View Full Version : Guy never found the stolen GU

6th June 2012, 09:52 PM
Remember this Ebay advert we talked about at the start of the year?


Looks like it was never found as he's still looking for it...Shame, couldn't imagine that happening to myself...Out for blood I'm sure!!!

6th June 2012, 10:04 PM
Would be long gone now

GUtsy ute
6th June 2012, 10:27 PM
A....oles who do this should be shot!!
Too easy to steal something someone else has put the money and hard yards into than build their own.
No sense of achievment or self respect, just thinking it's their right to take what they want when they want.

7th June 2012, 12:41 AM
Man that sucks! And from is driveway that's pretty low...

I guess there are 2 types of people though. Those who have insurance, and those that wished they'd had insurance.

I feel for him :(

7th June 2012, 07:59 PM
I know EXACTLY how this bloke feels. I had my GTiR stolen with no insurance. It owed me $28K. My misses' car was having head problems (also a gtir), so I told her to drive my rig to work that night. I had driven the company car around to my mates place and we headed out for the night. Suz rang me after work and said she's had a shit night and is coming down for a drink.

I meet her in the car park and told her where to park. Two hours later we come out and all that is left is a pile of glass (remanence of the passenger window). It turns out that they've had a crack my mates car along with five others. When they have looked in the window of my iR and seen the saas racing seats, roll cage, a pillar full of gauges, apex rsm on the dash and the cable from the computers hand controller hanging out of the glove box, it was a no brainer.

Ordinarily my car would never be left unattended in these circumstances. Just an unfortunate series of events. Cops did two parts of F*$# all. One copper even said "you look like the kind of bloke who would know people" "have you put the word out" wtf mate, get on the radio they're probably still driving it I said!

The car had been sitting in my garage for the last five months as I had plans to set it up as a rally car. It wasn't until it was stolen that I realised the insurance had lapsed. GRRRRRR