View Full Version : Good karma!

11th July 2012, 07:10 PM
It pays to do good things for people!

I came across an old bloke this morning who was broken down on the side of the highway. I stopped to see what the go was and he said his car just died. Looked under the bonnet and the positive battery terminal had come off while he was driving. I put it back on and jump started him and he was so happy, said something about it being good that there are still young people out there willing to help a total stranger. He was going to visit his deceased father for his 100th birthday.

Then this afternoon after I left work as I was pulling into the Shell station a copper came in behind me. He noticed my bald tyres. I told him that I had just been in to see my tyre guy and got him to order me some new tyres, I showed him the tyre fitter's card where he wrote the price and everything on it, he let me go and just told me that I should replace worn tyres earlier than I have, and that if he sees me next week he will check to see that I have got those new tyres.

I filled up a full tank of LPG, $70 worth. Went in to pay and the EFTPOS machine had a fit. They could not get them to connect to the bank so the transaction could not be completed. The manager was there and he said they had no choice but to let me have the gas for free. After they cleared that transaction off their computer, the EFTPOS machine started working again, but they had cleared the system and there was no way they could charge me.

Bloody top day for me and it all started by helping a strange in need! Do good things for people and good things will happen to you.

11th July 2012, 07:24 PM
Goog news story:) Good to hear Kristoffa.

I wonder how many old fellas i have to help to get my gearbox sorted! lol

11th July 2012, 07:44 PM
So what your saying is if the eftpos machine carks it then we get free fuel...hmmmmm...LMAO

11th July 2012, 07:50 PM
So what your saying is if the eftpos machine carks it then we get free fuel...hmmmmm...LMAO

just need to figure out where to put the magnet! haha

11th July 2012, 07:51 PM
Pay it forward

11th July 2012, 07:54 PM
I threw a sicky and went fishing, only caught one flatty though haha. then the mount didn't fit, i think thats bad karma!

11th July 2012, 08:15 PM
So what your saying is if the eftpos machine carks it then we get free fuel...hmmmmm...LMAO

Apparently! I thought they'd get my details or something and then get me to come back another time, maybe do a bank deposit or something but nope! Left there with the biggest grin on my face. A free tank of gas means more cash for mods!

11th July 2012, 08:16 PM
Goog news story:) Good to hear Kristoffa.

I wonder how many old fellas i have to help to get my gearbox sorted! lol

pfft way too many, don't know if I could count the amount on two hands... lmao sorry mate I know you're having some rotten luck with that darn gearbox. Maybe you should get a man's gearbox (a manual) ROFL

11th July 2012, 08:16 PM
I threw a sicky and went fishing, only caught one flatty though haha. then the mount didn't fit, i think thats bad karma!

Probably! Ahh but probably worth it for a day off fishing.

11th July 2012, 09:22 PM
i was getting a tank in my work truck one day and had put 3/4 in and the pump stoped the power was out for about 30 seconds then started again and i continued to pump the rest, when i went in to pay i asked what happened ... apparently some kids playing at the side of the servo hit the emergency fuel cut off valve/ switch and did the bolt and it shut everything down ....erasing how much i had pumped in so he couldn’t prove how much i put in haha so i only had to pay for the fuel i put in after the power came back on. it was a cracker of a day.
not sure where that karma came from but i welcomed it haha

Finly Owner
11th July 2012, 09:43 PM
I like doing good deeds makes me feel good. Even better when it'sappreciated. Good on ya' Kristoffa.


11th July 2012, 10:21 PM
That's exactly right Tim, there aren't many better feelings and the look on this man's face when his car started was absolutely priceless, never seen joy like it before.

Tappa tappa