View Full Version : Driving in High 4wd

8th July 2012, 06:08 PM
Hi guys, just wondering how fast can you drive in high 4wd mode. I have a 1-2004 GUIII
On the sun visor it said 50 klms an hour. Is this right.
Cheers Rick

8th July 2012, 06:14 PM
I would have thought as fast as it could go would be fine
I've definately been over 50km/h in my GQ td42

I am here: http://tapatalk.com/map.php?zv54ck
Tap, Tap.......Who's there?

8th July 2012, 06:16 PM
I though it was in low range you werent to exceed about 70 but in high range is free reign mine have seen 100km/hr in high range

8th July 2012, 06:24 PM
As long as your on a dirt road 100ks if fine.

8th July 2012, 06:39 PM
The 50km/h max speed is low ratio. High ratio should be fine as mentioned above on dirt...