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View Full Version : MK SD33 flat tray to MK l28 swb

27th July 2012, 11:31 PM
So I have a few questions, And your probably going to give me answer that will lead to new questions.

I inherited from my father in law his old girl (the sd33) I've just bought myself a swb l28. Now I was kinda hopping that I could just do a straight swap over to the SWB with the SD33 and 5 spd. But I've since found out that it may not be as easy as I was thinking it will be.

Can someone who has gone down this track give me some idea what I will be looking at, and if it's to much trouble to put the sd33 in is it simple to put the 5spd into the swb behind the l28?

If I can't afford the conversion to the sd33 in the SWB is the l28 an engine I can spend some cash on and trick it up some?

I am also in need of a Back seat and canopy for it (I can't find one anywhere on ebay or local)

Cheers and any and all help is appreciated.


N.B I tried searching the forum but didn't find what I was looking for, if I missed a post that tells me all this please just link me to the right place.

28th July 2012, 03:28 PM
Im doin the opposite to you,im goin a diesel to a petrol

Here is the run down so far on the difference without getting into the nitty gritty

Engine mounts on the chassis are different between petrol and diesel, diesel gearbox will not bolt to petrol motor,and vise versa
The wiring is different , diesel has glow plug relays, timers,extra stuff like that,a full wiring swap isnt hard but thats the simplest way around the headache
Youll need different tailshafts from memory ,ill double check
Exhaust ,will need a swap over,fuel lines are different, petrol has electric fuel pump diesel doesnt, either swap that steel fuel line or something else there

L28 are a great tuff little motor, dont have the torque or economy of the diesel but rev alot harder,gotta love a screaming 6 potta
Why do you want to go diesel, whats wrong with the ute ???

28th July 2012, 05:59 PM
Hey Mad,
That sounds like a tone more work then I had ever imagined it to be. The Ute is a good old bus, has never let me down once, but her Rust is getting way outa hand, as quick as I am fixing it it is back. The SWB I bought has next to none, (Been in a shed most of her life). TBH the reason I wanted to change was Diesel has always been my pref. choice. But it seems the swap maybe more then my wallet can handle at the moment so I will just do the l28 up a bit.

Is it possible to get a 5spd to go behind the l28?

Chgeers Ryan

29th July 2012, 09:55 AM
You can get a 5 speed for an ol MQ L28 , the gearbox is from the MK L28 version , but youll need the tailshafts as well , due to the 5 speed gearbox being 100 mm longer, so that makes the rear tailshaft shorter on the 5 speed and the front tailshaft longer on the 5 speed
They are hard to find
What id do , go look at something that more suits your needs,there is some fair price stuff out there and sometimes the hours and $$$ it takes is more than buying the best first up
Poor man pays twice
But if money is tight and building something using what you have is the order, dont be scared these ol rigs are easy to work on and parts arent overly exxy

29th July 2012, 04:44 PM
I have the joy of being a Manager of a Repco store, so I can get new parts pretty easy (when avail.) I've really got my heart set on doing this old girl up. I just love the look of them :) I may just have to stick it out with the 4spd untill I find a 5spd version. Thanks for the tips

31st July 2012, 06:49 PM
have a look at this site there some info www.nerok.info

5th August 2012, 06:48 PM
Okay, Next question, I need some seats for the back of her, Complaiance plate says seats 4 but I'd like to put a 3 seater in the back and get it mod plated to be a 5 seater.

So has anyone put some in these before and know what fits in?? I'd really like them like the factory so I can fold them up when I don't have the kids in the back.

5th August 2012, 08:47 PM
Had an MQ wagon with an L28. I often wished for a 5 speed, but wondered if it would have enough torque.

Interested to see they came out as an option on the MK.

6th August 2012, 03:41 PM
Okay, Next question, I need some seats for the back of her, Complaiance plate says seats 4 but I'd like to put a 3 seater in the back and get it mod plated to be a 5 seater.

So has anyone put some in these before and know what fits in?? I'd really like them like the factory so I can fold them up when I don't have the kids in the back.

The 5 seater is an option in the shorties, all youll need is the actual 3 person seat and any brackets from it
The seat belts are attached to the actual seat,so no need for any holes for belts ect
These are around and usually not worth much as many young fellas throw em out
Seating alteration will entail a mod plate,look on your states road laws website, some have a list of accredited people who can help

6th August 2012, 08:01 PM
Plenty of torque with the rb30s

9th September 2012, 10:06 PM
I've started on the project, but the Flat tray has been sold, so I am sticking with the l28. Found a canopy and a rear seat so now she will fit 5 just have to work out what I need to do as she is only plated to seat 4

10th September 2012, 10:17 AM
Go see a place that does the mod plates, they will tell you whats required
Being a factory option in the shorties, once all the relevant bits are fitted ,i cant see any issue with a pass

22nd October 2012, 09:20 PM
Go see a place that does the mod plates, they will tell you whats required
Being a factory option in the shorties, once all the relevant bits are fitted ,i cant see any issue with a pass

Done that the other day. 100 odd dollars, but i lost one of the brackets that it locks onto, so I bought a 2 seater and going to use that untill I can find a bracket or have one made. She is coming along real nice now. hope to have it registered before the end of November

19th November 2012, 03:54 PM
See if you can source this bracket from a wagon
Many wagon owners seem to throw the rear seats out,and brackets,mite be easier to source than from a shorty

9th February 2013, 09:48 AM
MAD, I had a lwb as a parts car, the part I wanted looked diffrent, I didn't think Of trying it tho. I will give it ago.