View Full Version : LPG Air Filter Setup. A Danger??????

11th June 2012, 02:45 PM
Hi All,
My Mechanic pointed out to me recently that my current setup ( Impco 300A ) with the bare filter beneath it could actually be a danger. Apparently if there is a backfire from the Gas there is a risk of it catching fire...??? Has anyone else heard of this or can confirm that this is possible? If I were a rich man I would simply rip the LPG out and install a nice long range tank for Petty back there, but the cost of ULP is'nt getting any cheaper...then again here in Kalgoorlie the LPG is at $1.08 p/litre, bit rough when Perth's average is 72-77 cents per litre......I would love to simply have the bare mixer on top of carb with a decent pre-cleaner set up of some sort....If there are any LPG Members that have done this would love to hear from you. Cheers all.............AJ

11th June 2012, 02:56 PM
here is a pic of mine, it has a cylinder type filter all done by the previous owner. Notice the filter is a fair way away from the carby.
(Dont worry, i have replaced the dodgy flexi pipe snorkel!)

11th June 2012, 03:58 PM
hey Mate Thanks for replying. That's a good setup ( less the dodgy Pipe :) You wouldn't happen to know what that Filter Canister is off would you?

11th June 2012, 11:30 PM
I have a ring mixer sitting above mt carby on the rb30, simalar to tacus setup.

I have not heard of anu one having a problem with the impco mixer setup

12th June 2012, 12:53 AM
Not many have said anything MK, but I guess if i'm to put a snorkel on Jonah eventually I'd best be looking at something like the Millweld setup so I can seal the system completely.

12th June 2012, 01:56 AM
hey knightpatrol im a newbie too but have seen heaps of setups like ours and ive never heard of one catchin fire but im sure there is a few stories out there of a mate of a mate who heard of someone who did ,also like me today playing with the fuel mix and had fuel leaking over the top of the carby then switched it to gas what was i thinking not too smart but i am on pain drugs that dont help the mind much.
that setup (carby) is the same as mine i was wondering the little black box that runs the gas on yours may be located somewhere near the gas converter if it was the brand ELCO 1SSE if it is could you do me a favour and tell me how the gas tank is wired to the gauge on the tank , i have three wires two to the solenoid on the tank and a third which becomes live with 12 volts when car is started on gas i assume its for the gas gauge no idae if its the left or right terminal and what the other wire was i suspect it was just an earth wire have had a lot of trouble getting info on this and yours is the same carby so thought i might ask cant hurt .
ps the fourth wire is missing thats why im guessing it was an earth.

thanks mudmav

12th June 2012, 07:58 AM
hey Mate Thanks for replying. That's a good setup ( less the dodgy Pipe :) You wouldn't happen to know what that Filter Canister is off would you?

yeah its off an, er, um.......Gutlux!! lol there i said it!

Also worth checking out Donaldson filters. They specialise in similar aftermarket setups. I havent had a good look at the site, but here it is:http://www.donaldsonfilters.com.au/

12th June 2012, 03:51 PM
No wuckers Mudmav give me a chance to have a bo-peep and i'll get piccys and details for you tonight

12th June 2012, 07:59 PM
thanks knightpatrol will mean heaps to me and save a heap of mucking around , have loked and looked but chucked it in after about five hours of computer searching some things are easy to find some well not so .have a tech guy from impco supposed to get in touch so i may be able to get my idle prob sorted and if you come through with the tank gauge wire setup i will be one happy little vegimite.

12th June 2012, 11:22 PM
The little box should be your LPG safety switch.

The safety switch will have a sense wire going to the coil.

A wire going to the gas relays (on the lpg tank & int the engine bay)

There should be a ground, volts - may be going to the gas / petrol switch.

The switch will only activate the gas relays if there is a pulse on the sense wire - ie the truck is starting or running. Once the trucks turned off the gas relays are turned off.

13th June 2012, 12:41 AM
Bear with me Mudmav will get those details for ya tomorrow night, sorry had a 9 year old daughter issue night tonight :) However MKTANK has hit it on the nose though. Will get some piccys for ya too

13th June 2012, 12:44 AM
These Millweld Jobbies look the go don't they? even get all the original intake tubing .....looks bulletproof and only $280 ( ha I can just hear my other half now.."ONLY $280!!"

13th June 2012, 01:15 AM
Go on, do it, you know you want to lol

13th June 2012, 11:02 AM
Ironically "clunk" is the last thing i'd hear before i woke up lol

19th June 2012, 01:11 AM
Hey Mudmav, sorry so long getting back to ya mate about LPG connections, Car is sitting down at the Gas Fitters for another 5 days while the tank is out, will get the details on switch when the Beastie Returns