View Full Version : Grrrr

9th July 2012, 08:57 AM
Just venting my frustration. There are a few people on here who know my better half Sharee. At some stage last night (few choice words thrown in here) someone has stolen the space case off the back of her ute with her tools and recovery gear etc in it. At the same time these little shites also stole my brothers number plates. Certainly know what i would like to do to these bastards.


9th July 2012, 09:02 AM
fit the number plates with 12 gauge 75mm screws?

9th July 2012, 09:03 AM
Absolute dogs! Thieves are among the worst people in my opinion. I hope you manage to get your stuff back mate.

9th July 2012, 10:00 AM
That sux mate, sorry for the loss...

Utes are an easy target. secure them good with torx bolts, etc...

9th July 2012, 10:12 AM

Tap, Tap.......Who's there?

9th July 2012, 10:39 AM
Thanks guys I have put the word out with mates as we all live in the area and know a lot of the people who drive 4wds so hopefully we can get some info and pin these little F$%^s

9th July 2012, 07:18 PM
That really sucks mate. Are you able to post up the plates, just incase someone sees them trying to fill up at the servo and do a runner or something? Also what brand recovery gear? will keep an eye out for any second hand stuff going cheap!

Hope you catch the thieving mongrels!

9th July 2012, 07:21 PM
sorry 2 hear mate, thieving b!stards, low life scum

9th July 2012, 08:29 PM
Way to much of this going on lately,A mate of mine was woken by a noise one morning got out of bed to see the interior light of his miss'es car fading out,run outside and seen them gave chase but could'nt catch them, which was lucky for them.
Hope you get your stuff back mate, pricks that steal should also be charged steal our oxygen.

9th July 2012, 08:38 PM
Mongrels. This happened to us quite a few years ago. Roughly about 6k worth of tools and recovery gear. Then had to buy new tools to fit a clutch after destroying it during the day before they took off with the gear.

9th July 2012, 08:49 PM
i agree with punderhead post up the plates. i will gladly leave a maxxis trepadore inprint up the bonnet of their car all the way to the roof

9th July 2012, 09:10 PM
It would anger me enough if it was taken from my car but Sharee takes great pride in her rig and loves it to death she was in tears on the phone to me this morning after me telling her what had happend. This makes me even more determined to find the little bastards and make them feel the way they have made my sharee feel. The guys on here who have met her know how much she gets involved with her 4wd. Plates are coming

9th July 2012, 09:24 PM
The plates are 166 RYK keep ya eyes peeled

9th July 2012, 09:37 PM
mate that sucks! i hate this kind of scum ben-e-boy make sure they are laying on the bonnet also !

Finly Owner
9th July 2012, 10:31 PM
That really sucks mate. Are you able to post up the plates, just incase someone sees them trying to fill up at the servo and do a runner or something? Also what brand recovery gear? will keep an eye out for any second hand stuff going cheap!

Hope you catch the thieving mongrels!
Great Idea we can all be on watchout then!


Finly Owner
9th July 2012, 10:45 PM
waste of oxygen
scum sucking
low life

they'd be the first to whinge if it happenned to them!

if you find them, don't tell the cops, don't bash 'em, just break every f'n finger in their hands and then tatoo theif into their forehead with good ol' sewing needle and indian ink.

let's see 'em go to cops and explain why they were treated like that?

i am so sick of people blaming their situation on the rest of us and using it as an excuse to break the law and take what they didn't earn!!!!!!


10th July 2012, 09:34 AM
fit the number plates with 12 gauge 75mm screws?

Yeah my answer would involve 12 gauge and it would screw you if you were hit with it.

Mate that is bad news, I hope you catch them.


10th July 2012, 11:38 AM
Dead set want to tie them naked to a chair and put them out on the main road with a sign saying "I've been stealing you stuff". Putting it nicely of course so my post doesn't get removed :)

10th July 2012, 11:44 AM
sorry to hear mate, people like that are just scum.

10th July 2012, 10:55 PM
I live local to you mate so will keep an eye out for sure. Bastards.

11th July 2012, 06:58 AM
the kind of people that do this sort of stuff, churn my stomache,
and make me think evil thoughts.

