View Full Version : Gday

10th October 2010, 08:53 PM
just joined the forums tonight. keen to learn about my 98 2.8 st patrol. have had it since march and it is bog standard. my dreams dont match my budget at the moment but i intend to hold on to it for a while. love the ride and am also keen to get off road. am based in Sydney but currently dont have a lot of spare time to indulge my increasing interest in 4wdriving

10th October 2010, 09:04 PM
Welcome Skippy, enjoy the forum mate

10th October 2010, 09:15 PM
hi Skippy, welcome to the forum, what suburb in Sydney are you from??? I have a google map that i like to add all the members too.... Been a Sydney sider, will you be attending the Australian 4x4 master series at the end of this month????

10th October 2010, 10:24 PM
phwoooooowittuoooo (closest I could get to spelling that sound at the start of Skippy!!) - welcome aboard mate. I've only been on the forum a short while, and already I can tell you everyone seems great, heaps of good information, and general chit chat about everything 4wd'ing. I'm sure a few of the lads in Sydney would 'escort' you out on a couple of adventures to get that 'ever increasing interest' in 4wd'ing right to the top of your things to do list!!! You'll find you'll be making spare time to get out and about as often as possible. All the best with it.

DX grunt
10th October 2010, 10:44 PM
Welcome aboard Skippy.

Don't worry about owning a stocky. It'll give you time to see what's available to suit your budget.
You'll need to prioritise your wants versus needs, then go for it.

Take care out there.

DX grunt

11th October 2010, 06:18 AM
G'Day Skippy, welcome to the forum mate

11th October 2010, 07:37 AM
Welcome to the forum Skippy, feel free to ask anything and join in the conversations.

11th October 2010, 10:41 AM
Welcome on board & I hope you enjoy the forum

Finly Owner
11th October 2010, 10:34 PM
Hi and welcome to Nissans Nut House Skippy
