View Full Version : For Those Who Judge Me

Finly Owner
5th July 2012, 11:05 PM
It was pointed out to me that some poeple may judge me for what I do, not why I do it. People who don't know me, would be excused for their ignorance as they stereo type me.

I have a natural ability of being able act as a nucleus of a network. I can help people find someone that can provide a specific service to them that they need. I usually sell peoples goods for them by acting as the middle man at no cost.

Another natural ability I have, is turn trash into treasure. I see something being thrown away, and if it is in good order, I will ask if I could grab it. This is either because I can see resale value in it, or, I know someone who may take off my hands.

Yes, sometime I sell it and make a few bucks, but hey, I am one half of a life time partnership, and I provide for my wife on my income alone. So I am always looking to make a few extra bucks.

With saying that, I some times pass the freebies down the line. As this has the effect of double award points coming back to me in life.

I help people when I can with my labour, in hope that I can call on their hand one day. I don't hold my hand out for money unless it's been discussed prior. I have as a Member of this forum helped a few members out with parts, and kept the price way down in the spirit of this great forum. I also helped a member out for free in labour fitting some parts that I sold that person.

No I am not expecting a Medal, or chest to pin it on, or a pat on the back. Just to be given enough respect as to not be labelled a scab, just because I TREASURE other peoples TRASH.

So if you are getting rid of something and think it may still have some use to somebody, PM me and let me know. I may be able to pass the info onto somebody who needs it.


the ferret
5th July 2012, 11:20 PM
No harm in finding a buck and making it a prisoner Tim, My Grandfather drove the "night cart" had a big family and a heart to match.
What you do is fine by me mate.
To Hell with what people may think, you are your own person.
You are also a very well respected member of this forum.
Cheers, Rod.

6th July 2012, 12:17 AM
What you do is your own business mate and people shouldn't judge you for it. You sound like my parents. They call themselves dung beetles haha. They recycle people's sh**. But hey it provided a roof over our heads growing up so who cares

6th July 2012, 12:34 AM
Tim in my honest opinion are a bloody great bloke.
To hell with all of them mate.

6th July 2012, 12:42 AM
The old saying mate people in glass houses, and it's gothin to do with anyone else, recycling is good practice and as for making a buck well good on you.

6th July 2012, 07:00 AM
You bloody scab....LMAO...Timbo, I used to regularly get up at sparrows on Saturdays and hit the garage sales in the farming areas.

Made some good cash collecting building materials or wagon wheels and old garden ornaments, etc, clean them up and sell them on Ebay.

If I lost my job I would probably go back to that and make some good coin along the way.

I know someone who runs an antique store and does the same thing and also drives around rural Victoria knocking on farmers doors to get the old rustic things on the property, restore them and on sell. They make very good money!!!!

Example: Picked up an entire house lot of Kliplock roofing only 15 minutes from my house for $230. Took 2 hours to get it and sold on Ebay for $1500. Not bad for 2 hours work!

6th July 2012, 07:08 AM
Far out Tim, tell them to go and jump. As they say one persons trash is another's treasure. ......I still love finding stuff for free or cheap and do something with it. Spent years getting up at 2am to go to trash and treasure markets looking for goodies. It's a hobby mate, enjoy it.

And thanks for all your help in Aussie Rules thread mate. No one else put their hand up!!!!

6th July 2012, 07:26 AM
Tim I have no idea by who or what or why you are not happy, but from my point of view you just keep on doing what you do.
You are a huge part of this forum and what you do has made you who you are so dont go changing, OK.
You got my support, Macca

6th July 2012, 07:40 AM
Nothing wrong with being a Seagull, I and my mates Live by your Princibles, always help each other, repaid with BBQ and a few cold ones.IF NOT FAVOUR RETURNED DOWN THE TRACK been doing it this way since the late 70S WHEN WE ALL HAD MOTORBIKES. don't change for anyone. Sometjmes it doesn,t happen over night but it does happen. Mateship still strong after 35 plus years. And don't get me started on Hard rubbish day it used to be called junk day. Remember mum telling me once "no you can't keep the 303 rifle". Shit I just thought this was normal

