View Full Version : New feed pump (manual)

6th August 2012, 09:46 AM
Hi, I am looking on eBay and i am not sure which hand feed pump the TD42 uses?

I search for diesel feed pump nissan patrol with no luck...

Anybody know if Bosch makes em?

What model# can I search under?? (I prefer the kind you just pump away) (rather than the type that you have to unscrew and pump)

6th August 2012, 09:59 AM
Please see my question in your other thread which is 4 threads down in the same section. I will delete this thread as it is as close to identical as it needs to be and still does not answer the query.

Please clarify which pump you are after and someone on the forum or I will direct you where to find what you need.

Please dont start a whole new thread in the same section with the same question. Pointless Traffic. If your not happy with your original question then edit it or pm me and i will make the changes you need bud. If you ask the question again in your other thread then it will be bumped to the top if that is what you are trying to do.??

Give some more details there and the answer will be simple.

Cheers MR