View Full Version : Wet carpet: 2006 ST wagon. Front passenger's floorwell

26th June 2012, 12:41 PM
I think I saw a post on this topic months ago. Have searched "Wet Carpet" but no hits for what I am seeking... Help pls.

I have noticed that the front passenger's carpet gets wet. Can't nail it to air con usage or any particular rain event.

Had windscreen replaced 2 weeks ago. Then used the air con crossing the Nullabor. Got a heap of rain in Esperance.

And now the carpet is soaked. :jawdrop: :mad:

Had hoped that the new screen would fix any leaks from around the screen. It may have.

Maybe the leak is elsewhere?

Any suggestions pls?


26th June 2012, 12:49 PM
Did you have the leak before you got the windscreen replaced?

26th June 2012, 01:14 PM
Yes. The carpet had been wet prior to the new windscreen being install. But never as wet as this. Though, there was a lot of rain in Esperance whilst I was there...

26th June 2012, 01:24 PM
Try this thread mate


26th June 2012, 05:47 PM
If it smells like coolant your heater core is cactus. If not, time to get the hose out and soak the windscreen and watch out for where it leaks.

26th June 2012, 10:27 PM
If it smells like coolant your heater core is cactus. If not, time to get the hose out and soak the windscreen and watch out for where it leaks.

Hi mudski. Your suggestion is 'left field'. Thanks. Something that I had not considered.

I had noticed coolant level dropping - during the 5400k the vehicle has travelled during the past fortnight (Canberra to Perth - on the way to the Kimberley).

We have had some cold nights during that trip, especially up towards Lake Eyre (where we had a bonza sunset - see image). So, the heater would have been on - with coolant flowing through the cabin.

Will check for coolant leak tomorrow. Thanks again. :biggrin: :biggrin:

27th June 2012, 09:02 AM
Smell the wet carpet. If it does smell like coolant you will know straight away whether its the heater core.

30th June 2012, 04:52 PM
hi , check the valance under the wipers , they take this off to replace the windscreen , its held in place with plastic push plugs and fit into a small gromment that is sealed over time they perish and get holes which will cause it to leak into the passenger side of the car , it would be doing it more now as its been disturbed when the winscreen was replaced , hope this helps

30th June 2012, 06:17 PM
I had this problem, did the hose test and water was fair flowing in the grommet in the fire wall where I had bought cables into the cab.
Take the glove box out (6screws) for a better look.
Filled it chockers with silocon makung sure it got around all the cables, job fixed. Dry as a chip!!!

1st July 2012, 12:02 PM
I had noticed coolant level dropping - during the 5400k the vehicle has travelled during the past fortnight


Yeah my coolant level drops too. But mysteriously disappears into thin air. No wet carpet, no dripping coolant in the engine bay and no water in the oil. But I can smell coolant when I get out of the car after driving it, but I have searched and searched and not found any leaks.

14th January 2013, 09:13 PM
I have a wet carpet too. lifted the mat and it was soaked underneath
I haven't searched for the leak yet but I can almost guarantee it is the air con drip pipe which has fractured or a joint come apart.
It normally discharges through the bulkhead and drips outside.
I had an identical problem in a 2000 pathfinder.
It is not a leak from the screen, it hasn't rained in months. and it doesn't smell of coolant. just clean water. like you would get from an air con.
It's worse in the hot weather, when the air con is going flat out
Will let you know when I find it.

14th January 2013, 09:31 PM
Pull up the plastic kick rail, lift the carpet and look underneath - if your coolant is green and the moisture is green then you know what it is.

14th January 2013, 09:34 PM
Air con drain can also block and it will fill under the evaporator until it overflows and runs into your carpet, if its that you can find the pipe underneath and try blowing some air into it from a compressor. It should clear the blockage and mean no pulling apart.

15th January 2013, 03:08 PM
Try to check the evaporator drain pipe which protrude unto the engine bay, so locate it under the hood. if the drain pipe is not provided with a hose extension then you just found the culprit of the wet cartpet. Condensed water wont drain when you drive fast enough wherein air pushes the water back to the evaporator casing. Water then drains under the dashboard, now wetting your carpet. During long drive, as if you got a pail of water spilled on that carpet. Solution: look for a rubber hose about 6-8 inches long should be aware of its inside diameter and push it on the protruding drain pipe. Tie it to secure. There could be a coil nearby to tie unto. if none, cut a longer hose that could reach a tie point.

Hope this could solve your wet carpet, i call it a nightmare!!

15th January 2013, 07:43 PM
I had this problem, did the hose test and water was fair flowing in the grommet in the fire wall where I had bought cables into the cab.
Take the glove box out (6screws) for a better look.
Filled it chockers with silocon makung sure it got around all the cables, job fixed. Dry as a chip!!!

i done the same as macca except i cracked the black box that holds the aircon water to dispense it hard job pullin that out there is one clip thats hard i didnt put it back on and plastic welded it with the solder iron and gave it some sika flex and ill replace it when i get back from this disaster holiday im on on.kev