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View Full Version : black clutch fluid

11th July 2012, 06:00 PM
Hi there everyone.
my 08 crd gu is in at the mechanics atm getting service and a heap of other things fixed when i got a phone call from the mechanic telling me that my clutch fluid is really black. sounds a bit strange and i have noticed this colouring myself on my checks..
is this cause for alarm??
mechanic is going to bleed the system and replace the fluid but i wonder what could cause this??
any ideas??


11th July 2012, 06:19 PM
From what i read it coincides with water absorption and high performance brake fluids are more likely to go black quicker.

14th July 2012, 12:30 AM
Rubber seals braking down?

14th July 2012, 06:25 PM
yep sounds that way...

8th October 2012, 11:15 PM
Brake fluid is hydroscopic? Hygroscopic? One of those words. It absorbs water and this makes oil discolor.
Brake rubber components also brake down over time, or if contaminated with other fluids. If the black returns fairly quick, I'd be looking for a re-build kit for m/cyl etc.
Sometimes the fluid change is good enough.

13th October 2012, 03:49 PM
X4 Brake rubber components brake down over time and discolour the fluid black .

Good flush in order, with new fluid.
Manuals state something like replace fluid every 2 yrs from memory.
Proberly never been done before going by the colour.
So your well and truly over-due.