6th July 2012, 08:04 AM
Nothing wrong with being a Seagull, I and my mates Live by your Princibles, always help each other, repaid with BBQ and a few cold ones.IF NOT FAVOUR RETURNED DOWN THE TRACK been doing it this way since the late 70S WHEN WE ALL HAD MOTORBIKES. don't change for anyone. Sometjmes it doesn,t happen over night but it does happen. Mateship still strong after 35 plus years. And don't get me started on Hard rubbish day it used to be called junk day. Remember mum telling me once "no you can't keep the 303 rifle". Shit I just thought this was normal

I didn't think it was normal as I know there are too many selfish jerks out there. If somebody does a favour for you, do something in return for them no matter how small it is. Me and my mates are always helping each other out working on cars, getting firewood, etc... and I never hesitate to help as I know that they would do the same for me.

DX grunt
6th July 2012, 08:09 AM
Tim I have no idea by who or what or why you are not happy, but from my point of view you just keep on doing what you do.
You are a huge part of this forum and what you do has made you who you are so dont go changing, OK.
You got my support, Macca

Absolutely 100% agree!

As somebody once said or quoted........ 'Before you look at the speck of dust in my eye, look at the piece of 4 x 2 in your own!!!! I believe there is only one person who has the right to judge, and it isn't me or you.

Like Kris said: "And thanks for all your help in Aussie Rules thread mate. No one else put their hand up!!!!" What I started off as a 'light hearted' thread, has turned into something I never expected. Thanks to Tim for taking over the reigns.

Take care out there, bro.


6th July 2012, 09:07 AM
AS above X2 we don't expect anything in return, This country of ours was built over this, you should always help when you can it will come back. PAY IT FORWARD. too many jerks these days always wanting something in return, from what I've learn't so far this forum is about helping not putting in a quote to see if you get the job. Finly owner I don't know you from a bar of soap. but you're welcome at my place or camp anytime for a beer you want to.

6th July 2012, 10:06 AM
You have my support Tim. I am with you. I love recycling refurbishing things too.. They're all bunch of thrash need refurbishment to their brain..


6th July 2012, 11:25 AM
Gee Tim,
There must be some serious a holes out there brother for you to put something like this on an open forum ....
I say to hell with them all
Im always on the lookout for stuff, and most was or is useless to the previous owner,isnt it called recycling ???
I have a yard full of , as the missus calls it , junk , but its my junk , if its no good to me and is of use to you its then your junk ...
But anyone judges me,like you mentioned or hangs it on me for my junk , there told theres the gate,leave
Be happy in your skin and , as mentioned to hell with them all ....

6th July 2012, 12:12 PM
Nice one you scab!! lmao

Good on ya mate - I know first hand (as you know I know! lol) why you've gone down this route with the post and commend you for it.

One mans trash is another's treasure, and there is no harm in making an extra buck through taking unwanted items for others - especially when it helps pay the bills. You should have no pride loss here mate as it simply means you're doing what's needed to get by in the world.

6th July 2012, 12:39 PM
Tim I have no idea by who or what or why you are not happy, but from my point of view you just keep on doing what you do.
You are a huge part of this forum and what you do has made you who you are so dont go changing, OK.
You got my support, Macca


I agree whole heartedly with Macca and everyone else in this thread, Mate I don't know you personally, but I know what huge contributions you make to this forum. So the only thing I can say is STUFF EM AND THE HORSE THEY RODE IN ON, what ever it is that you do is your business and no one else's.

Take comfort in the fact for every F...Wit you strike, there are probably a hundred more decent people who are behind you all the way.

Take care


6th July 2012, 01:04 PM
What do they have to judge. Im sure a lot of people do what you do I know i do keep stuff and help out people I wouldnt worry about how they feel about it at the end of the day if it makes you happy and gives you the satisfaction that you enjoy keep doing it.

