AM
Good for a giggle, but if you want to change the hose to a paintball gun :)



7th August 2012, 12:16 PM
I'm with Roofy, get yourself an ugly pig hunting dog. I've had 3 dogs thus the name, best man stopper was Jack the Doberman bloody awesome to watch in full flight. The othe two are Mastiff cross called Cruiser cause he cant get up hills, and Tyson a Blue Pitty cross. No one jumps my back fence.
Against the law to set Mantraps, Pricks will end up sueing you.

7th August 2012, 12:24 PM
A few signs might go a long way like
NOTICE Please read before entering
Due to the recent influx of trespassers all future residents of the trespassing burial plot will require dismembering .

The BigFella
7th August 2012, 12:49 PM
this subject touches close to my heart, Ive lost shit loads over the years.
I even went as far as installing cameras and got some excellent footage, but the Police just werent interested.
They said even though "we" could make a positive identification the courts may not and that it wasnt in their (Police) to persue it.
I have now opted for a low voltage electric fence set up energized with 2x 9volt torch batteries.
Touch my tool trailer, car trailer, camper trailer or garage doors and zap! Not enough to hurt mind you, but enough to startle even the hardest criminal.

My 15yr old son can hold the wire when fully energized so its not too hot to handle.

I have also been in court a couple of times years ago when some little mongrel jumped my fence and my blue cattle dog chased him down the driveway, so big dogs can be a problem!
When the Police dont give a rats arse about catching these scum low life mongrels we need to take things into our own hands,,,, dont we!

7th August 2012, 01:37 PM
yeh my ex father in law had a great dog, would let you in BUT try to leave ha ha had plenty of knocks on the door at 3 or 4 am saying I am looking for someone or i have trouble with the car, go out next morning and retrieve the bits where they dropped them when the dog stopped waggin her tail lol priceless, hope you get it sorted, best bet is motion sensor lights or as i have a talking motion sensor that has recorded voice message and its not pleasant

7th August 2012, 02:11 PM
I have heard cockatoo's are good as well train them to say whatever you want and if someone is about they go off.
Fiends of my parents had one on a property out in the sticks when i was a kid i remember when going their when they weren't home it would tell you they were on holiday etc was funny as.

7th August 2012, 04:51 PM
Wow there are some brilliant responses and I love the Video...

It has given me some great ideas, some that stand out is 3/4 water with 1/4 petrol and let them pinch that!!!

I would love to electrocute them all but may run into trouble with the law that has still not found my laptop.

I like the trigger that turns a light on next to my bed and also like the saltshot for my 12 gauge....

I have a unique front yard and it is hard to protect and up till 2 years ago I had a bloody big heeler (see avatar) but it would do me no good here, my 2 Jack Russell's are only good for hunting and not property protection.

Am looking into surveillance camera and will update my sensor lights which started playing up a year ago and I have not got round to fixing properly.

I can tell this cuts to the bone for so many and on a whole we are hard working good people who happen to have low life's not to far away watching waiting to take whats not there's...

7th August 2012, 06:28 PM
In the meantime I'd definitely get a little sign that you can put on your gate saying you have CCTV surveillance. Just don't let ANYBODY know that they are only a deterrent.

7th August 2012, 09:57 PM
Against the law to set Mantraps, Pricks will end up sueing you. ONLY if they can ID you and remember where your house is ;)
Thats one awesome looking dog mate.

7th August 2012, 10:20 PM
ONLY if they can ID you and remember where your house is ;)
Thats one awesome looking dog mate.
He sure was, he would just sit out the front of the house all day and everyone knew he was here, he had a heart of gold.

Never had a brake in during the 15 years I had him.

Still working some devious plans of revenge, he he!!

7th August 2012, 10:28 PM
One big ass dog!! and setup spotties outfront of your house to go off with a trip wire? :P

7th August 2012, 10:39 PM
I say electricute the scum, find a big ass ants nest and let nature take its corse. We don`t need them anyway.

7th August 2012, 11:07 PM
strings attached 2 the jerry cans that when tripped creates a a closed circuit on a simple electronic detonator attached to the jerry cans :blowup::blowup::blowup::blowup:

And if you don't fancy blowing up your trailer along with the thieves, connect the detonator to some motar fireworks well away from the fuel. Would scare sh!t out of any would be thief and I don't think they would come back in a hurry.


7th August 2012, 11:07 PM
Good for a giggle, but if you want to change the hose to a paintball gun :)



Very very frokin funny hahahahahahhahahahahahahahaa

8th August 2012, 01:31 AM
You can buy dummy CCTV cameras that look like the real thing, just post some warnings around as well.
I have got a Blue Heeler that hates anything that moves, I don't even lock my back door with her around.....would so like to see a thief get into my backyard, I would not have to feed her for a while...hahahaha

8th August 2012, 10:03 AM
Very very frokin funny hahahahahahhahahahahahahahaa
Yeah I showed my wife this video last night and she thought it was a pisser!!!!

