View Full Version : GQ 2.8 to 4.2

GQ snail
4th July 2012, 04:19 PM
Hay Gang.

As some people have read I blew the head in my T/D 2.8 after throwing the timing belt, now the challenge is on to get the snail back on the road. 2.8 is proving hard to locate and even harder at a good price. I can find a 4.2 with drive line for less money than 2.8, so thinking convert in order, plus I like the sound of more get up'n'go.

So how hard is the change going to be? And what should I excpect? Is this a in and out exercise, and will any special re-wireing be required.

Cheers for the feedback.:hpfredgeorge1:

4th July 2012, 04:26 PM
Here have a read i did one myself.

Don't expect any get up and go without fitting a turbo to the td42 you'll be dissapointed.

GQ snail
4th July 2012, 04:47 PM
Here have a read i did one myself.

Don't expect any get up and go without fitting a turbo to the td42 you'll be dissapointed.

Cheers 97_gq_lwb, def a really helpfull thread. Yeah after doing conversion would be save again for turbo upgrade. Do you have turbo on it now? Sounds like all in all was not super difficult, just change of engine mounts, and change of few brackets. Will see how it all goes.

4th July 2012, 04:49 PM
Definitely gutless, but i love my 4.2 all the same!

GQ snail
4th July 2012, 05:42 PM
hmmm..... all this talk of being gutless maybe best I just keep the hunt up for a 2.8 and not change anything but motor. To many decisions.

4th July 2012, 05:48 PM
Don't get me wrong, the 4.2 is torquey as all hell, but i wouldn't try to beat anybody off the lights without a tailwind and a tow.

4th July 2012, 06:08 PM
Love my 4.2 lacks in power for soft sand but all other 4x4ing it's fine and a quote of $6000 for a turbo and exhaust! Ill just get used to going slow for now.

4th July 2012, 06:15 PM
Yeah $6000 is a bit steep lol i did mine for well under $1000 but should be possible for anyone to do for under $1000 really if you do it yourself.
Heres a thread on mine.their are other threads about on using the secondhand gu turbo setups as well.

4th July 2012, 06:21 PM
Yeah $6000 is a bit steep lol i did mine for well under $1000 but should be possible for anyone to do for under $1000 really if you do it yourself.
Heres a thread on mine.their are other threads about on using the secondhand gu turbo setups as well.

Something i'm definitely going to have to do once i have the right equipment. I don't mind not having power, but i hear such good things about the turbos in 4.2s haha.

4th July 2012, 06:34 PM
Yeah money well spent everyone comments on how well mine goes for a diesel.

5th July 2012, 07:24 PM
nice setup mate! any teething problems so far? And if it can be done for around the grand mark i'll have to start looking at it!

5th July 2012, 08:25 PM
So far all good at first i was thinking i'll just buy the cheap turbo and upgrade later because of all the performance turbo dribble i read about but their hasn't been any need to upgrade it.