View Full Version : bleeding brakes help

8th June 2012, 11:09 AM
hi guys the other day i noticed that the driver side brakes are not connecting with the rotors real well both front and back so i pulled the calliper off the front then ran into some trouble with the piston jamming so i disconnected the brake line off the calliper and got the piston back down in the mean time all the brake fluid had leaked out of the calliper where i disconnected it, then i reconnected the brake line back to the calliper and topped the brake fluid bottle right up then procceded to bleed the lines left rear, right rear, front left, and front right but now the pressure builds up and the pedal slowly drops back to the floor?????? now im hoping that its just a case of i should have filled the calliper back up before reconnecting the brake line????as there would have been a huge air gap in the calliper but i thought bleeding would eliminate that but any help would be appreciated as she's off the road till i can sort this out. the thing is the pad is working better, pressure does build up but then drops away and pedal goes to floor do ya rekon its due to me not filling up calliper before reconnecting brake line or another fault my magic fingers have created lol

the ferret
8th June 2012, 11:31 AM
Hi Jazza, if you have all the air out and the pedal goes to the floor slowly, then I would say your master cylinder is failing.
Check to see that there is no leakage at the callipers, and were the pistons sliding freely within the calliper?
You may have disturbed the seals and they are letting air in.
All the bleeding in the world won't solve the problem if there is a fluid or air leak.
Have you bled the master cylinder?
Also, when bleeding, don't push the pedal to the floor each time, half way is plenty.
Cheers, the ferret.

8th June 2012, 11:43 AM
whats happening is my missus is pumping the pedal then holds it down each time i crack the bleeder nipple its still spitting out air done this about 15 times still blowing air it was all working fine before i pulled the calliper out

8th June 2012, 12:19 PM
ok problem solved now they're working fine just had to bleed a hell of alot prob 30 pumps to get pressure back now for another doozzy the handbrake light is staying on the dash? at least it has brakes the handbrake is still working correctly on the hill nuetral gear handbrake holds, release handbrake she rolls? ne one run into this b4?

8th June 2012, 01:15 PM
Handbrake light comes on if the brake fluid level is too low. Hopefully it's just that.

Tap, crackle, pop

8th June 2012, 01:39 PM
yeah mate pheewww yep was just the fluid level, i didnt know that the handbrake and brake fluid level work off same light till i read it on a post here cheers

the ferret
8th June 2012, 01:47 PM
Try just pumping the pedal half way instead of pumping it like a Banshie, crack the bleeder slightly, lock it before releasing the pedal.
You could try filling the master cylinder and opening the bleeder with a hose Att. and let it syphon.
Clamp off one wheel at a time by clamping the hose and see if you can isolate where the problem is.
Having said that, the pedal should not fade away if the master cylinder is good.
Cheers, the ferret.