View Full Version : Equalization strap

29th June 2012, 10:27 PM
I recently acquired a recovery kit consisting of a snatch strap, tow hitch, couple of shackles and an equalization strap.
What is an equalization strap and when to use?

29th June 2012, 11:19 PM
If its what i think it is you can hook it onto both front recovery points then hook recovery gear to it so it effectively pulls straighter instead of tryin to drag the car to one side.

29th June 2012, 11:38 PM
look at this thread should answer what to do with it safely.

29th June 2012, 11:40 PM
What thread? Or am I missing something lol

29th June 2012, 11:44 PM
oh yeaaaa that paste didnt work haha "take 2"

30th June 2012, 07:47 AM
Thanx Megatexture.
So I should always snatch myself or another vehicle using the ES if they have two points and not snatch strap on its own

1st July 2012, 04:45 PM
If its practical then yes it obviously halves the load put on each recovery point and helps for a straighter pull. But with all the gear you have on your patrol I would be making sure the blokes going out with you supply there own recovery gear :p

1st July 2012, 05:27 PM
So couple of hypotheticals, if I'm bogged obviously use my recovery gear but if I help someone to get out, I should ask to use their recovery gear first then use mine but suggest if anything was to break whilst recovering their vehicle I should ask for reimbursement

1st July 2012, 05:54 PM
So couple of hypotheticals, if I'm bogged obviously use my recovery gear but if I help someone to get out, I should ask to use their recovery gear first then use mine but suggest if anything was to break whilst recovering their vehicle I should ask for reimbursement

Its good manners for the bogged vehicle to use their recovery gear but sometimes its not practical for them to get out of the vehicle to access their gear. Also, some of the numbties we come across in the bush that are stuck have NOTHING with them. They expect YOU to use your gear to get them out. Sometimes you don't even get a thank you - let alone an offer to clean or replace your equipment.