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View Full Version : tb45e oil leak

20th May 2012, 07:49 AM
Morning all hope all are well...
ok so its been a while but i have questions... our troll has an oil leak around the engine sump area but on closer inspection it appears to be coming not from the thin tin sump but the cast alloy sump which is in between the thin tin sump and the main engine block.
[1] can i remove this alloy casting without the engine imploding on my driveway?
[2] will this casting come out of the car without the removal of the front diff/steering/suspension?
[3] is the oil pump mounted to this casting and will it need to be removed to allow the removal of this alloy casting?
it does not use oil from oil change to oil change but it does look ordinary leaking on everything.
and it is due for another service so i was thinking while the oil has to come out and I'm under it and all or should i not bother cause its to big a job for the result gained???

any hu thanks in advance and go the Maroons!!!!