View Full Version : bloody kids

22nd June 2012, 04:53 PM
young bloke went to the power lines yesterday and flooded the interior of the troll, says he was trying to pull his mate out of a bog hole and got stuck and filled the floor pans with water, i suspect he got bogged in one of the deep holes i told him to stay out of, so today he spent his morning off stripping the interior out of the troll and hanging it all out to dry and then with the hair dryer drying the interior the bloody useless sod. pisses me off that you tell them not to go in the holes as they are about 3 foot deep full of water and they go in anyway and then try to tell you that he was trying to help his mate out who by the way has a winch and as i said you never go into a bog hole to try to pull someone else out, you tow from outside the boghole not bloodywell in it!! rant over

22nd June 2012, 04:58 PM
See the problem here is you told him not 2 go in the bog hole, so he did............u were suppose 2 say have fun driving in that bog hole.............then he probable would never of bothered going in there.

Tell him 2 work hard and buy his own Patrol 2 drown, this one is now off limits!

22nd June 2012, 05:08 PM
dont worry i have told him to get his own.

22nd June 2012, 05:17 PM
Theres your first mistake.... Get your own bloody car son!!!!!!!

Dont lend your tools your wife or your bike/4wd as they come back f%$ked, even if it is family!!

My mate did that 3 months ago but did not pull out the interior and 6 weeks later on another trip he was on a mean angle and water started to appear from no where. Did not take advice about how to get rid of all the water.

22nd June 2012, 05:36 PM
Dont blame him at all hahahahhahahahahaha i woulda done exactly the same thing.........................and im 40 hahahahahahhahaha

22nd June 2012, 06:22 PM
Dont blame him at all hahahahhahahahahaha i woulda done exactly the same thing.........................and im 40 hahahahahahhahaha

remind me to put your name on the shitlist with his lol

22nd June 2012, 06:33 PM
remind me to put your name on the shitlist with his lol

HAHAHAHHAHAhHHAHAHHAHA im always in the sh1t its only the depth that varies hahahahhahahahaha

22nd June 2012, 06:52 PM
Hahahah, Soooo???? did his "mate" who he was tryin to "Rescue" also find himself knee deep in water inside the car? Or coincidently he was slightly higher out of the crap on the shallower side of the Bog hole??? Ghee That was Lucky!

22nd June 2012, 06:58 PM
If anyone does anything like this , the only important thing really is.....

Wheres the PIC'S :hpfredgeorge1:

22nd June 2012, 08:26 PM
He would not dare post pics because that would blow the "story" about pulling his mate out who by the way never got his car wet inside ," dad the car fell into a hole". Humph buuullshit I say.

Finly Owner
22nd June 2012, 09:03 PM
HAHAHAHHAHAhHHAHAHHAHA im always in the sh1t its only the depth that varies hahahahhahahahaha
So s you PATROL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


22nd June 2012, 09:20 PM
get it detailed and flip him the bill i say time to learn a lesson. well that what my dad woulda done to me and i turned out alright:icon_bonk:

22nd June 2012, 10:47 PM
Easily fixed by getting them to detail it

22nd June 2012, 10:56 PM
haha I have been tempted to take dad's troll offroad a few times but I am too scared of what will happen to me.

Having said that, he wasn't impressed when I got it stuck on the side of the road. I saw someone who looked like they were having trouble starting their van, pulled over to see if they wanted a jumpstart and there was a massive ditch covered by grass. (Which I fell into) Luckily there was no panel damage or I would be typing this from the hospital.


22nd June 2012, 11:07 PM
Personally I blame the parents........ hahahaha

And you were being so careful about water and bog holes last week mate

22nd June 2012, 11:10 PM
We were all young once....lol

I remember taking the old mans Hilux on many of stupid missions and spending countless hours fixing it all before he came home.

Those were the days!!!!

Now that I'm older and wiser...How dare he do that...lol....Young whipper snappers these days...Jeesh!!!!

22nd June 2012, 11:19 PM
We were all young once....lol

I remember taking the old mans Hilux on many of stupid missions and spending countless hours fixing it all before he came home.

Those were the days!!!!

Now that I'm older and wiser...How dare he do that...lol....Young whipper snappers these days...Jeesh!!!!
Im not saying anything that may incriminate me..... lol

dads tractor
26th June 2012, 11:38 PM
Allright fess up stropp what stupid things did you do to your old mans car we all did some thing ! I did a bit of rally driving in the old mans car and hit a tree and bent the rhs door so i took it home and parked it in the street and went inside to fess up when i here a bang meteal on metal so out i go and the women across the road has backed out straight into guess where the rhs door .Shes all upset and sorry for the damage and will have it fixed and Icouldnt believe my luck besides she was a lawyer and I was a appretice thats karma for you.

27th June 2012, 07:28 AM
Maybe these are the reasons my dad never let me drive his car. There are also laws that say I can't drive it.

Tappa tappa

27th June 2012, 10:54 AM
I drove into a bog hole and learning it's a very expensive exercise! never again well not untill next time anyway

27th June 2012, 10:54 AM
I think everyone has done it. I know im guilty of thrashing the folks cars when i was younger and now my own lol. Have also got my brother to fess up about thrashing my GQ when he has borrowed it.

27th June 2012, 03:56 PM
well the heater has been on in the troll since last saturday at 32 deg so she is dry now, gave it a good vacuum to get the excess sand and dirt accumulated over the years, the mats have been drying under the patio, lucky its a DX so now ready to go back together, the only thing will be the scratches down the side and the bent running board (bent back) that will take some time to get sorted. The young bloke is back on his motorbike going to work at 0200 cold and wet, that should sort him out.