View Full Version : Soooooo...Hows about this weather?

10th June 2012, 05:18 PM
For those East Coastians, would be happy to know that WA is currently copping a flogging with this storm that is believed to continue until Friday.

Yup a wild woolie day all round so far an d busy as hell.

All take care out there and be mindful that all Response Agencies are flat out ie Police, Western Power, Main Roads, FESA and SES and Shires (for those that can be bothered answering their phones) and long delays will be experienced.

This includes flooding, building / roofs being pulled apart, Traffic lights out inmultiple areas, trees and live powerlines down etc to name a few.

Again, take care out there and look after them trolls :driving2: so none of this :SNruQWn369624407: or this :blowup: occur

10th June 2012, 08:21 PM
Tis a bit rough out and about mate, with this rain maybe the powerlines will get a bit of character back!

10th June 2012, 08:24 PM
I wouldn't be surprised if it does, the amount of things getting knocked over is rediculous at the moment and hope that everyone plays it safe

10th June 2012, 08:36 PM
Yeah, bloody nasty stuff out west and the worst is still to come. Was reading this today http://www.news.com.au/national/widespread-damage-across-perth-and-the-south-west-as-winds-tops-120kmh/story-e6frfkxi-1226390409005

Keep out of the way of flying objects boys and girls.

Stay safe

the ferret
10th June 2012, 08:54 PM
A couple a houses have lost the roof and trees down, fences down etc, even blew the dog off the chain!!!
A bit calmer now.
Cheers, the ferret.

10th June 2012, 09:51 PM
Was at work all day, power fluctuations tripping everything out, restart and then trip out............had my head in one of the electrical cabinets resetting a contactor and did it again, frightened the hell out of me, nothing going after 3 hours of trying............all good now at home with the beer fridge.

the ferret
10th June 2012, 11:11 PM
No worries Doggy, I have wind Generator driving the Engel, so beer is cold lol.

10th June 2012, 11:33 PM
No worries Doggy, I have wind Generator driving the Engel, so beer is cold lol.

You just look after Molly mate, "blew the dog off the chain!!!" yeah right, I know where she would be Rod...haha

the ferret
10th June 2012, 11:39 PM
You just look after Molly mate, "blew the dog off the chain!!!" yeah right, I know where she would be Rod...haha

Spot on Doggy, yeah in the laundry on a blanket, lol. with the bacon bones from the pea soup, what a dogs life...

11th June 2012, 08:48 AM
Western power are saying that power won't be restored in some areas until at least wednesday and others unknown timeframe

the evil twin
11th June 2012, 03:00 PM
I'm a member of the local SES Unit of 'Tornado Alley' fame and this is easily the most widespread severe damage I have seen since moving here from Sydney in 2004. We get some pretty awesome localised damage in the suburbs in Tornado Alley when it gets belted but this is across about 30 K's of coast and then some.

The hassle with power is that even the major transmission lines are damaged in places.

There is always a bit of karma about tho. Last night a total knobhead ran a police roadblock on a local arterial and disappeared at hi speed around the corner. He knew the coppers couldn't abandon the road block, jump in there car and chase him I spose.

But they didn't have to. One of them walked down and arrested him while waiting for the Ambo's. Because about 50 metres around the corner was two of the biggest gum trees you can imagine lying across the road. Totalled his ricer and mashed himself up a tad. Kept us laughing all night just thinking abvout it... Moron.

11th June 2012, 03:13 PM
Just saw a bit of an update on the telly. You guys definately copped it over there!! I hope your all safe and not too much damage to house and property.

White Elephant
11th June 2012, 03:53 PM
And still copping it! I'm at that place you go to get paid for doing stuff, and it sounds like the roof is going to come off. The wind is howling. I'm originally from North Queensland and have endured a few cyclones. I was led to believe there weren't any cyclones this far south! I tell you what, there's not much difference in the weather we've had since early yesterday.

11th June 2012, 03:59 PM
Piccies! we want piccies!

11th June 2012, 04:18 PM
There is always a bit of karma about tho. Last night a total knobhead ran a police roadblock on a local arterial and disappeared at hi speed around the corner. He knew the coppers couldn't abandon the road block, jump in there car and chase him I spose.

