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View Full Version : GU8 Poor paint quality, Silver.

15th July 2012, 07:51 PM
Ok so perhaps not the whole car but so far it seams that the GU paint, min is silver, is generally of very poor quality and coverage. Today i noticed a few scuffs on on the driver door sill, obviously form getting in and out. So i got a very light cut and polish, and i mean very light, more polish then cut. Gave it a small rub and had to stop as i could see the silver paint rubbing of.

It appears there is NOOOO clear coat on the lower seals, or is it just mine.

Also noticed that the paint scratches SOOO easily compared to the Pajero it replaced. So has anyone else ha had this issue???

15th July 2012, 08:48 PM
I was an automotive painter for over 15 years and from the days when I started my apprenticeship until now I seen a huge change and not for the good. When I started out we where matching just the colour on the car and painting it. These days the clear and colours are so thin my last few apprentices I had to train to match the primer colour underneath, then match the colour to suit the transparency and then match the amount of clear applied. I was a paintshop foreman for a Lexus repairer so this problem is on cars that are worth as much as $250,000 or more not just the Nissan Patrol or Landcruiser.

If you apply to much colour to gives you the allusion that the paint is to dark but it's really just that you have covered out the primer underneath where from factory it's not. The same thing happens with the clear. You apply 2 coats of clear to a factory panel on a car and no colour that panel will look 4 shades darker as there just isn't any colour let alone clear on the new cars these days.

The factories are cutting more and more corners these days. The paint isn't lasting like it should especially here as our UV rays are breaking down the clears quicker as there less to break down on the cars as there was 10 or 15 years ago.

15th July 2012, 09:56 PM
yeah i noticed that, My 260Z paint is about 20 times thicker then the one on the GU and still as good as the way it was painted, all be it i have looked after it with regular waxing and so forth.

16th July 2012, 02:06 AM
Gives you the S##@S.
how much would it really add to the cost at a gen factory level, $100.
does the CEO really need the money that much, lmao, think not.
so how much extra does it cost to repair having to match undercoat and paint.
we pay extra at repair and or insurance end, so customers would rather pay, up front for more paint , 1 would recon.

16th July 2012, 06:13 AM
The price there paying for paint it would probably only cost them $25.:frown:

Your right about the extra time it takes just to paint a transparent car to Robo. Although the insurance companies or customers don't get stuck wearing the cost it's the Panel shop which means the panel shops cant afford to pay there staff a decent wage which is why they cant keep staff. Most panel shops these days are lucky to have a painter over 25.

My GU was resprayed just after Christmas this year and the gloss level on that compared to your standard paint job out of the factory is massive. I had it all done in a Ceramic based clear also so it cant be scratched as easy and it's without a doubt the best thing I've done to the car.

Cheers Mick.

16th July 2012, 07:37 AM
Thanks Mick, how much was the cost of the respray. I think i will have to say something to Nissan today as it goes in for it's service. It should not be like this.


16th July 2012, 09:57 AM
Just as i thought, put down to general wear and tear, so no go on the paint, ***** it

16th July 2012, 12:26 PM
An extra $100 on every car Nissan makes in a year, that's a lot $$$!
It s!cks but the clown that worked out how to save that money by reducing the quality probably got a big pat on the back from his boss.

16th July 2012, 12:58 PM
yeah not sure where to go with this. I mean a near new car that has traveled 8000Km and is 6 weeks old, should not have paint rubbing off. I want to take this further but not sure where to go. perhaps got a panel beater and get a quote to fix it and go from there.

16th July 2012, 03:45 PM
yeah not sure where to go with this. I mean a near new car that has traveled 8000Km and is 6 weeks old, should not have paint rubbing off. I want to take this further but not sure where to go. perhaps got a panel beater and get a quote to fix it and go from there.

what does your warranty cover, maybe try consumer affairs.
one would expect to polish their car every now and again right !.
so there should be something to polish correct.
so that said it's factory fault !
and I believe you would have a legal obligation to keep your car in good nick for Warranty and Rd worthy etc.
how can the owner keep rust at bay if paint simply so thin you cant even apply a light polish.
sound like b/s to me they have no case and its a factory recall.
hows that, food for thought.

16th July 2012, 04:26 PM
Thanks Mick, how much was the cost of the respray. I think i will have to say something to Nissan today as it goes in for it's service. It should not be like this.

ThanksIt was only $500 (excess) as I claimed it though insurance as it had the sides 2 bobbed when I was away. The rest of the car was resprayed and file finished for nothing as I worked for that shop for 15 years they looked after me. I repaired and painted the flares, moulds and door handles myself. My old apprentice got the job of spraying it. If you where paying for it yourself you would be up for about $7000 to $10,000 but being a new car yours would be probably about $5000. That's what it looks like when it's clean and the beauty of ceramic clear is almost totally scratch resistant. Lantarna wont mark it let alone scratch it.


16th July 2012, 04:33 PM
what does your warranty cover, maybe try consumer affairs.
one would expect to polish their car every now and again right !.
so there should be something to polish correct.
so that said it's factory fault !
and I believe you would have a legal obligation to keep your car in good nick for Warranty and Rd worthy etc.
how can the owner keep rust at bay if paint simply so thin you cant even apply a light polish.
sound like b/s to me they have no case and its a factory recall.
hows that, food for thought.
cheersI don't think your got a leg to stand on. For one there going to say you shouldn't have used a cutting cream on it at all and 2 how do you prove you only gave it a light rub?

They will never do a paint recall as every car make and model is the same. This simply wont happen.

Cheers Mick.

16th July 2012, 07:39 PM
Found a quick solution until i have some SS sills made up. I got some 4mm Tread tape and used it to stick on around the curves of the sill and so forth. I cut it to the right length and then nicely shaped the ends, looks rather good, like it;s meant to be there. Best this is, it cost $10 for 5M and is exterior grade. If i don;t like it or it wears out, simply peal off and replace. Will post pics up tomorrow.

16th July 2012, 08:27 PM
A lot of cars are using 3M clear decal on there sill edges and lower dog legs these days. I've going to put it in a few places on my patrol too when I get some spare time.

Cheers Mick.

16th July 2012, 08:47 PM
Yeah thats long term, but i need to repaint the sill and so forth. I have found some great sill products from the UK so will have a look at these too.

17th July 2012, 05:27 AM
Mick, Nice looking ride.

18th July 2012, 06:41 PM
Thanks mate.

22nd July 2012, 10:23 PM
There is a guy on the Navara website, who took Nissan to Office of Fair Trading and it took 2 years to win his case. It included multiple trips to Nissan paint expert and multiple trips to the Office of Fair Trading.

He finaly won, but it took a long time.


22nd July 2012, 10:29 PM
Got any details or a link to have a look?

22nd July 2012, 11:03 PM
So long as you log a dispute sooner rather than later you may still stand a chance.

23rd July 2012, 05:59 AM
There is a guy on the Navara website, who took Nissan to Office of Fair Trading and it took 2 years to win his case. It included multiple trips to Nissan paint expert and multiple trips to the Office of Fair Trading.

He finaly won, but it took a long time.

JohnWhat that the black Navara your refering to?

If it was that was actually a paint fault where there was lots of crap in the paint and defects all over it.

Cheers Mick.