View Full Version : Uneven braking on trailer brakes

4th July 2012, 04:13 PM
Hi Everyone, just wondering if someone can give me any ideas on this? I have had electric brakes fitted to my Offroad camper trailer and using the Redarc Brake controller, I currently get only the left wheel on the camper lock up when applying full braking using the override button.
I have adjusted the brakes so they are set properly and also have equal voltage going to each magnet but still don't get even braking through each wheel. Any ideas??????

4th July 2012, 04:19 PM
Took a while for the electric brakes to bed in on a new trailer we built.

Have you recently replace some parts? Or has it sat for a while and things are a bit frozen inside the brakes.

It could also be a coil, having voltage there doesn't mean it works. A DC clamp meter will show if current flows, or does it draw a spark when the local cable joint is seperated?

Good Luck Macca

4th July 2012, 04:27 PM
I'd be adjusting them, but agree could be stiff from sitting around. I know I am

4th July 2012, 04:30 PM
G'day Macca, thanks for replying.
They're brand new just fitted. Originally the right hand one didn't work at all and the guy that fitted them thought it may be a magnet fault. After he changed the magnet the same thing happened, with it turning out to be a crook power connector. But I still have uneven braking
By coil do you mean in the magnet? (sorry only new to pulling these apart) :-)

4th July 2012, 04:44 PM
By coil do you mean in the magnet? (sorry only new to pulling these apart) :-)

Yes mate.

Have you gone for a drive round the block with brake power set low and manually had the brakes on?
The drum should get fairly hot, if not equal heat then more searching might be needed.


4th July 2012, 04:49 PM
Yep, done the drive a few times and slowly applied them to warm them first then gradually increased the level until wheels ( wheel) locks. One side gets hot (side that locks) the other only gets warm.
Then applied full power to braking but still only get one lock??? Big bloody mistery to me.

4th July 2012, 05:13 PM
I'll throw a couple more ideas at you.
They are definately left and right? there is a difference, when I bought mine there were stickers on each side.
Are they assembled correctly? Has some part been installed wrong?
Can you get your hands on a DC clip-on amp meter. They should both read the same amps. 4amps at maximum braking I think but not sure.

4th July 2012, 06:41 PM
Ok, I have been under and checked them. There is a "R" on the right hand one and a "L" on the Left hand one so I presume that they are right. The handbrake cable leavers on each do poke towards the front of the trailer. All parts inside appear to be installed properly.
I will try and source a DC clip on amp meter and check that too. Does that just clip on to the magnet? (pardon my ignorance);-)

4th July 2012, 06:57 PM
I will try and source a DC clip on amp meter and check that too. Does that just clip on to the magnet? (pardon my ignorance);-)

Like this http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/AC-DC-True-RMS-Clamp-on-Ammeter-Multimeter-Capacitor-Tester-Type-K-Thermocouple-/390435405551?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5ae7c37eefit clamp it over a wire and it shows amps being used/ flowing

also check the pads don’t need adjusting closer to the drum maybe its set to far back ?

5th July 2012, 02:17 PM
I think I have solved the problem! I was advised to swap the drums over (left on right and right on left) then adjust them and see what happens.
Wa La! I now have even braking and both wheels locking with full braking applied to the override.
Thanks guys for your feedback and suggestions, I really appreciate it ;-)

5th July 2012, 03:17 PM
Good result mate