View Full Version : Snorkel air intake direction

25th June 2012, 10:25 PM
G'day forum

I'm wondering what people's take is on the direction the air intake snorkel is facing. Most intakes I see face forward but some face backward. I reckon additional air intake vs. dirt?


26th June 2012, 08:03 AM
Its a question ive been trying to nut out for a while too. I have just made a custom snorkel and left it facing backwards.

There seem to be pros and cons for both directions.

In regards to the "ram air" effect of a forward facing snorkel, i wonder how many k's/hr the air is getting sucked into the engine? You would only get a ram air effect when your travelling faster than that.

when dusty i see people turn their snorkels to face backwards.

Ive seen someone go through a river and the water splashed straight up the windscreen and into the forward facing snorkel.

Rear facing snorkels seem to catch more rain (especially when parked at the right angle)

Rear facing snorkels dont get caught on sticks and branches. Also roosted mud off the front wheels is less likely to go in.

I have been keeping an eye on my filter since putting the custom snorkel on, just to see if i pickup on any major differences.

lol no real answer to help you there but maybe more food for thought!

29th June 2012, 07:54 PM
Simple really. If you plan to hit some real dusty roads, turn it around. If not leave facing forwards.

29th June 2012, 09:26 PM
Air flow won't be rammed in as it stops at the air filter, engine only sucks whats available.

29th June 2012, 10:12 PM
that only realy leaves it open to the whole force fed/ vacume debate that if its being forced down the air that is needed is readily avalible with out needing to pull it down .... you know that one

29th June 2012, 11:10 PM
I have run mine either way and didnt notice any difference air cleaner still gets just as dirty as the engine is still sucking the same amount of air weather its forward or backwards. It may have an effect if your running a 500+hp fire breathing weapon but on most of our humble 4wds its not gonna change much.

29th June 2012, 11:22 PM
ye can’t say I’ve ever had any problems either if its dusty as hell its going to get in regardless though the genuine Nissan head isn’t very good for facing backwards it more points to the side.

29th June 2012, 11:27 PM
Yeah i think the only thing thats missing now mine is facing backwards is the moths and other bugs that ended up in the front corner of the air cleaner.

30th June 2012, 08:44 AM
Probably the main advantage is your getting cooler air, not air sucked from engine bay, you could always put one of those "SOCKS" in it to catch all the bugs,etc

30th June 2012, 09:23 PM
Thanks for all the replies.
I think I've cancelled the bigger bugs out by adding a mossie net under the grid which covers the intake.
I'll keep it forward facing because it doesn't seem to make a difference and looks better I reckon. If driving through lots of scrub I might turn it around to not get it knocked off.