View Full Version : Fuel gauge

14th July 2012, 03:36 PM
Just bought our 1st 4x4 1998 GU ST petrol/gas patrol and not sure how to read the fuel gauge as there is only one but it has the sub gauge at the top and don't know which one tells me how much gas and how much petrol we have, could someone please help?

14th July 2012, 03:40 PM
Do you still have sub tank fitted????

Introduce your self mate and tell us about yourself first

14th July 2012, 03:43 PM
I don't have gas or a sub tank but wouldn't there be an after market gauge (usually electronic led) somewhere on the dash?....... some one who runs a gas/petrol system will be able to tell ya mate .........

Oh and always a good idea to drop over to the intros section and say hello before asking for advise

14th July 2012, 03:48 PM
Agree with clunk but if no sub tank that would be your gas guage, look where you switch it over and look for the LED lights, not the best system going as ball park only. And yes best to introduce yourself first

14th July 2012, 03:51 PM
Yes we do & sorry about no intro not sure what I was meant to do before asking questions, so we live in SA with our 3kids and that was the main reason for buying a bigger car,

14th July 2012, 03:58 PM
Yes we do & sorry about no intro not sure what I was meant to do before asking questions

All good mate, no harm done, just something the we ask for on here. Let's us know who and where you are...........

So if you've got the led, that'll be you're gauge for the gass (usually) but i guess it would depend on which petrol tank was kept, main or sub as to what gauge was used

14th July 2012, 04:00 PM
The switch says we are on petrol but it is the sub gauge that has moved since we got the car yesterday. There is no other gauges as I thought there might have been for gas.

14th July 2012, 04:05 PM
In that case Id assume the petrol was the sub gauge and the main was for gas...... flick it over to gas and see if the othe gauge moves......... but like I said I don't have a gas system, so don't take my word for it.......... I know nufink really!!!! Lol

14th July 2012, 04:28 PM
See which tank was removed and you'll have your answer I would suspect. and welcome, great bunch here, enjoy

my third 256
16th July 2012, 09:24 AM
usually main tank removed and the gas tank put at back sub tank at sibe of patrol

17th July 2012, 10:22 AM
I do have a petrol/lpg GU1 and this is how mine works.

The switch says we are on petrol but it is the sub gauge that has moved since we got the car yesterday.

This is what I'd expect (original configuration). It's the main tank that has been replaced for lpg. The sub tank remains petrol. Wrong, wrong, wrong! I'm so use to mine :1087: Of course the sub tank guage is the top one.

When the install is done the main fuel pump is fitted to the aux tank. "A 'Main' pump has pickup and return. A 'Sub' pump has the pickup, but no return." (thanks "Croozer").

My system doesn't have LED level indicators. The main tank (lpg cyclinder at rear) reads on the top fuel guage (aux). The reserve petrol tank (RH centre underneath) reads on the bottom fuel gauge (main). I switch between fuels using the factory subtank switch (driver side of the radio). When cold automatic start on petrol and electronic swith over to gas after ~15 seconds.

hope this helps

17th July 2012, 01:57 PM
hi newbee, belcome to the forum, best thing to do would be to find a lpg fitter/installer and ask them to trace the gas lines and locate the guage and explain how it all works
cheers bill

Sir Roofy
17th July 2012, 03:22 PM
my old 98 gu patrol petrol gas had the main tank removed and replaced with a 100lt gas tank and andwired into the main gauge
leaving the sub tank as it was 30lts .just push the sub tank button that will tell you witch is on think if the light was on i was on gas
trail and error will soon sort it out

17th July 2012, 06:13 PM
G'day & welcome aboard mate, Good to see another Southerner on board.
Great lot here with tons of ideas, advice, adventures and experiences,
Hang around, ask away and Join in where ever you feel comfortable

Enjoy, Cheers Pete

18th July 2012, 09:51 AM
Hi mate welcome to the forums