View Full Version : Anyone seen the post on facebook about The Springs?

25th July 2012, 09:06 PM
Has anyone seen what some bloke has written to Australian 4wd Action page about The Springs?

25th July 2012, 09:09 PM
Nope, but will go have a looksie now.......... care to fill the rest here in? not all members here use faceache



25th July 2012, 09:11 PM
Do tell ...

Or post a link??

Or just tell ...


25th July 2012, 09:11 PM
He is having a big whinge about there being no fuel in the generator late at night and he hasnt disclosed why but has been banned from the park. Others on here who have been to the springs and know the owners know how good the park is and how well its run. You would have to be doing something fairly wrong to cop a ban.

25th July 2012, 09:19 PM
I couldn't find the post...... 2many ads trying 2 sell me something on there face book page!

25th July 2012, 10:01 PM
Found it but I agree ^^^too many bloody ads trying to sell stuff.

It's on the main page under "recent posts by others" posted yesterday 19:51

140 comments so far.

25th July 2012, 10:13 PM
Do tell ...

Or post a link??

Or just tell ...



25th July 2012, 10:18 PM
Found it. Read the comments: It seems there is a communications problem between two people. Some bloke that got a cold shower, and the owner. Plenty of other people not actually involved or blood related (how dare you call my relative xyz blah blah blah)

Really the only people that know what is going on is the two people in question. Let them have their argument there. I have one question: Where is this 4wd park? (The phone is great for not seeing the adverts, but the map points to somewhere near Amberley caravan park near Brisbane.

25th July 2012, 10:21 PM
Near warwick mate. It is an interesting read and as you say its between them which is where i think this bloke should have kept it. Instead he has this posted all over the net. It is a very good park and there are a fair few people who will agree.

25th July 2012, 10:36 PM
Hmmm. I may have been there last year. (unless there is more than one in the area).

Distinctly remember driving through the Creek (following the track) and spotted someone downstream filling their water bag! Bet he went the extra 50m upstream after that.

Anyhow, good luck to them for a speedy resolution.

25th July 2012, 10:48 PM
But what time was he going for his shower. The genny only goes for a certain amount of hours then runs out of fuel. This is stated in the paper work that is signed. The genny only runs between certain hours every day. Personally I think the place is great and the owners as well. Forget the whining bastards.

26th July 2012, 08:06 AM
Yep, probably one of the better run and friendlier parks I've been to. Even coerced myself to have a shower as the facilities are the best I've seen (clean, and work!!), and that's a big ask for me on a camping weekend!! lmao

Unfortunately, on of the two sides in the argument has decided to vent in a very public fashion and now it's viral. Obviously didn't read my post the other day on Aussie Libel legislation ... hope he wasn't to scathing and was absolutely factual ... coz it could come back to bite him.

That said, I'll be going back - there is a tonne of tracks we didn't get to, so some exploring is on the cards for next time.