The word of Joe Dirt "you gotta keep on keeping on"

6th July 2012, 01:35 PM
My wife spins out with what I bring home from site hahahahahahaha I like the shiney stuff most ;-)

I am here: http://tapatalk.com/map.php?kskiyw
Tap, Tap.......Who's there?

6th July 2012, 03:30 PM
Their will always be a minority of people against anything you do that's life don't take it to heart.
From what i have seen you have offered to help a few people out with parts in a few threads i read over time good on you.

Finly Owner
6th July 2012, 10:01 PM
Thank you all for your support and kind words. It means heaps to me to think so many of you who have not met me, offer such kind words. I feel I must share with you all, I had to take two breaks while reading your replies. I got very emotional while reading them to Dia (my wife), I actually cried reading Big Rigs as he knows how important this is to me.

Believe me I am truly humbled, seeing how much I am liked on here. It actually blew me away to open up tonight to see 18 replies in 21hours, and all of them with kind words.
Again thnk you all, Old and New Forum Friends from near and far.


6th July 2012, 10:20 PM
Personally Tim I don't give a sh!t what you do for a crust or what you do 2 earn some extra money.

I have not had the pleasure of meeting you, but from chatting with you and seeing your post on this forum you and Dia would always be welcome @ my home if ever down this way.

Just be true 2 urself and happy ,and never worry about what other people think of you.

Friends will never judge you for what you are, they will accept you for just being you.

6th July 2012, 11:34 PM
Don't know you from a bar of soap mate but have read enough of your posts on here to gauge your an honest n sincere bloke, who is willing to help if and when you can....... as others have said, balls to those who think otherwise. You do what you need to do to get by and what makes you happy bud.

7th July 2012, 08:57 AM
hey tim u dont need to explain urself to anyone mate, had the pleasure of meetin ya at scotty's moving day we both crashed the night, if anyone thinks any less of you for hunting bargains they arent worth wastin ya words on mate ur a top bloke stand up fella and would help anyone out that needs it whether they asked or not, traits ya just dont c very often anymore...keep on rolling mate :)

7th July 2012, 09:13 AM
Sounds like the injectors are working on all cylinders again mate.
Good to see your post.

Finly Owner
7th July 2012, 08:49 PM
hey tim u dont need to explain urself to anyone mate, had the pleasure of meetin ya at scotty's moving day we both crashed the night, if anyone thinks any less of you for hunting bargains they arent worth wastin ya words on mate ur a top bloke stand up fella and would help anyone out that needs it whether they asked or not, traits ya just dont c very often anymore...keep on rolling mate :)
I could only do this post after the great brekky you cooked up. Hope the kids wenthome happy.

Sounds like the injectors are working on all cylinders again mate.
Good to see your post.
MaccaYeah after all the posts from you guys I am well on the way to seeing who Iam.


the ferret
7th July 2012, 09:00 PM
TIM, CUT THE CRAP MATE, you already know who you are, you're happy in that which you do, from all reports (been following this thread) you are held in very high esteem.
Do not change your way of thinking to suit others, only to suit yourself.
If some people wish to look down their noses, stiff for them, just be YOU and you'll be fine mate.
Cheers, Rod.

Finly Owner
7th July 2012, 09:43 PM
TIM, CUT THE CRAP MATE, you already know who you are, you're happy in that which you do, from all reports (been following this thread) you are held in very high esteem.
Do not change your way of thinking to suit others, only to suit yourself.
If some people wish to look down their noses, stiff for them, just be YOU and you'll be fine mate.
Cheers, Rod.Rod You are right, I do knowwhat I am, but I was trying to convey that I did not realize how highly I ws thought of here. And that is the part I am beginning to accept.