9th August 2012, 07:10 PM
love the pic of your dog man I had a staff x healer that looked almost identical to your, lost her in the black sat fires.

10th August 2012, 10:05 AM
love the pic of your dog man I had a staff x healer that looked almost identical to your, lost her in the black sat fires.
Yeah he was a big boy, he was about the size of a female german shepherd which is pretty big for a heeler.

So so smart and had such a kind heart he just looked scary if you did not know.

It's a shame to lose your friend in that way.

29th November 2012, 08:16 AM
Ok it happened again............ The buggers took 2 jerry cans full of fuel and tried to get my brush cutter.

Yes I know I started to get lazy and would not always lock the fuel but the brush cutter is always locked.

I have ordered a cctv with 4 cameras and my neighbour has just installed one at there house but have not had a chance to see if they got any footage of the scumbags.

Faarrkk it makes me so angry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

29th November 2012, 09:16 AM
Stuff that mate....Sell your house and move out to the bush my way bud...

Only thieves out here are Kangawallafoxes getting in your bins...LMAO

29th November 2012, 09:25 AM
Hey BA - that's an absolute pain! Feel for you mate - and it makes you feel so useless when there's little you can do about it after the fact. :(

29th November 2012, 09:48 AM
You know what fuel they like..
Grab 2 used cans, fill one a 50/50 mix and the other full of sulfuric acid... Buy the time they realise it'll be to late..

Kallen Westbrook
Owner of
Westy's Accessories (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?15134-Westy-s-Accessories.-A-small-back-yard-builder.)

29th November 2012, 10:01 AM
Mate i feel for you!! I know for a fact in thommo if its not bolted down ITS GONE i see people all the time at the train station car park from junkies to old farts going thru stuff. Last week a cars contents was dumped and it was like a free for all, how sad !!

Any way surveillance is a great idea, but i thought there was regulations about not being able to have it facing the street??
Where abouts in thommo do you live??

29th November 2012, 10:23 AM
Really sorry to hear it happened again ba I really hope you find the p&@"?s or at least the cops do before you.

29th November 2012, 10:32 AM
Stuff that mate....Sell your house and move out to the bush my way bud...

Only thieves out here are Kangawallafoxes getting in your bins...LMAO

You know I bloody want to but Mags had a look at prices and said no!!!!!!!

Yeah it's the feeling of it being done and it happened only meters away from me and I cant do a bloody thing about it...

Spoke with my neighbour and they will check the footage tonight...?????

29th November 2012, 12:39 PM
Get a loud dog and learn which bark is which. Our big Babrador (or Loxer) has a distinct rumble-howl when ever a human gets onto our property. Although he didn't stop some wonderful person from trying to break into our bush bomb, before the dog discovered them. They stuffed the lock with a big screwdriver, but they didn't get to finish the job !!

29th November 2012, 01:00 PM
A sensitive device that'll react when the containers pinched and moved around......20-30 seconds out your yard and KAFU$nBOOM they're gone, no witness to say where the fuel can came from thief where they belong :)

Sent from my tapped out thumbs

29th November 2012, 01:33 PM
On a serious note - if you really want to catch the buggers - get either a security guard or some burly mates around and wait for them to come back. Then call Constable Plod after you've done all the hard work for them!

29th November 2012, 03:01 PM
have you looked into putting a chepo camera that alerts u when somebody is molesting your vehicle ?

29th November 2012, 05:56 PM
Half a grain of led, delivered at high velocity. Solve the problem every time.

29th November 2012, 06:05 PM
On a serious note -

I was!! :) ...

29th November 2012, 07:39 PM
I was!! :) ...

I know! And I like your idea!

29th November 2012, 07:44 PM
I have some sneaky ideas but the outcome might be just a tad too extreme for a petty thief...lol but then again, accidents do happen :)

29th November 2012, 07:52 PM
Half a grain of led, delivered at high velocity. Solve the problem every time.

I just picked up my new 30/06 that day too.

Hey Kris all I have to do is drag them onto the road after the deed is done and run them over with my car and say "Hey just stepped out in front of me" so I am open to extreme!!!!!!!

My neighbour came round just before and there was nothing on his cctv so they must have come from the other way??

29th November 2012, 07:55 PM
Pricks! Sleep with that shiny new gun under your pillow. Mate you have jack russells how did they not go berserk when there was an intruder?

29th November 2012, 08:01 PM
I have a 24" blade machete on hand ... I'll deal with the courts later ...

If you get my meaning ...

Hate, abhor, despise this sort of stuff ...

