View Full Version : Anyone superstitious

2nd August 2012, 09:49 PM

Not sure if anyone would be interested but on the weekend wife and I decided to take the kids up to lake mntn to see the snow and have a play around. On the way back was cruizing behind traffic when all of a suddin my back end got tiered of beeing dragged along and tried to overtake the front end, needles to say my bottom end sucked all the way up.[I s*&% myself], as anyone that has been up there it is cliffs on one side and rock walls on the other side needless to say we were heading straight towards the cliff end, luckily we stopped a few inches from the edge after doing a 180 spin. Thank god there was np cars comming the other way but there was cars in front and behind the ppl behind stopped to see if we were ok and looked as white as we all did, my thanks go out to them as well as the older bloke that stopped in his brand new rangie to offer his tow rope if we needed it, which we didnt thankfully. Well with that pic fresh in my mind still I got to work this morn and found out that one of the blokes I work with was leaving work yesterday arvo and did a u turn to head home and ended up getting t-boned by some moron doing over 100kph in a built up industrial area and is in an induced coma with servear injuries. Not that I am for one second it happened at all but had I not had the day off yesterday it could very well have been me lying in hospital, so I am hoping that what they say is not true about it happening in three's. my heart goes out to him and his family. Wanted to put out there please drive safe everyone and dob in those idiot hoons. Like my motto say's life is short live it the best you can.

the ferret
2nd August 2012, 11:10 PM
Comes in ones, twos threes, fours and so on, whatever, there is no sequence as far as I know.
What I do know tho is this, make what you want of it.
Many years ago I was on horseback looking for stray steers, ended up about 50 ks from the homestead.
Sun was going down and horse was tired and I was looking for somewhere to lay the swag.

Out of the corner of my eye I spotted an old shack, probably a miners hut, on foot, I lead the horse to the front gate, there was only a gate and no fence, by the gate was an old baby's bath with about 4 inches of water in it, so the horse had a drink.

I looped the reins over the gate post and went to the hut, the door was open, I went in, only to find there were no floor boards throughout the modest hut.

Stepping on only the floor joists, I checked the place out, there were only two rooms.
The swag was rolled out on the front porch and off I went to sleep.

Morning came and with the sunrise I saddled up and mounted the pony after closing the gate as I had allways been taught.

"Walk on" I whispered and as we moved off, I turned for a last look at the old hut.
In the window at the front, I saw an old , bald man, standing there waving goodbye.

"Trot on", were my next words to my faithful pony.
Cheers, the ferret.

2nd August 2012, 11:44 PM
I have not had an encounter with the supernatural, and would be happy if it stayed that way.

A very practical, pragmatic couple I know both talk about the ghost that lived with them in their second last house. I think they seperately saw it four or five times. I used to stay with them sometimes to be ready for an early start to fishing trips - happily I didn't ever meet that ghost.

3rd August 2012, 06:50 AM
This stuff freaks me out...lol

My mate who is not BS kind of guy used to live in a house with 3 other people.

All four of them swear there was a ghost in the house. It used to shake the beds and the couches at night and my mate woke up all the time with the sound of a basketball bouncing on concrete next to his window.

3rd August 2012, 07:18 AM
Freaky stuff, I've heard lots of these stories but hope I don't ever come across this situation.....haha

Not for this little cookie

..........on the move

3rd August 2012, 07:42 AM
When I was about 15, it was our last few nights in our old house before we moved. The dog we had would only ever bark if there was a stranger at our house, otherwise she was silent. She started going berserk in the middle of the night, so I went outside and had a look. Saw a bloke look at me, turn around and walk... sort of glided... around the corner of the house. I looked around the corner and there was nobody there and the dog had stopped barking.

3rd August 2012, 07:53 AM
They say it's bad luck to be superstitious ... or something like that ... lol

My thoughts go out to your mate in the coma - that's not supernatural ... it's called "choice". The young hoon made a choice to act like a moron and speed in that area and the "consequence" was your mate in hospital. Sorry to sound so black and white, but in that particular note, your mate isn't to blame for forgetting something, your not lying in hospital because you chose to have a day off, and the absolute reality is the young w@nker is fully to blame ...

