View Full Version : If you don't know what you're doin... listen to people who do!

4th June 2012, 11:45 AM
Was out bush yesterday and came across an old mate diffed out in his new Navara. He'd been trying to get himself out for a couple of hours but he was truly stuck. I had my road tyres on and couldn't get to where he was, but a bloke in a fully decked out 80 series came by (not a local) and said he'd give us a hand. He had all the fancy bits... lockers, winch, centipedes, everything. First thing he does is hook the snatch strap to the tow ball. Nope, not gonna let that happen. Took his towball out and hooked it through the pin.
Anyway he got him unbogged from there but there was a hill that my old mate had to get up to get out, but he couldn't get enough traction. Bloke in the 80s gets out and starts letting air out of my mate's tyres. Good idea! But he let FAR too much air out and when trying to get up the hill, my mate rolled two tyres off the rim. 80s bloke says "looks like you're staying here the night... catcha late!!" So now his new car is left on the hill until we knock off from work today to go and get him out. (in this great fun weather)

All this would have been avoided if that 80s series D***HEAD HAD LISTENED TO US AND GONE THE OTHER BLOODY WAY!! Could not believe this bloke, made us so mad.

4th June 2012, 11:58 AM
No good at all mate, should of stopped the bloke...

Any photos for us...lol

4th June 2012, 12:01 PM
He was just being an evil dictator. He got bogged while leaving and goes "you better get that Patrol down here." Yeah mate not gonna happen. So he got pulled out by a 1.2L Daihatsu F20, fair to say he hated life.

4th June 2012, 12:02 PM
It was too dark for any good photos

Tappa tappa

4th June 2012, 12:03 PM
I'll take some more when we head back down there this arvo

Tappa tappa

Sir Roofy
4th June 2012, 12:23 PM
He was just being an evil dictator. He got bogged while leaving and goes "you better get that Patrol down here." Yeah mate not gonna happen. So he got pulled out by a 1.5L Daihatsu, fair to say he hated life.

must have been KARMA mate you still get stuck even with all the bling if you dont know what your doing
the narvaras are too long in the wheel base for the bush unless lifted saw one the other week in the bush
was a mess under neath after going threw washouts and the odd rock

Sir Roofy
4th June 2012, 12:26 PM
I'll take some more when we head back down there this arvo

Tappa tappa

this,l be good with all the rain so far take your floaties with ya mate

4th June 2012, 12:49 PM
Hahaha we'll need those for sure!

It was at the bottom of conquers near Boolarra if you know where that is.

4th June 2012, 01:16 PM
How did the 80 series bloke come to be in a position where he dictated where the Navara went?

I'm missing something here

4th June 2012, 01:19 PM
Mate in the Navara is brand new to 4WDing, he was nervous and just did whatever the bloke said, assuming he knew what he was doing.

Sir Roofy
4th June 2012, 01:36 PM
Hahaha we'll need those for sure!

It was at the bottom of conquers near Boolarra if you know where that is.
cant say i do mate but you take care it was wet yesterday but today well you better putsome chains in just in case
drop into autobarn near ya and see what they got

4th June 2012, 01:37 PM
Not a good yarn to read.
Sounds like the 80 owner saw it in a mag so gatta have that and that ...... etc
All the gear and no idea.
Hope everything goes OK this arvo, be safe mate. I'm sure you will.
Good luck, Macca

4th June 2012, 01:52 PM

That's exactly it mate. Too much money, not enough sense.

4th June 2012, 03:01 PM
Just got a message from my mate... he borrowed some muddies and got himself out.

Sir Roofy
4th June 2012, 03:02 PM
Just got a message from my mate... he borrowed some muddies and got himself out.

that,l save ya a trip mate good on him for having a go

4th June 2012, 03:05 PM
Bloody oath... glad I don't have to go out there in this weather now.

4th June 2012, 03:20 PM
that,l save ya a trip mate good on him for having a go

A good result for all

4th June 2012, 07:20 PM
As soon as you said towball, this goose had no idea. was my first thought.
so so wrong, that its scary to think people still do that.
Kristoffa, you are a champion gentleman mate. you are a top bloke for doing what you did. you tried.

10th August 2012, 09:11 AM
Have I got a story for you guys! Came across this c0ckhead again yesterday! I was driving to Mirboo North to do a delivery and was following a Prado. Right at the first Thorpdale turn off he just veered off the road to the left and went through a fence and skidded into a paddock. The only damage to his car was superficial, also damaged his pride a little bit. He was well and truly bogged and I was in the work ute so couldn't pull him out. Cockhead Cruiser driver pulls up! Goes "don't worry mate I'll get ya out!" I went to the car to call my boss to say I was being held up. First mistake, shouldn't leave this guy unattended when a recovery is involved! When I came back he had 3 snatch straps linked together with shackles put over each towball. THE SHACKLES WERE NOT EVEN RATED, JUST CHEAP HARDWARE ONES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mate, I've told you before that is the worst thing you can do! "ohhh mate I've done it hundreds of times and nothing's ever happened stop sooking." I could not believe what I was hearing! Gave him the usual spiel, you've all heard it before no need to repeat it again, also showed him how to link a strap together properly with a rolled up magazine. I think he actually took in what I said because he suggested "well why don't I just use the winch on the front?" D'OH!! He hooked up the winch, and to my surprise, draped a winch bag over the cable!

Pulled him out without a drama and everybody continued on their merry way. I really hope this guy took in what I told him and applies it all in the future.

10th August 2012, 09:42 AM

Nothin more to say .........