You are also correct in saying I'll be fine. I relly do have MATES on here. Whom I would like to meet all of you one day. Beleive me Rod, Ido like what I do as a hobby a would like to turn into a full time income, but the overheads will kill me I believe. So happy to kep doin what I do and see the smile on other peoples faces when they get somethng from me.

So NO more crap from me. Geez your Harsh Rod PML!!!!!!!!!


the ferret
7th July 2012, 09:57 PM
Harsh my arze, someone needs to pull you into line Tim, you are just fine the way you are, and if you can make a go of it and also make a few bucks, good on ya.
Just keep doing what you do, everyone is fine with that from what Iv'e been reading.
You only help people because you want to and it's in your nature, and that's a good.
You'll go to heaven when ya die, and that's a good too, a lot cooler LOL
Now just get on with being a seagull and helping your fellow man, woman.
Cheers, the ferret.

Sir Roofy
8th July 2012, 11:18 AM
Hi Tim, Roofys boss here. After reading all of this thread I need to tell you about Roofy. When I first met him and coming to his house Irealised that almost all of the place was furnished in second hand stuff. You see for a few years he worked at the local tip and being a single father he didn't have much money to spare so everything here came from work. It was how he managed to support himself. Since then we have managed to update alot. You sound like a person who would willingly help out whenever you can and that gives a great deal of satifaction. Keep doing what you obviously enjoy doing and don't worry what others think. It is a real art and talent turning old into something people want. Thanx Jane.

8th July 2012, 02:07 PM
Hi Tim,

If you turn any of the few MQ treasures I gave you into cash - that's of no concern to me.

I gave them to you because I saw you helping out others on here either for no, or for little cost to them.


8th July 2012, 07:07 PM
Nothing wrong with making use of what somebody else doesn't need anymore.
My parents (who are rapidly and easily spending what little inheritane there was, and good luck too them) have always taught my brothers and sisters to pass it on, if she is buying something new for the house then she will ring around and find out which one of wants the old item or if we know someone who could use it and to make sure we have someone lined up to take our old one and on it goes. The Old Man drops his old tools off to the local Men's shed when he replaces them.
Are far as making a few bucks good on you.

9th July 2012, 10:45 AM
Ido like what I do as a hobby a would like to turn into a full time income, but the overheads will kill me I believe. So happy to kep doin what I do and see the smile on other peoples faces when they get somethng from me.

There are many people who have been lucky to turn a hobby or a money spinner for necessity into a fulltime living
The advancement of internet selling far out strips the advancement of bricks and morter renting, online selling Tim, thats where its at
Renting sheds, renting buildings are a dying art,some rents are mind boggling.....

If us petrol heads didnt sell cheap,trade,buy and sell various things theres very few who could afford to build or finish what we start

People who annoy me, are those who have stuff lying around and say ,"take it", and when you act on it , its funnily worth money all of a sudden
Or those who are so blunt to think they are doin you a favour by givin you 2 fifths of nothin for something, then parade how much they sell it for

As the song goes ,"Dont worry,be happy "

14th July 2012, 07:10 AM
Tim, chin up, chest out, stomach in, look straight ahead & swing those arms through front to rear, breast pocket high. It is human to err and have doubts, but don't let them take captive your spirit. Listen to the beat of the drum inside you, and follow your passion. You have a gift, use it brother.


14th July 2012, 08:56 AM
Harsh my arze, someone needs to pull you into line Tim, you are just fine the way you are, and if you can make a go of it and also make a few bucks, good on ya.
Just keep doing what you do, everyone is fine with that from what Iv'e been reading.
You only help people because you want to and it's in your nature, and that's a good.
You'll go to heaven when ya die, and that's a good too, a lot cooler LOL
Now just get on with being a seagull and helping your fellow man, woman.
Cheers, the ferret.

I read ALOT of these threads (granted most make no sense with thingy dooby attached to the whatsamacallit broken ) and there is so much here that each and everyone has given - including YOU!!

Seriously whoever made you feel bad needs a good bitch slapping cept they aren't worth the effort or worth your time.

Stay True to You