But they didn't have to. One of them walked down and arrested him while waiting for the Ambo's. Because about 50 metres around the corner was two of the biggest gum trees you can imagine lying across the road. Totalled his ricer and mashed himself up a tad. Kept us laughing all night just thinking abvout it... Moron.

hahahaha thats so funny ET

Stay safe guys, especially u SES members, that risk it 2 help others

11th June 2012, 04:37 PM
I'm a member of the local SES Unit of 'Tornado Alley' fame and this is easily the most widespread severe damage I have seen since moving here from Sydney in 2004. We get some pretty awesome localised damage in the suburbs in Tornado Alley when it gets belted but this is across about 30 K's of coast and then some.

The hassle with power is that even the major transmission lines are damaged in places.

There is always a bit of karma about tho. Last night a total knobhead ran a police roadblock on a local arterial and disappeared at hi speed around the corner. He knew the coppers couldn't abandon the road block, jump in there car and chase him I spose.

But they didn't have to. One of them walked down and arrested him while waiting for the Ambo's. Because about 50 metres around the corner was two of the biggest gum trees you can imagine lying across the road. Totalled his ricer and mashed himself up a tad. Kept us laughing all night just thinking abvout it... Moron.


11th June 2012, 06:51 PM
Apparently some dopey woman rang 720 ABC radio last night to complain the SES hadn't turned out straight away to her place....WTF?

The old man is with the SES in the hills and he is busy as, let's see what tonight brings at work?

White Elephant
11th June 2012, 06:55 PM
Apparently some dopey woman rang 720 ABC radio last night to complain the SES hadn't turned out straight away to her place....WTF?

The old man is with the SES in the hills and he is busy as, let's see what tonight brings at work?

Yeah some people are just sooo self obsessed, they fail to realise that there are thousands of people in the same boat. Never underestimate the predictability of stupidy...Unreal.

I live in the hills and luckily we haven't sustained any damage thus far. A bit of a mess with all the cr@p that's blown in, but otherwise lucky, haven't lost power yet either touch wood.

DX grunt
11th June 2012, 07:26 PM
I'm a member of the local SES Unit of 'Tornado Alley' fame and this is easily the most widespread severe damage I have seen since moving here from Sydney in 2004. We get some pretty awesome localised damage in the suburbs in Tornado Alley when it gets belted but this is across about 30 K's of coast and then some.

The hassle with power is that even the major transmission lines are damaged in places.


You could have still been in bed if the government of the day, 50 odd years ago, declared that all coastal housing within a 10km boundary of the beach had to be cyclone rated.!!! End of rant.

You people do a fantastic job. Volunteering is a lifestyle and commitment. Thank you.

Take care out there.


12th June 2012, 01:48 AM
Get ready everyone, here we go again.
Forecast for Tuesday
Showers, increasing towards evening, with isolated thunderstorms and possible
hail. Strengthening W/NW winds, becoming strong and dangerous towards evening.

12th June 2012, 02:09 AM
and moving from sw towrds perth and peaking at around midnight with ratings slated to a cat 2 cyclone level

White Elephant
12th June 2012, 01:29 PM
Not looking forward to this one either! Stay safe everyone.

the ferret
12th June 2012, 03:35 PM
Get ready everyone, here we go again.
Forecast for Tuesday
Showers, increasing towards evening, with isolated thunderstorms and possible
hail. Strengthening W/NW winds, becoming strong and dangerous towards evening.

Looks like I'll have ta dig out the old DRAG chain fer Molly dog then Wayne!!

13th June 2012, 01:46 AM
Sounds like it was bad down your area Rod, hope all is OK.............you better have Molly inside mate or The Dogman will have to pay you a visit...haha
Well it has just hit here, just waiting for the roof to come off.............anyway, got power = cold beer.......bloody hell thought the front door was coming in just then.....

13th June 2012, 04:48 AM
so it looks like perth has been spared the majority of the storm, we have been pretty lucky so far, nothing major has happened

the ferret
13th June 2012, 10:10 AM
Sounds like it was bad down your area Rod, hope all is OK.............you better have Molly inside mate or The Dogman will have to pay you a visit...haha
Well it has just hit here, just waiting for the roof to come off.............anyway, got power = cold beer.......bloody hell thought the front door was coming in just then.....

All good Doggy, the worst is over, no damage here.
Hows ya front door hang'n??
Cheers, the ferret.