Ghost stories aside, too often we look to "what could have been" ... well, it wasn't, and "what is" is staring us in the face - another tragic accident that could have been prevented if the right choice was made. I pray your mate comes through this ok, and the hoon gets every inch of a justice system that should protect others by locking him away for a long time ...

Ghosts on the other hand?? Hmmm ... jury is out on that one for me - if they produce light (so that we can see them) then they're made up of positive electrons - if they're made of positive electrons, then they have mass - if they have mass, then they can't walk through walls etc as that simply defies physics as we know it. Not saying something isn't out there, or denying what people 'believe' they've seen, but yet to be convinced (even after having some strange things happen in my lifetime). Good premise for a tv show to make money off though!! lol

3rd August 2012, 10:18 AM
i dunno about physics - where something can simultaneously be a wave and a particle. Does my head in.

I think there is a lot of truth in those who say humans are designed to look for patterns, and often create patterns where none exist.

and I agree re the Hoon. It may be that what he has done will trouble the hoon for the rest of their life. Or not.

3rd August 2012, 10:27 AM
I want to believe!!! ;-)
Bumma I've only seen a UFO but reeeeely wanna see a ghost

Tap, Tap.......Who's there?

the ferret
3rd August 2012, 10:00 PM
When I was 17, I used to drag the phone on the extension out onto the front porch and chat to my chic.
Every night an old guy would ride past on his bike, a ladies bike, following was a border collie, the old guy was about 70 and always had a white bag over his shoulder , it ha a logo on it "Dingo flour"
The old guy was a spastic and had no use of his left arm, the bike had the old rams horn handle bars and the headlight was a red casing.
I would wave, and he would nod as he couldn't let go of the handlebars
One evening, another dog ran out and attacked the old guy, he fell off and broke both arms, his head was bloodied and the dog was very protective.
His two king browns in the bag were smashed.
I managed to get to him and put a pillow under his head, Mum had rung for the Ambulance, we waited for about half an hour and the Ambulance took him away, I looked after the dog.
Two days later we heard he had died.

Forward 40 years:
I pulled my truck into the Maddington tavern to grab smokes and a six pack, locked the truck, went to the drivein counter, there were two king browns on the counter in a brown paper bag, as I was paying for my beer and smokes, an old guy rocked up on a ladies bike, spastic, white bag over the shouder, border collie beside, yes , on the bag "Dingo flour "and red headlight and ramshorn handlebars
He was a dead ringer for the old guy of 40 years ago, nothing was said, the counter hop just placed the two king browns in the old guys bag, never took any money and the old guy and his dog just faded away into the evening.
Far out I thought.
Got back to the truck, unlocked and jumped up, went to put the sixpack on the passenger seat, there were the two king browns.
It has taken me years to work this one out, I guess I'll never understand, but for sure, there is something out there that we don't understand.
Cheers, the ferret.

3rd August 2012, 10:26 PM
I wonder which of ya supernatural mates slammed the bonnet on ya finger when ya were just outa reach of the fridge hahaha

the ferret
3rd August 2012, 11:13 PM
Don't think it was the old guy!!
Cheers, the ferret.

the ferret
3rd August 2012, 11:23 PM
I want to believe!!! ;-)
Bumma I've only seen a UFO but reeeeely wanna see a ghost

Tap, Tap.......Who's there?

You don't wanna see a ghost, trust me on that mate., stick ta ufo's.
Cheers, the ferret.

8th August 2012, 09:24 PM
Around 10 years ago I was woken up in the middle of the night by what and how I am still not sure of, anyway I instantly knew there was something up I went to sit up and I could not move an inch like I was completely paralyzed not even my toes, I could actually feel something stopping me from moving but not in a forcefull way which makes no sense at all I know, after a min or two I shot up into the sitting position as what ever released me.

Also my wife has weirded dreams for instance she had a dream her grand father was really ill two days later her mum rung to tell her that he had cancer, she also had a dream that her parents lost there house to a fire the night before the fire reaped havoc through kinglake and they lost everything.