View Full Version : Choosing a turbo

18th June 2012, 02:58 PM
I want to fit a turbo to my TD42.

I would like to compare these 3 almost identical turbos which have a different compressor wheel, 16G, 18G and 20G. They are all listed for a TD42. I am guessing that one will start to boost lower, one higher and the other in the middle? Can anyone shed some light on what it all means?




Thanks. :)

18th June 2012, 04:04 PM
Certainly will. The 16 will give you boost earlier in the rev range but will probably be limited to about 20psi before it starts losing efficiency then with say the 20g she will come on a little later but would prob be able to push 40psi before loosing efficiency this is my understanding on it anyway. I have a high flowed 16 on my GQ running 14psi unintercooled with standard pump and she is pushing around the 150 mark at the treads and has made full boost by about 2200

18th June 2012, 04:19 PM
Thanks nissannewby. I was thinking the same. I am planning on 12-14psi boost, so a 16G would be the way to go. I would much rather the boost come on sooner then later.

Has anyone used one of those turbos?