View Full Version : GQ rear drawers

29th May 2012, 05:07 PM
I realize there are plans for drawers in the forum, however, I'm very inept when it comes to working with wood. It's ok, I can deal with this shortcoming.

Is anyone aware of someone around Newcastle NSW that makes drawers at a reasonable price? I can buy Ironman ones through work but I think they're around $1300 and they're not exactly what I want.

I'd like 2 drawers on top of each other, a fridge slide, and a box at the front to store recovery gear and tools. I'd also like a drop down table at the rear, which folds up to lock everything in place.

Short of going to a cabinet maker, does anyone else here have any ideas? I can measure up and supply sketches of what I'd like, and I'm happy to pay a fair price if I get what I want.

29th May 2012, 10:31 PM
Hi There , I've been meaning to post pics of my drawers and table - simple , light, cheap and survived quite a few trips including up to Camerons Corner . you can get a plywood supplier to cut the plywood board straight for you at minimal cost and use triple grips or similar from hardware shop - again cheap and very strong . More in next few days - no way do you have to spend $1300 . I'm down the road in sydney nthn beaches . so keep in touch - happy to pass on the info, cheers mate

29th May 2012, 10:57 PM
No time like the present i guess - here's a few pics : Looks a bit on the rustic side but it works really well - using ply / aluminium angle and triple grips / button head screws - all cheap from your hardware / timber supplier. Everything is locked in to third seat retainer fixings and the plastic draws are from the local $2 shop - they even have little wheels on the base ! And so far they have not fallen apart under off road vibrations . I knocked this up whilst recovering from a hospital stay - which is my excuse for being a bit rough - My theory is that (like eskimo sledges) the strength is in the flexibility , er, well whatever.
Table is aluminium checkerboard plate ( not so cheap ) fixed at top with canopy toggles - from your local boat/ caravan place etc.
Check measurements as i have custom load barrier and the plastic trays just fit lengthwise. Hope this helps - obviously more time /$/care will produce a neater job - but 100 ks up a dirt track who cares ? Cheers.

PS About to make a cheapskate awning - will post progress .
er now I'm confused - insert image icon is looking for a url but the pics are on my hard drive ..............

29th May 2012, 11:03 PM

OK let see if this works , otherwise try when I'm more awake !

30th May 2012, 10:33 AM
Thanks mate, thats something along the lines of what I'm looking for. There is a set on eBay now which is exactly what I want for $1250 with no bids, but he's in QLD and hasn't responded with a freight cost.

I like the idea of the drop down table, however I want to hinge mine to the back of the drawers, so that I can lock it and protect the gear inside and so that when both doors are open, the long door creates a bit of a wind break if I put a small gas burner on there. I have a (I think) 55L fridge I need to put on the left hand side, so i'd need a base with runners and straps for that, and 2 lockable drawers to the left of that. Your setup is more like the height I want, I'd like to keep it just below the rear windows. Behind the rear seat I was planning on putting another lockable storage area to keep my tools, jack, brace, snatchem strap, tie downs etc, stuff I don't want to keep on the roof and stuff that needs to be kept out of eyesight.

I guess I'll get the tape out and measure up and draw a diagram and go to a timber shop and get the wood cut and assemble it myself. I might look around at Vinnies etc for an old kitchen drawer set I can rob the runners and drawers from and incorporate it in my build, I'll just cover them in marine carpet.

How hard can it be...

30th May 2012, 06:02 PM
Good , give it a go ! when you do your plans and get the board cut, make sure you allow for the thickness of the ply and work out how it butts together . As they say , measure twice , cut once . Cheers