I hope Sharee feels better, NnEWBY bro .

stock patrol
11th July 2012, 01:42 PM
The plates are often used in robberies or the likes. So best they've been reported to the authorities to keep your butt clean matey! Sorry bout the tools but maybe someone was watching what goes into the box. SCUM! that is all the grubs are. Good luck getting things back.

11th July 2012, 03:22 PM
Yeah everything was reported staright away.

11th July 2012, 05:27 PM
I can't stand farking low life scumbags who think it is their god given right to steal someone elses gear , hopefully you guys get your gear back and these lowlives get what's coming too them

12th July 2012, 04:40 PM
Just an update guys have found out from the police link fb page that the stolen number plates were used in an armed robbery there is also a description of the blokes involved. The robbery was held at burpengary guys so anyone in that area just be cautious. There is a small chance we might get our stuff back cheers.

12th July 2012, 04:43 PM
It's bad news for somebody else but it's good news for you mate, if they can catch the burglars then there's a good chance they will find your stuff. Good thing you reported them as stolen though, all the best with it.

12th July 2012, 07:52 PM
That's just BS !! scarey too

12th July 2012, 08:09 PM
damn mate thats a mongrel act barstards hate thieves GRRRR, hopefully ur bro and sharee get there stuff back...fingers crossed

Finly Owner
12th July 2012, 09:19 PM
Good luck


12th July 2012, 10:10 PM
Really hoping you get your stuff back mate. Hopefully as the low lives have committed an armed robbery they wont get off lightly.

Good luck and hoping that you will get everything back, undamaged, and without t many more dramas.


14th July 2012, 07:42 PM
Mate, sorry to hear the drama you, your partner & your brother have experienced. Hope the girl who was robbed at the bakery gets over it too. Glad to hear some of the stolen goods might make their way back to your partner.


Around 9.20am a man and a woman entered the Buckley Road store before the man produced a firearm.

He demanded the female attendant open the till before stealing the cash register and a quantity of food items.

The pair was last seen getting into a nearby white Holden Commodore with false Queensland registration plates (166 RYK) and fleeing the scene.

The vehicle was last seen travelling along Buckley Road at Burpengary

No one was physically injured during the incident.

The man is described as Caucasian, aged between 30 and 35, approximately 175cms tall with a skinny build and gaunt face. He had a tanned complexion with short dark hair. He was wearing dark pants and a large dark coloured jacket.

The woman is described as being Caucasian, aged between 20 and 25, approximately 170cms tall with a solid build. She was wearing a black beanie, dark coloured jacket and pants.

Anyone with information which could assist police with their investigations should contact Crime Stoppers anonymously via 1800 333 000 or crimestoppers.com.au 24hrs a day.

Crime Stoppers is a charitable community volunteer organisation working in partnership with the Queensland Police Service.

21st July 2012, 09:09 PM
My no. plates are held on with three mil. hex heads with two nuts on each and locktite. they may get them loose but they will spin around for ever and not come undone.

19th August 2012, 06:42 PM
Have you had any luck finding the stolen items yet?


19th August 2012, 07:16 PM
No luck finding the items but it has been covered by insurance so its just a matter of getting the new gear now :)

11th December 2012, 09:03 PM
Just thought I would update. Insurance was recieved so all is well we have a new case which we pack full of new gear when headin out for a trip. So good outcome cheers for all the support through this thread guys.

11th December 2012, 10:56 PM
Just thought I would update. Insurance was recieved so all is well we have a new case which we pack full of new gear when headin out for a trip. So good outcome cheers for all the support through this thread guys.

Hay mate - glad it all got sorted in the end. What an ordeal!


12th December 2012, 05:42 AM
Good to hear mate!

13th December 2012, 07:43 PM
Just thought I would update. Insurance was recieved so all is well we have a new case which we pack full of new gear when headin out for a trip. So good outcome cheers for all the support through this thread guys.

Mate, i am so sorry to here what happened to you.

Regrettably,we have scrotes and scum-bags in our society! One of my old jobs, I was taught to double tap them. Unfortunately,legally we cannot do that anymore!

PS, However, where there is a will there is a way to deal with shite!
