View Full Version : 4X4 Tax

17th July 2012, 07:15 PM
Hi Guys, listing on the radio today, "774am" . and there where talking about road tax's and then a lister was talking this tax,that tax and then he said about the 4X4 tax.... , then his time was over and that when I said to myself , "What this 4X4 tax ". So can someone lighten me on this. regards Alex

17th July 2012, 07:17 PM
No such thing.

He is likely wanting a 4x4 tax imposed on large vehicles or something.

Disregard him.

17th July 2012, 07:26 PM
Yay for another tax ......
Dont the government make enuf money from SUV, 4x4 tax when their sold new ....
Wernt SUVs and 4x4s the biggest selling type vehicle for awhile ???

I wanna be a pollie, get pay rises for doin nothin,make taxes a law that your exept from,get the general public to pay for super ect that are GFC exept,get fuel in their cars that are driven by others paid by others
Get the darn pollies to pay outta their pocket as all motorists do the stoopid taxes they make and theyll think twice about makin the stooopid taxes a law
Whats next a fart sensor on our bodies that we have to pay tax on every fart , maybe an air tax for air we breathe .....

17th July 2012, 07:44 PM
Yep, sounds like another sook to me...

EDIT: Just Googled 4x4 tax for a quick look and this post is at the top of the results in only 30 minutes of it being posted....Ive never seen a page get indexed that quick through Google.

17th July 2012, 07:53 PM
Whats next a fart sensor on our bodies that we have to pay tax on every fart

Didn't you hear????........... its on its way *LMAO*

maybe an air tax for air we breathe .....

We are already getting taxed for both anyway, Its called the carbon tax *L*

17th July 2012, 08:00 PM
Ah bring it on we're te highest taxed country in the frikn world we can afford another hahahahahahahahaha
Pollies an tree huggin hippies should be the heavily taxed ones

17th July 2012, 08:20 PM
I'm aching for a tax cut, big time

17th July 2012, 08:42 PM
They tried it already ,didn't work, never will

18th July 2012, 11:22 AM
They tried it already ,didn't work, never will

They obviously didnt try hard enuf then
Didnt we have an alco pop tax that we were charged that didnt actually get passed first ???
Then when they seen how much money they made from a tax that wasnt passed they passed it real quick ...

Ahh the puppet masters, we are just mear mortals on the strings ....
Dance puppets dance .....

21st July 2012, 08:50 PM
We are already paying more taxes than other car drivers. Everything we buy for our 4x4's is more expensive than your average car. Tyres, brake pads etc. Not to mention diesel,so much easier to refine than petrol,but that's another story. Anyway, the more things cost the more we pay in G.S.T. Simple!