29th November 2012, 08:14 PM
Every room I have something to use but not saying where and what I've got it wouldn't be pretty. I sometimes wish our gun laws were a little more relaxed as you should be able to have them for home protection. It is crap that they are locked away bolt seperated and ammo stored elsewhere. If you got robbed and had your gun not stored that way you would get in more trouble than him. If someone done us over he'd wish he copped my rifle instead now I'll go all medieval on them and prolong the pain.
I would say game cameras trip wires and electrified items the go

29th November 2012, 08:42 PM
I have kids and the last thing I would want is my son getting his hands on one of my guns....

I never want to see the days of kids getting there heads blown off from careless dads.

When I was 13 I worked for a builder who kept a 357 under his pillow and a pump action under the bed and if I had told the drop kicks I was hanging out with they would have pinched them.

29th November 2012, 08:49 PM
You know I bloody want to but Mags had a look at prices and said no!!!!!!!

Yeah it's the feeling of it being done and it happened only meters away from me and I cant do a bloody thing about it...

Spoke with my neighbour and they will check the footage tonight...?????

Yarra Glen has good suburban blocks for cheap bud....Great area!!!!

29th November 2012, 08:54 PM
C'mon guys lets be serious about this,what can he do to stop this ???????


What too much??

29th November 2012, 08:56 PM
Yes mate I just looked at some after you posted today and sent Mags a link of a property and she was not dismissive at all........ there is still hope.

We plan on another couple of years then buying another place, but the place we want to really live in that has 2 bloody toilets.

When we mention our place at Mornington people say "Oh is that your holiday house" yeah right!!!!!!! we have a bum tennant who every second month is late with the rent.

Property is the only way we will be able to retire.

29th November 2012, 09:09 PM
In all seriousness what can you do though "legally"

Kick ass dog like a Bull Arab and a lockable shed where everything is kept and a reasonable fence is pretty much it really.

Somehow incorparting this idea with urine would be funny though...lol


29th November 2012, 09:15 PM
Yeah but I dont want to live like that...... I should not have to have all those things to feel safe in my home.

You know what......... I want to go through life not learning from experience and I want to sh!t on others to get what I want and steal and cheat the system because I feel I am owed for no bloody reason......then I will kick and scream when I feel hard done by.

29th November 2012, 09:17 PM
Would be too easy hey...


29th November 2012, 09:22 PM
In all seriousness what can you do though "legally"

Kick ass dog like a Bull Arab and a lockable shed where everything is kept and a reasonable fence is pretty much it really.

Somehow incorparting this idea with urine would be funny though...lol

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIbkLjjlMV8Legally not much can be done,those "not nice people" have more rights then you think,if one of them was to trip in Bloodyaussie's yard and brake his leg he can then sue BA.
A mate of mine was dragged through court because his Rottweiller bit a guy who had broken in to his shed.
However i was once told "Dont let him regonise you",If he cant regonise you he can't honestlly say it was you :)

29th November 2012, 09:27 PM
I once came face to face with a guy in my garage... it was really strange thing to happen as it was 4.30am and I was going out to start my bike to go to work and there we were only 2 feet away from each other and both stunned!!!!!

29th November 2012, 09:29 PM
How long was he standing up for? Lol


29th November 2012, 09:30 PM
I once came face to face with a guy in my garage... it was really strange thing to happen as it was 4.30am and I was going out to start my bike to go to work and there we were only 2 feet away from each other and both stunned!!!!!


29th November 2012, 09:38 PM
I going to bed now.. I tell you about it some day!!!!

7th December 2012, 04:44 PM
I was cleaning up outside my place yesterday loading the trailer to do a tip run when I noticed the jerry can I set up to be pinched has been....... It is full of old diff oil and coolant mixed with 2lts of petrol to give it that smell.

Was happy in some ways but pissed that in between the last one only a couple of weeks ago they have been on my property again and taken stuff, so today I fitted 4 cameras to my place and just need to figure out how to record?????

I am a hardware type person not software????

I look forward to seeing who lurks in the dark.

7th December 2012, 04:49 PM
nice work mate, hope that will teach em! You could also try this, A house near me used to park there car on the street and one day there was a really big sign on it saying to the person who broke into this car, we have you on tape and have passed it to the police! see you in court HA HA!

7th December 2012, 04:52 PM
Plenty of cheap infra red cameras on Ebay, Creeps been touchin my other 4x4, and my son gunna set up some cameras I'll let you know. I've dummy ones in driveway that scan when activated only $6 each red flashing light when on

7th December 2012, 05:05 PM
Havent read the whole thread BA, but get the gist of whats happening. Pricks need a good crackin.
cameras good but still dont stop people like a good old fashion rabbit trap mate......